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(five children) (six children) (eleven children) (three children) (six children) (three children) (five children) (three children) (a child) (twelve children) (ten children) (eleven children) (a child) (two children) (a child) (six children) (seven children) (nine children) (a child) (twelve children) (four children) (two children) (a child) (six children) (three children) (a child) (five children) (two children) (a child) (three children) (two children) 1964 David Michael Biggs 52 52 ~1800 - <1871 William Dalyiel (Dalziel) 71 71 Sophia (Englefield Anonymous ? Anonymous ? Anonymous ? Anonymous ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Aubrey ? Betty ? Caroline ? Catherine ? Edith ? Gina ? Gordon ? Hazel ? Helen ? Helen ? Hilary ? Jenny ? Karen ? Margaret ? Michelle ? Susan ? Sylvia ? 1852 Henry J A 165 165 1820 Sarah A 197 197 Catherine Abbot D. 1937 William John Abbott Catherine Addy John Alcock Ellen Alley Christopher Andrews Deryn Andrews Gil Andrews Susan Andrews D. 1651 Ann Ann Ann ~1777 Ann 240 240 Ann 1794 ann 223 223 1863 Mary Ann 154 154 Anna 1865 Annie 152 152 Richard Anthony Elizabeth Appleton 1911 Dora Apps 106 106 == Biography ==

1911 Horne, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1910 Dulcie Apps 107 107 == Biography ==

1911 Horne, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1883 - 1955 Henry Apps 72 72 Audrey 1850 - 1923 Ann Austen 73 73 ~1710 Elizabeth Austin 307 307 1856 Ellen Austin 161 161 D. 1729 John Austin 1708 Robert Austin 309 309 1858 Sarah W Austin 159 159 John Ayling Katherine (Katy) Ayling Rachel Ayling 1787 - 1864 Ann Baker 76 76 William Baker 1867 Edith Bakhurst 150 150 ~1545 Catherine Banester 472 472 D. 1696 Elizabeth Barber Jn barber John Barber 1865 Eleanor Barker 152 152 1821 Joseph Barker 196 196 1862 Joseph Barker 155 155 1880 Alfred J Barnes 137 137 1827 George Barnes 190 190 George Barnes 1879 Harriet E Barnes 138 138 1735 - 1798 Ann Barratt 62 62 1614 Dorothy Barratt 402 402 ~1594 Edward Barratt 423 423 1727 Elizabeth Barratt 289 289 Elizabeth Barratt 1624 Elizabeth Barratt 392 392 1680 - 1680 Elizabetth Barratt ~1590 - 1657 George Barratt 67 67 1604 Henry Barratt 413 413 1712 Isaac Barratt 305 305 1661 - 1665 Joan Barratt 3 3 1666 - 1668 Joan Barratt 1 1 1733 - 1734 John Barratt 1 1 1738 John Barratt 278 278 1694 John Barratt 322 322 1664 - 1664 John Barratt 4m 4m 1589 - 1661 John Barratt 72 72 1563 - 1644 John Barratt 81 81 ~1600 - 1627 Jonas Barratt 27 27 1723 Mary Barratt 293 293 Mary Barratt 1690 Mary Barratt 326 326 1649 Mary Barratt 368 368 D. 1699 Mary Barratt ~1592 Richard Barratt 425 425 1691 - 1772 Robert Barratt 81 81 1744 - 1744 Robert Barratt 2m 2m 1747 Robert Barratt 269 269 ~1596 - 1677 Robert Barratt 81 81 1743 Robert Barratt 273 273 1616 - 1681 Stephen Barratt 65 65 1646 - ~1647 Stephen Barratt 1 1 1656 Stephen Barratt 360 360 1651 - 1653 Susan Barratt 1 1 1654 Susan Barratt 363 363 ~1598 Susan Barratt 419 419 1717 - 1717 Thomas Barratt 3m 3m 1720 Thomas Barratt 296 296 1660 - 1730 Thomas Barratt 69 69 1620 Thomas Barratt 396 396 1658 Unkown Barratt 358 358 1698 William Barratt 319 319 Susan Barrot Sarah Barton 1786 - 1867 Ann Bashford 81 81 1868 - 1894 Caroline Bashford 26 26 1875 - 1957 Lilian Bates 81 81 ~1940 Daphne Beadle 77 77 James Beattie ~1858 James Beattie 159 159 ~1851 Mary Beattie 166 166 1877 - 1954 Edith Beaumont 77 77 Martha Benwell 1835 - 1865 John James Benzie 30 30 Simpson Benzie 1757 - 1808 Theodosia Best 50 50 D. 1948 Emma Betteridge 1666 Ann Betts 350 350 1662 - 1665 Elizabeth Betts 2 2 1668 Elizabeth Betts 348 348 1672 Freelove Betts 344 344 1671 Mary Betts 345 345 ~1636 - 1680 Robert Betts 44 44 1664 - 1665 Robert Betts 9m 9m 1676 Sarah Betts 341 341 1679 - 1685 William Betts 6 6 1959 Caroline Anne Bevan 58 58 Male Bevan Charles Bicknell 1820 - ~1864 Hannah Bicknell 44 44 1872 Biggs 145 145 Abbie Biggs Abigail Biggs 1771 Abigail Biggs 245 245 1797 Abigail Biggs 219 219 ~1700 - 1760 Abraham Biggs 60 60 1799 - 1875 Abraham Biggs 76 76 1791 - 1797 Abraham Biggs 5 5 1829 Abraham Edwin Biggs 187 187 1868 Ada Helen Biggs 148 148 1865 Albert Walter Biggs 151 151 Place of Residence 'Clydeville' 29 Lyttleton Street Launceston Tasmania Australia
Spouses Name Ada Emma Stokes
Childrens Names Fred Harold, Bessie Winifred, Charles Clyde, Alfred Edwin, Leonard Walter, Reginald Allan, Lillie Evelyn May, Oscar Herbert, Winifred & Blanche

Albert Walter Biggs, known by his second name, was born at Bothwell on 25 Jul 1865 to Alfred Barrett Biggs (1825-1900), schoolmaster, and his wife Harriet Burville (1834-1894). In 1883 Walter moved to Launceston where he was an accountant for the Daily Telegraph. He inherited his father's musical talent, was a bass in the Exhibition Choir in 1891-92, and was an organist and choir master. He married Ada Emma Stokes in Launceston on 15 Dec 1886. They had six sons and four daughters; the first seven born in Launceston between 1888 and 1899, and the last three born in Scottsdale from 1904 to 1909.

In 1902 the family moved to Scottsdale where Walter became a general storekeeper. Mr Laurence C Leech joined him and Biggs and Leech became a household name in the North-East. The partners established branches at Springfield, Nabowla, Forester, Branxholm and Weldborough. Walter retired from the store in 1922 and became the first manager of the Launceston Bank for Savings at Scottsdale. He held the position for 18 years. Walter took a keen interest in community affairs, especially in St Barnabas' Church, Scottsdale, where he was organist and lay reader for many years. He was appointed as a justice of the peace in 1900 and a master of Lodge Dorset and the Ellesmere Chapter. Walter died on 14 Apr 1958 in Scottsdale aged 92 but was buried with his wife Ada at the Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston, in Section B 271.

Walter's wife, father, sister Isabella Bellion, and other family members are also pictured in the Family Album.

John Biggs (grandson) Sep 2005 & Marion Sargent Jan 2008
1856 - 1856 Alfred Andrew Biggs 1825 - 1900 Alfred Barratt Biggs 75 75 Teacher and Astronomer

Biggs was a schoolteacher in Tasmania 1845-52, in Melbourne 1852-63 and again in Tasmania 1863-80. He was then a bank officer in Launceston 1880-1900.

Career Highlights

Born London, 10 April 1825. Died Launceston, 19 December 1900. School teacher, Tasmania 1845-52; school teacher, Melbourne 1852-63; school teacher, Tasmania 1863-80; bank officer, Launceston 1880-1900

Launceston Bank for Savings 19 Paterson Street Launceston Tasmania Australia
Spouses Name Harriet Burville
Childrens Names Alfred Andrew, Eliza Harriet, Isabella Alice, Emily Laura, Edwin Burville, Albert Walter, Edith Muriel & May Adeline Burville

Alfred Barrett Biggs was born on 10 Apr 1825, the eldest son of Abraham Edwin Biggs (1799-1875), builder and contractor, and his wife Eliza Coleman (1801-1891). Alfred was christened at the Wesleyan Chapel, Battle Bridge, London. He came to Hobart with his family in 1833 aboard the Sir John Rae Reid. He joined the Commercial Bank of Tasmania, but later became a teacher. He taught in Victoria and then Tasmania for 27 years. In 1880 he entered the Launceston Bank for Savings as accountant and head ledger-keeper.

Alfred married Harriet Burville (1834-1894) in Hobart on 22 Feb 1855. Their first five children were born in Melbourne. In Jan 1864 the family moved to Bothwell, Tasmania, to Campbell Town in 1871 and finally Launceston in 1880. Alfred had a fine bass voice and sang in the Exhibition Choir in 1891-92 with his children Walter and Alice who are also in the Album. He also displayed a coin tester which instantly detected counterfeit currency. His daughter May exhibited a watercolour 'Hawke and Pigeon'. Alfred Biggs died in Launceston on 19 Dec 1900. A memorial stone was erected in Royal Park in 1935 on the site of his observatory.

He was noted for setting up the first telephone connection in Australia between Launceston and Campbell Town and for his contributions to seismology, astronomy and music. His original telephones and seismological equipment are in Launceston's Queen Victoria Museum. His story is told in Margaret Giordano's Watcher of the skies, Regal Publications, Launceston, 1995, and John B Biggs' Tasmania over five generations: Return to Van Diemen's Land?, Forty Degrees South, 2011. See also The Examiner, 8 Oct 2005, page 26.

John Biggs & Peter Richardson Sep 2005 .
1893 Alfred Edwin Biggs 123 123 1863 Algernon Burnett Biggs 154 154 1770 - 1771 Alice Biggs 10m 10m 1772 Alice Biggs 245 245 Alice Biggs 1786 Ann Biggs 231 231 1768 Ann Biggs 248 248 1795 - 1805 Ann Biggs 9 9 1806 Ann Biggs 210 210 Anonymous Biggs ? 1966 Anthony Biggs 51 51 1991 Ashleigh Biggs 25 25 1889 Bessie Winifred Biggs 127 127 1841 Caroline Biggs 176 176 1801 Caroline Biggs 216 216 1970 Carolyn Jean Biggs 47 47 1891 Charles Clyde Biggs 125 125 1861 Clare Maria Biggs 156 156 1933 Denise Rita Biggs 83 83 1881 - 1958 Earnest Edward Hobart Biggs 77 77 1927 Edna Biggs 90 90 1923 - 2007 Eileen F. Biggs 84 84 1857 Eliza Harriet Biggs 160 160 1760 - 1790 Elizabeth Biggs 30 30 Elizabeth Biggs 1776 Elizabeth Biggs 241 241 1846 Elizabeth Mary Biggs 171 171 Elizabetrh Susannah Biggs 1849 Ellen Rachel Biggs 167 167 1885 Elsie Murial Biggs 132 132 1850 Emily Biggs 167 167 1821 Emma Biggs 195 195 1909 - 1994 Eric Stanley Biggs 85 85 1980 Eric Stephen Biggs 37 37 Female Biggs Female Biggs 1948 Frank Ian Biggs 69 69 1888 Fred Harold Biggs 129 129 George Biggs 1859 George Pullen Biggs 157 157 1918 - 1950 Gordon C.H. Biggs 32 32 Gordon fought in the Royal Artillery during the Second World War and it appears that he suffered from depression and battle fatigue.  On being demobbed in 1945, he joined the Police Force.  In December of 1950, he caught bronchial pneumonia and died after a short illness.  His wife, Louise Dorothy Dell, was left with three small children, aged six, three and two years of ago.  One of the children, Iris Jones, contacted David Biggs in 2009.  She advised that their mother, Louise Dorothy Dell, had lost touch with her grandparents, Henry William and Lillian, after their father's death.  Iris Jones (nee Biggs) lives in the Isle of Wight. 1895 Grace Winifred Biggs 122 122 Graham Biggs 2005 Hannah Biggs 11 11 Harold Algernon Biggs 1905 - 1906 Harold Algernon Biggs 1 1 1827 Harriet Biggs 189 189 1793 - 1808 Harriet Letitia Biggs 14 14 1823 Harriet Letitia Biggs 193 193 1824 - 1825 Harriet Providence Biggs 1 1 2007 Harrison Biggs 9 9 1920 - 1989 Helen Biggs 69 69 1867 Helen Elizabeth Biggs 149 149 1892 Helen Gwendoline Biggs 124 124 Emmigrated to Canada 1915 1884 - 1954 Henry William Biggs 70 70 2003 Hollie Biggs 13 13 1944 Iris Biggs 73 73 Last know email address of Iris Jones (nee Biggs) as at 2009

Email of February 14, 2009

Dear Biggs Clan

My name is Iris Louise Jones (nee Biggs).

Until my mothers death and receiving my fathers' death certificate, I had no idea about any of his family.

My father was Gordon Biggs and my mother was Louise Dorothy Dell.

I now find that I had aunts and uncles of whom I knew nothing.

Has anyone got a photograph of Henry William Biggs and Lilian M. Wooster, my grandparents?  I would be so grateful to be able to see what they were like.

I am the eldest daughter of Gordon and Louise born in 1944 in Woking (Mum having been evacuated because of the danger of bombing in London).

Kay was born in 1947 at Lavender Hill, Clapham, closely followed by Wendy in 1948.  They are both still living and, like me have children and grandchildren.  So the line goes on!

I was thrilled to find your web site and to read the very interesting histories of the Biggs and Kenworthy families. Thank you so much.

Regards Iris Jones (nee Biggs)

Email of February 16, 2009 from Iris Jones (nee Biggs)

Hi David

In case you don't have the date of birth of Henrys' children, here goes:

Rita born 1916 Lewisham
Gordon Charles Henry born 1918 Lewisham
Sydney N. born 1919 Lewisham
Ivy M. born 1921 Lewisham
Eileen born 1923 Lewisham
Margaret (cannot find a birth recorded?)
June born 1930 Lewisham

I have told Kay about your web-site and she is thrilled.  She wants to know whether any of the above are still alive and if so,where they are living. And also whether there are any other 'Biggs' related to us still living in England.

Wendy is on one of her World Cruises (she is the rich one of our family!!) so I will let her know as soon as she returns.

On looking through the few papers that were left to me when Mum died, I have found a few photographs.  One of my Mum and Dads Wedding, a couple of some of my aunts at one of their Weddings (the family resemblance is striking).  I can't put a name to any of them so perhaps you can help? I will also send one of Kay, Wendy and me about five years ago at the marriage of Kay's daughter, Julie. I will try to send them to you if I can get my head around the technology,

I married Calvin Jones on 26 March, 1966 at St. Mary, Lambeth.  We have two children, Tracy who married Richard Moore and has one son, Adam, and Stephen who is Director of Rainforest Protection at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.  He is studying for his Doctorate at the moment.

Calvin was a departmental Manager at the Standard Chartered Bank in the City of London until 1995 when he took early retirement.

We bought a tiny two-bed-roomed cottage in Ventnor, Isle of Wight for our retirement and are extremely happy.  The address is: 34 Ocean View Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1AB. As you can guess from the name we have stunning views of the English Channel.

Fondest Regards,


Email of February 14, 2009

Dear David

Thank you for replying to my e-mail.

Gordon Biggs married Louise Dorothy Dell in 1942 at St Mary Lambeth.

They had three daughters:  me, Kay and Wendy.

Gordon fought in the Royal Artillery during the second world war and it appears that he suffered from depression and battle fatigue.

On being demobbed in 1945 he joined the Police Force.  In December 1950 he caught Bronchial Pneumonia and died after a short illness.

Mum was left with us aged six, three and two years of age.  She lost touch with Henry William and Lilian, our grandparents.

Many thanks
1905 - 1981 Iris Biggs 76 76 == Biography ==

1911 living Lewisham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1905, Dec qtr, dist Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1146
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1981, Dist Poole, County Dorset, Vol 23, page 0526
1905 Iris Olive Biggs 111 111 1831 - 1906 Isaac Henry Biggs 75 75 1833 Isabella Biggs 183 183 1858 Isabella Alice Biggs 159 159 1921 Ivy M. Biggs 95 95 1944 James Roger Biggs 73 73 1973 Jennifer Anne Biggs 44 44 1835 Jesse Biggs 181 181 1790 Jesse Biggs 1819 Jesse Biggs 197 197 1882 - 1918 Jesse Biggs 36 36 1882 - 1916 Jesse Biggs 34 34 Sapper in 1918 Royal Engineers service number 570104
Postal service
buried Ladywell Cemetery
Grave memeorial ref D.3142

Military Service
Service number: 570104
Rank: Sapper
Regiment: Royal Engineers
Unit/ship/squadron: Postal Section
1858 - 1896 Jesse Kenworthy Biggs 38 38 1998 Jessica Nam Biggs 19 19 1881 Jessie Biggs 136 136 1820 Jessy Biggs 197 197 1916 - 1996 Joan Beatrice May Biggs 80 80 1832 - 1867 John Biggs 34 34 1740 - 1818 John Biggs 78 78 1650 - 1720 John Biggs 70 70 1770 John Biggs 246 246 1825 - >1901 John Biggs 76 76 1898 John Biggs 119 119 1925 - 2006 John W. Biggs 81 81 1758 - 1842 John Barratt Biggs 83 83 1793 - 1866 John Kenworthy Biggs 72 72 1861 John William Biggs 156 156 1839 Jonathan Biggs 178 178 1800 Jonathan Biggs 216 216 1802 Jonathan Biggs 215 215 1737 Jonathan Biggs 280 280 Jonathan Biggs ~1794 - 1795 Joseph Biggs 1 1 1930 - 2016 June Murial Biggs 86 86 June Biggs, Membership Number 7.

It is with great sadness that we have been informed of the death of June Biggs. June was a founder member of the Society along with her two sisters. She was very active in the world of Family History and worked hard to ensure the success of the Society.

She was our first Projects Officer and was the Society Secretary from 1979-1985. June became the President of the Society in 1995 and held the position until 2002. June was also a founder member of the Wooster Family Group some 21 years ago.

The Society would like to offer its commiserations and condolences to June's family in their sad loss. There will be an obituary in the Journal.
1970 Karen Biggs 46 46 1947 Kay Biggs 70 70 Kenworthy Biggs ? 1913 - 1999 Kenworthy Leslie Biggs 86 86 Moved to Hever where Olive ada bought land 1944 Kevin Biggs 73 73 1995 Kirsten Biggs 21 21 1896 - 1973 Leonard Walter Biggs 77 77 Leonard Walter BIGGS

Regimental number    38
Place of birth    Launceston, Tasmania
Religion    Church of England
Occupation    Postal assistant
Address    Scottsdale, Tasmania
Marital status    Single
Age at embarkation    20
Next of kin    Father, Albert Walter Biggs, Scottsdale, Tasmania
Previous military service    92nd Infantry
Enlistment date    25 February 1916
Rank on enlistment    Private
Unit name    40th Battalion, Headquarters
AWM Embarkation Roll number    23/57/1
Embarkation details    Unit embarked from Hobart, Tasmania, on board HMAT A35 Berrima on 1 July 1916
Rank from Nominal Roll    Private
Unit from Nominal Roll    Australian Army Postal Corps
Fate    Returned to Australia 1 August 1919
Family/military connections    Brother: 37 Corporal Reginald Allen BIGGS, 40th Bn, discharged, 3 November 1919.
1883 Leslie Reginald Biggs 134 134 1899 Lillie Evelyn May Biggs 117 117 Male Biggs 1934 Margaret R. Biggs 83 83 1916 Marjorie Winifred Biggs 100 100 1864 Mary Edith Biggs 152 152 1830 Marystan Biggs 187 187 Matthew Biggs 1913 Mavis Jean Biggs 104 104 1875 May Adeline Burville Biggs 142 142 1890 Millicent Evelyn Biggs 127 127 1888 Minnie Biggs 129 129 Neil Biggs 1982 Odella Lynette Biggs 35 35 1904 - 1968 Oscar Herbert Biggs 64 64|||l-advstate=Tasmania|||l-advstate=Western+Australia|||dateTo|||notWords|||anyWords|||dateFrom|||requestHandler|||sortby=dateAsc Philip Biggs ? 1992 Philip Douglas Biggs 25 25 1968 Philip Paul Biggs 48 48 1838 - 1840 Priscilla Biggs 2 2 1910 Reginald Biggs 107 107 1897 Reginald Allan Biggs 119 119

Private Reginald Allen Biggs (Private Ashmead)
Soldier and journalist

R?eginald was the sixth of ten children born to Albert Walter and Ada Emma Biggs in Launceston on 17 April 1897. He attended Lea Hurs' School in Scottsdale run by Mrs Dolly Cottman. Reginald received a prize for his patriotic essay on Empire Day, May 1908, before 150 scholars at the Scottsdale celebrations. In 1909, he won the John Cameron scholarship of £12 12s yearly. It was open to boys under thirteen and given each year to the boy who at the intermediate examination came nearest to gaining a bursary without securing one. As a result, Reginald went to Launceston Church Grammar School for three years. In Launceston, November 1909, Reginald passed the Grade 5 examination in piano conducted by the Universities of Melbourne and Adelaide.

After matriculation, Reginald worked for fifteen months as an office boy for a shipping company before starting as a cadet journalist with the Launceston Examiner. At the outbreak of the war, he was a member of the 92nd Infantry (Launceston), Australian Military Forces; a citizen military force. He was living in Scottsdale when, on 27 February 1916 at the age of eighteen, he joined the AIF with the rank of Private. His older brother, Leonard, a postal assistant and comrade in the 92nd, had joined only two days earlier. Both men were to survive the conflict.

Reginald arrived at Claremont camp for basic training on 1 March 1916. He had volunteered for overseas war service agog with enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. Rejected many times because of his short stature (156cm) and false teeth, he finally gained admission. His experience with the home militia saw him assigned to the signallers. Surviving an epidemic of deadly meningitis that swept the camp, he became part of the newly formed Tasmanian 40th Battalion. Originally planned as two companies each from Tasmania and Victoria, it became a solely Tasmanian battalion in the belief it would be good for public relations. It proved sound advice. Lieutenant General Sir John Monash wrote…

"?The fact that it was composed wholly ??of the men of a small island state, gave it a special stimulus to the highest emulation of all ?????other units. In no other unit was the pride of origin and sense of responsibility to the people it represented stronger than in the 40th."

Reginald proved himself the best signaller of all and won a place in the Headquarters signalling section. In April 1916, Reginald arrived in Broadmeadows Camp on the outskirts of Melbour?ne to undertake extra training. He turned nineteen while there. After final training at Claremont, the brothers embarked on the Berrima (Australian Troopship No.35) in Hobart on 1 July 1916. The Examiner published Reginald's routine aboard the transport under the heading "With the Fortieth" on 19 September 1916.

"Signaller Reginald Biggs, of the 'Examiner' staff kept a diary of the voyage on the troopship on which the 40th Battalion went to England. Largely it is a record of the small daily incidents that mark such a voyage, but there are some items of interest. For instance, no time was lost in forming a Y.M.C.A. branch. This was done when two days' out. Boxing bouts are made possible by supplies of gloves from the Tasmanian Battalion comforts fund. So were many luxuries at the table. Divine service was assisted by the formation of a choir. The monotony of the trip was relieved by such things as physical, boat, fire, and signalling drill, and by a special inspection of kits. Then there was pay day! The transport encountered some heavy weather, and one day a man attached to the transport section who had ventured on to the forecastle head was swept off his feet by a tremendous wave, and sent to hospital with a broken knee."

Reginald's diary, That Other War, documents his wartime experiences. As a signaller, he had to maintain communications between Battalion and Company headquarters, and the Company's frontline office by field telephone. Because of his civilian occupation, he became known as Private Ashmead, after the British wartime correspondent, Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett.

"My penname … was the nickname dubbed on me by my tent mates when I entered camp on enlistment. On learning that the occupation which I had left behind was a cadet journalist, they at once thought of the war correspondent Ashmead-Bartlett who had brought world-fame to the ANZACS for their heroic valour in the campaign on the Turkish Peninsula, Gallipoli."

Reginald saw action in France and Belgium. Although not a frontline infantryman, his duties often took him to within 100 metres of the German defences. Usually, Reginald served in company headquarters; the support trenches 100 metres behind the frontline; and repairing broken telephone lines in open country. Even so, support troops came under fire from German guns and poison gas, causing casualties. Reginald could find himself in the heat of the battle…

"I found that the gun was trained right on me. I flattened out and tried to simulate "dead". It was clear that the gun was aimed at me as I lay there… for his bullets were landing just near my head and kicking up pebbles which hit my face. I thought, "he can't miss me now; it will get me right though the crown of my head!" The streams of bullets stopped. Praying that the gunner was reloading a full belt into his gun, I slithered forward flatter than any snake until I felt the ground dip sharply and slid headfirst into a shell hole. I was trembling uncontrollably and panting with terror."

Reginald was at Armentieres, the town renowned for the song about its famous Mademoiselle.

"Every man in the 40th who went through the early stages of the Battalion's campaign in Belgium and France will feel his pulse quicken at the mention of Armentieres. That was where we began to know "la belle France", underwent our baptism of fire, spent months of toil, danger and misery in the trench system east of it, and enjoyed our leisure during the breaks when we had been relieved from trench life… With the passing of time we all came to regard Armentieres as "our town."

Chateau Rouge, Villers-Bretonneux 1918

The place made such an impression that years later he wrote Armenti?eres and its 'Mademoiselles' detailing its history and his wartime experiences there.

Reginald left the AIF on 3 November 1919 receiving the British War Medal and Victory Medal. Reginald's service dossier, digitised by the National Archives of Australia, is available online. One image of interest (#22) records that while in Launceston, on 20 May 1916, Reginald was charged with refusing to obey a lawful order by a non-commissioned officer. He was fined thirty shillings and confined to barracks for a week with loss of pay of one pound, ten shillings. This resulted from a long-running antagonism between the Company's Corporal and the rest of the men, of whom Reginald became spokesman. In truth, it was a trifling matter, especially compared with the horrors to come. The Corporal who brought the charge against him felt guilty afterward and refunded Reginald the thirty shillings out of his own pocket. The background to the incident makes for interesting reading early in his diary. Apart from this minor offence, Reginald's service remained incident-free. Although, his criticism of the harsh discipline of those in command is a constant theme throughout his account…

"This cruel scourge chafed me constantly. I formed the view that it had originated with the army hierarchy, who had seen to it that they and the "officer class" would never be its victims. Its doctrines were preached from the unholy writ of King's Rules and Regulations and percolated down through the lesser and still lesser "gods" of commissioned rank to be inflicted upon the common soldiers."

Rightly or wrongly, Reginald would no doubt agree with the expression made famous by Alan Clark that it was a war "fought by lions and led by donkeys". With the coming of peace Reginald remarked; what a joy it was: but the greatest boon of all was the freedom from military discipline!

After the war, Reginald toured Canada and America, a trip documented in his book, "See America, Young Man". Eventually, he made his way back to Tasmania meeting family and friends at Launceston before returning home to Scottsdale.

On 5 November 1921, Reginald married Edith Mary Soans at St Johns Church, Launceston. The couple settled at Hobart Road in Launceston. Reginald continued his interest in music. At the 1927 Easter competition at the Albert Hall in Launceston, he won the Open Section (Own Selection) with his cello solo, Berceuse de Jocelyn by Benjamin Godard. He received the award Grand Champion Solo Gentleman. The only mark against his name came in April 1932 when fined ten shillings for a parking offence. After the horrors of the frontline this surely had little impact on Reginald.

After the war, Reginald resumed his career with the Examiner. He spent nine years with the Company before he and Edith moved to South Perth W.A. to further his career and start a family. Leonard, who had served with Reginald in the 40th, moved to Nedlands, about 10kms from his brother.

In January 1937, Reginald, Edith and their two children returned to Scottsdale for a family reunion, with Leonard. No family member had died of the ravages of war or time, which led to a rare happy ending to the conflict.

The diary is the account of a humble infantry private whose service was often in the thick of the horrors, bloodshed, danger and hardships. Sources used to write the diary are…

The letters Reginald sent home from the front
Diaries he had kept in shorthand even while under fire
Clippings of all his articles published by the Examiner
Detailed memories provided by his prodigious recall
Material that he did not witness himself came from contemporaries

The diary of Private Ashmead is an exhaustive account of one man's view of the war and is available online and through LINC Tasmania
1985 Richard Biggs 32 32 1962 Richard Kenworthy William Biggs 55 55 1916 - 2002 Rita L. Biggs 86 86 Robert Biggs 1865 Rosina Caroline Biggs 152 152 1880 - 1964 Rosina Mary Biggs 83 83 1836 Samuel Biggs 180 180 1766 Sarah Biggs 250 250 1728 Sarah Biggs 289 289 ~1920 Shirley Ella Biggs 97 97 1966 Stephen Biggs 50 50 1946 Stephen Maxwell Biggs 71 71 1889 Susan Elizabeth Biggs 128 128 1862 Susan Elizabeth Biggs 154 154 CHECK INTO WHO SHE MARRIED
Surname  First name(s)  Age  District  Vol  Page

Marriages Dec 1881

BIGGS  Susan Elizabeth    Lewisham  1d 1522
BIRD  Walter     Lewisham  1d 1522
MANN  Alice     Lewisham  1d 1522
RANDLE  Frederick Ernest     Lewisham  1d 1522
1825 Susanna Biggs 191 191 Susanna Biggs Susanna Biggs 1796 Susannah Biggs 221 221 1919 - 1922 Sydney N. Biggs 2 2 Sydnet possible death wansworth london 1922 sept age 2 1831 Thomas Biggs 185 185 1761 Thomas Biggs 255 255 1734 Thomas Biggs 282 282 Thomas Biggs 1785 Thomas Biggs 231 231 1989 Travis Lloyd Biggs 28 28 1936 - 2017 Trevor Kenworthy Biggs 81 81 1828 Walter Biggs 188 188 1843 - 1843 Walter Biggs 2m 2m 1856 - 1940 Walter Frederick Henry Biggs 84 84 Walter Perry Biggs 1948 Wendy Biggs 69 69 1823 William Biggs 193 193 1763 - 1805 William Biggs 41 41 1788 William Biggs 229 229 1735 - 1799 William Biggs 64 64 1686 William Biggs 331 331 1789 - 1870 William Biggs 81 81 William Biggs 1787 - 1840 William Biggs 53 53 1794 William Biggs 222 222 1865 William John Gaskell Biggs 151 151 Charles Bird Eric Bird Sheila Bird Colin Black Joe Black Tara Black Trevor Bruce Black 1881 Ada Alice Blackler 136 136 1801 Anne Blackler 215 215 1889 Beatrice Emma Blackler 128 128 1878 Daisy S Blackler 139 139 Dick Blackler 1884 Earnest Henry Blackler 133 133 1912 Earnest Ronald Blackler 104 104 1865 Eliza Blackler 152 152 1829 Elizabeth Blackler 187 187 1863 Ellen Blackler 154 154 ~1894 Emma Blackler 123 123 1909 Ena Horrell Blackler 108 108 1930 Fiona K Blackler 87 87 Frank Blackler 1881 - 1959 George Blackler 78 78 1853 - 1934 George Turpin Blackler 81 81 ~1900 Gordon Blackler 117 117 1803 Henry Blackler 213 213 Hilda Blackler Horace Blackler ~1930 Jennifer Blackler 87 87 1812 John Blackler 204 204 ~1753 John Blackler 264 264 1855 John Evans Turpin Blackler 162 162 1895 Lily Blackler 122 122 1826 Louisa Blackler 190 190 1788 Mary Blackler 228 228 1854 Mary Ann Blackler 163 163 ~1880 Maud Blackler 137 137 1892 Minnie Horrell Blackler 124 124 1867 Minnie Kate Blackler 150 150 Nell Blackler 1810 Rebecca Blackler 206 206 1799 Richard Blackler 218 218 1824 Richard Henry Blackler 193 193 1821 - <1824 Richard Henry Blackler 3 3 ~1910 Roy Blackler 107 107 Ruby Blackler 1786 Sally Blackler 230 230 1796 Samuel Blackler 221 221 1851 Samuel Turpin Blackler 166 166 1879 Sarah Kemp Evans Blackler 138 138 1877 Stanley S Blackler 140 140 1784 Thomas Blackler 233 233 1818 Thomas Blackler 199 199 1920 Vera V Blackler 97 97 ~1847 William Blackler 170 170 1815 William Blackler 201 201 1793 William Blackler 224 224 ~1962 Alistair Blake 55 55 ~1964 Kathryn Blake 53 53 Samuel Blake ~1960 Stuart Blake 57 57 ~1966 Timothy Blake 51 51 ~1940 Tony Blake 77 77 Blanche Beryl Bliss William Bliss ~1857 Catherine BONSER 160 160 1813 - 1879 Mary Botting 66 66 Alistair Bowman Craig Bowman Fiona Bowman Grant Bowman 1997 Katrina Bowman 20 20 ~1852 - 1934 James BOYD 82 82 1881 Mary Jane BOYD 135 135 1886 - 1958 Agnes Rachael Bradley 72 72 1888 Constance M Bradley 129 129 1883 Edward M Bradley 134 134 1879 Elizabeth s.a Bradley 138 138 1876 Ellen E Bradley 141 141 1890 Henry A Bradley 127 127 1819 - 1893 Henry Appleton Bradley 74 74 Census Transcript Household Suffolk 1871
Address     Stowup Land Street
Parish     Stowmarket
Registration District     Stow
Image Reference     RG10/1734/F?
Found 4 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Henry     Bradley     52     1819     Head     Leigh, Essex     Leather Cutter
Matilda     Bradley     49     1822     Wife     South Renden, Essex
William     Bradley     20     1851     Son     Ipswich, Suffolk     Watch Maker
Matilda     Bradley     5     1866     Daughter     Stowmarket, Suffolk


Census Transcript Household Suffolk 1881
Address     Station Road
Parish     Stowmarket
Registration District     Stow
Image Reference     RG11/1851/F?
Found 4 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Henry A     Bradley     62     1819     Head     Leigh, Essex     Currier Leather Cutter
Matilda     Bradley     59     1822     Wife     South Okenden, Essex
Matilda     Bradley     15     1866     Daughter     Stow Market, Suffolk
Henry H     Bradley     3     1878     Grand Son     Stow Market, Suffolk


Census Transcript Household Suffolk 1891
Address     Staton Road
Registration District     Stowmarket, Stow
Image Reference     RG12/1457/F?
Found 3 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Henry A     Bradley     72     1819     Head     Leigh, Essex     Teacher Merchant
Matilda C     Bradley     25     1866     Daughter     Stowmarket, Suffolk
Henry A     Bradley     10     1881     Grand Son     Stowmarket, Suffolk     Scholar
1846 Henry J Bradley 171 171 1865 Matilda Bradley 152 152 1877 Matilda C Bradley 140 140 1851 Nathaniel Bradley 166 166 Census Transcript Household Essex 1891
Address     Bocking End Merton House
Registration District     Bocking, Braintree
Image Reference     RG12/1422/F?
Found 10 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation

Nathaniel     Bradley     40     1851     Head     Ipswich, Suffolk     Watchmaker and Jeweller
Elizabeth     Bradley     39     1852     Wife     Stowmarket, Suffolk
Ellen E     Bradley     15     1876     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Watchmakers Shop Assistant
Matilda C     Bradley     14     1877     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Scholar
Elizabeth S A     Bradley     12     1879     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Scholar
Thomas N     Bradley     10     1881     Son     Bocking, Essex     Scholar
Edward M     Bradley     8     1883     Son     Bocking, Essex     Scholar
Agnes R     Bradley     5     1886     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Scholar
Constance M     Bradley     3     1888     Daughter     Bocking, Essex
Henry A     Bradley     1     1890     Son     Bocking, Essex

Census Transcript Household Kent 1901
Address     Rosslyn Villa
Registration District     Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge
Image Reference     RG13/0755/F?
Found 8 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Nathaniel     Bradley     50     1851     Head     Ipswich, Suffolk     Watch & Jewellery Works
Matilda     Bradley     23     1878     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Home Duties
Elizabeth     Bradley     22     1879     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Dress Maker
Thomas     Bradley     20     1881     Son     Bocking, Essex     Cabinet Maker
Edward     Bradley     18     1883     Son     Bocking, Essex     Cabinet Maker
Agnes     Bradley     15     1886     Daughter     Bocking, Essex     Draper's Apprentice
Constance     Bradley     13     1888     Daughter     Essex     Scholar
Henry     Bradley     11     1890     Son     Bocking, Essex

Census Transcript Household Kent 1911
Image Type     Normal Household
Address     150 St James Road, Tunbridge Wells
Civil Parish     Tunbridge Wells
Sub District     Tunbridge Wells
Registration District     Tonbridge
Image Reference     RG14 - PN4058 RD50 SD1 ED19 SN246
Found 3 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Gender     Relation     Marriage Status     Years Married     Birth Place     Occupation
Nathaniel     Bradley     61     1850     Male     Head     Widower         Ipswich, Suffolk     Watch & Jewellery Repairer
Matilda     Bradley     34     1877     Female     Daughter     Single         Bocking, Essex     House Keeper
Constance     Bradley     23     1888     Female     Daughter     Single         Bocking, Essex     Dress Maker
1881 Thomas N Bradley 136 136 Brenda <1864 Alfred Bridge 153 153 Had a pub near the East Gates Railway Crossing in Colchester Jone Bridger ~1885 Jessie Bristow 132 132 D. 1731 Elizabeth Brittain Elizabeth Broad Samuel Broad John Brooks 1876 Annie Broughton 141 141 1856 Edwin Broughton 161 161 1879 Edwin Broughton 138 138 Ida Broughton 1878 Rose B.M. Broughton 139 139 Sid Broughton Willie Broughton Joseph Brown ~1783 - ~1883 Sarah Brown 100 100 William Brown Winifred L Brown D. 1646 Joan Browne >1884 ? Brunwin 133 133 Warlingham Mental Hospital 1851 - 1854 Alfred Brunwin 3 3 1863 Alice Brunwin 154 154 <1772 - <1772 Amy Brunwin 2m 2m 1894 Amy Constance Brunwin 122 122 1886 Annie Bertha Brunwin 130 130 Annie Bertha Brunwin Anonymous Brunwin ? 1946 Anthony J Brunwin 71 71 1866 - 1942 Arthur Brunwin 76 76 1865 Barnard Robert Brunwin 152 152 1870 - 1871 Ben Brunwin 1 1 1950 Benjamin York William Brunwin 67 67 1876 Bertha Miles Brunwin 141 141 >1884 Bill Brunwin 133 133 1899 - 1902 Caroline Brunwin 3 3 1975 Chloe Elizabeth Brunwin 42 42 >1855 Connie Brunwin 162 162 >1886 Daisy Brunwin 131 131 1947 - 1950 David Brunwin 3 3 1925 Dennis N Brunwin 92 92 1933 Derek A Brunwin 84 84 1921 - 1998 Douglas W Brunwin 77 77 1886 - 1943 Edith Brunwin 57 57 1886 - 1943 Edith Brunwin 57 57 1821 Eleanor Brunwin 195 195 1856 - 1879 Eliza Brunwin 23 23 1823 Eliza Brunwin 193 193 <1825 Elizabeth Ann Brunwin 191 191 1870 - <1909 Elizabeth Mary Brunwin 39 39 1855 Elizabeth Sarah Brunwin 161 161 1888 - 1968 Emily Brunwin 80 80 1877 Emily Brunwin 140 140 1989 Emily Brunwin 28 28 1912 - 1976 Eric G Brunwin 64 64 1874 - 1958 Ernest Brunwin 84 84 >1884 Ernest Brunwin 133 133 Insane? 1897 - 1973 Ernest Brunwin 76 76 1886 - 1965 Frank Brunwin 79 79 1861 - 1940 Frank Brunwin 79 79 1859 Frederick Brunwin 158 158 1891 Frederick Brunwin 125 125 1950 Gillian Brunwin 66 66 1908 - 1986 Gladys Edith M Brunwin 78 78 1942 Graham K Brunwin 74 74 <1799 - 1831 Hannah Brunwin 32 32 1817 Hannah Brunwin 199 199 1857 - 1919 Henry Brunwin 62 62 1828 - 1907 Henry John Brunwin 79 79 Master Harness Maker 1911 - ~1985 Henry John Brunwin 73 73 1859 - 1935 Herbert Brunwin 76 76 Herbert Brunwin 1912 - 1990 Herbert Jack Brunwin 78 78 Cricketer - England and Essex County 1893 Herbert Miles Brunwin 123 123 >1855 Hilda Brunwin 162 162 1869 Horace Brunwin 148 148 1906 - 1973 Horace Brunwin 67 67 1897 - 1990 Horace Thomas M Brunwin 93 93 >1886 Ivy Brunwin 131 131 1920 - 1994 Jack Brunwin 74 74 BRUNWIN, Jack, (described in the Receiving Order
as J. Brunwin (male)), residing at IA, Walsingham
Road, Hove in the county of Sussex, and lately
residing at 29c, Wilbury Gardens, Hove aforesaid,
of no occupation, formerly SALES ENGINEER.
Court-BRIGHTON. No. of Matter-53 of 1960.
Last Day for Receiving Proofs-llth March, 1963-
Name of Trustee and Address-Parker, Thomas
Henry, 8, Old Steine, Brighton, 1, Official Receiver
1945 Jacqueline Brunwin 72 72 1856 - 1856 James Brunwin 1920 Joan A Brunwin 96 96 1829 - 1862 John Brunwin 33 33 1795 - 1835 John Brunwin 40 40 D. 1812 John Brunwin <1795 - <1835 John Brunwin 40 40 Gardener <1749 - <1812 John Brunwin 63 63 1956 John L Brunwin 60 60 1934 John T Brunwin 82 82 1934 - ~1938 Joyce Brunwin 4 4 1942 - 1958 Kenneth Brunwin 16 16 1916 - 1999 Kenneth Walter Brunwin 83 83 1909 - 1976 Leslie Oliver Brunwin 67 67 1885 Lily Elizabeth Brunwin 131 131 Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin Living Brunwin 1763 - 1854 William Brunwin 91 91 >1888 Margaret Brunwin 129 129 1883 Margaret Annie Brunwin 133 133 1861 Margaret Hannah Brunwin 156 156 1946 Marin L Brunwin 71 71 1877 Martha Brunwin 140 140 <1816 Mary Brunwin 201 201 <1797 Mary Ann Brunwin 219 219 Unmarried mother! >1886 May Brunwin 131 131 1955 Micele A Brunwin 61 61 1867 - 1867 Miles Harry Brunwin 1888 Minnie Beatrice Brunwin 128 128 1958 Neal K Brunwin 59 59 1961 Nicole Brunwin 55 55 1863 - 1911 Octavia Brunwin 48 48 >1886 Olive Brunwin 131 131 1959 Paul R Brunwin 57 57 >1886 Philip Brunwin 131 131 1893 - 1966 Ralph George Brunwin 73 73 1901 - 1941 Richard Brunwin 40 40 1948 Richard F Brunwin 69 69 1899 - 1930 Robert Brunwin 31 31 <1832 - ~1909 Robert William Brunwin 77 77 Butcher
1952 Rona Christine Brunwin 64 64 1920 - 1998 Ronald Brunwin 78 78 1909 - 1936 Rosalind Brunwin 27 27 1917 Rose M Brunwin 100 100 1931 Roy L Brunwin 85 85 <1801 Sarah Brunwin 215 215 1819 Sarah Brunwin 197 197 1913 - 1984 Stanley Brunwin 71 71 <1806 Susannah Brunwin 210 210 <1768 Susannah Brunwin 248 248 1890 Susannah Dancey Brunwin 126 126 1929 - 2003 Thomas Miles Brunwin 74 74 1930 - 1934 Trevor G Brunwin 4 4 Victor E Brunwin >1886 Violet Brunwin 131 131 >1855 Wilfred Brunwin 162 162 1849 - 1925 William Brunwin 76 76 1860 - 1860 William Brunwin ~1763 - 1854 William Brunwin 91 91 Labourer <1792 William Brunwin 224 224 <1804 William Brunwin 213 213 <1817 William Brunwin 199 199 1857 - 1874 William Brunwin 17 17 1900 - 1972 William Brunwin 72 72 1883 - 1958 William Edgar Brunwin 75 75 In the Royal Engineers soldier # 6518

At the time of the outbreak of war the HOVE
POLICE FORCE numbered seventy-one, and of these
twenty-nine, of whom seven were reservists, enlisted
in His Majesty's forces. How well they played
their parts on the various battle-fronts is shown in
the fact that four of them, P.C's Thomas Bates,
William Brunwin, Henry J. Baker and Charles
Webb won the Military Medal ; nine were
wounded, and three made the supreme sacrifice,
P.C's William Charles Corps, Albert John Laker
and Ernest John White. There cannot be many
groups so small in number and proceeding from a
single civic centre that can show a finer record.
1882 - 1967 William George Brunwin 85 85 1910 William H Brunwin 106 106 1868 - 1945 William James Brunwin 76 76 Poultry Appliance Manufacturer 1904 - 1905 Winnifred Brunwin 1 1 1846 Edwin Buckwell 171 171 1842 Emily Buckwell 175 175 1819 George Buckwell 198 198 Census Transcript Household Sussex 1861
Address     Bannels
Parish     Plumpton
Registration District     Lewes
Image Reference     RG9/0584/F?
Found 7 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
George     Buckwell     43     1818     Head     Plumpton, Sussex     Basket Maker
Charlotte     Buckwell     41     1820     Wife     Plumpton, Sussex
Emily     Buckwell     19     1842     Daughter     Keynes, Sussex
Henry     Buckwell     17     1844     Son     Keynes, Sussex
Edwin     Buckwell     15     1846     Son     Worthing, Sussex
William     Christmas     22     1839     Lodger     Patcham, Sussex     Agricultural Labourer
Charles     Tucker     22     1839     Lodger     Chiddingley, Sussex     Agricultural Labourer
1844 Henry Buckwell 173 173 John Buckwell 1883 Annie Budgen 134 134 == Biography ==

1891 Horley Surrey
1911 Burstow Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1891, 1911 Census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837- 1915 ; 1883, Sept qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 179
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ;  1907, Dec qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 376

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754- 1937 ; 4215/2
1882 - 1974 Helen Budgen 92 92 == Biography ==

1891 Horley Surrey
1901 Horley Surrey
1911 Reigate Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882, Mar qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 190
England and Wales civil registration marriage index  1837-1915 ; 1905, Dec qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 397

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1974, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 0996
1894 - 1958 Mabel Budgen 64 64 == Biography ==

1901 Horley Surrey
1911 Horley Surrey - Servant

Probate 18 Feb 1958 London

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1894, Dec qtr ,district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 169
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1916,Mar qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 297

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1958, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 1004
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1879 - 1975 Minnie Budgen 96 96 == Biography ==

1881 Burstow, Surrey
1891 Horley, Surrey
1911 Wandsworth, London

Probate 9 Mar 1975 Winchester

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1880, Mar qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a,page 179
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1906,September qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 404

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916- 2007 ; Mar 1975, Surrey North Western, Vol 17, page 0621
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1889 - 1962 William Budgen 73 73 == Biography ==

1891 Horley Surrey
1901 Horley Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees ;
Family Search records

1891,1901 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1889, Sept qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 186, line 99
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; 1962, Sept qtr, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 683, line 102
1862 - 1955 William Budgen 93 93 1946 - 2015 Beverley Bull 69 69 == Biography ==
In this case Beverely is a male name and not female, the gender as Male is Correct,
Beverely Married in  1967  to Denise J Pavey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1967,June qtr Surrey South Surrey Vol 5g, Page 602
1906 - 1978 George Bull 71 71 1796 - ~1862 John Burles 66 66 1823 John Burles 194 194 ~1826 - 1881 Mary Burles 55 55 1884 - 1958 Mabel Burnett 74 74 when mother remarried Mabel took last name of Crandell 1825 - 1887 Thomas Lucus Burnett 62 62 David Andrew Burns 2001 Emily Leila Burns 16 16 D. 1826 Mary Burrell ~1613 Alice Burt 404 404 1613 - 1669 Ambrose Burt 56 56 ~1613 Ambrose Burt 404 404 ~1610 Amy Burt 407 407 1682 Elizabeth Burt 335 335 1657 Elizabeth Burt 360 360 ~1603 Eme Burt 414 414 ~1617 Henry Burt 400 400 1648 Joan Burt 368 368 1651 - 1700 John Burt 48 48 ~1605 John Burt 412 412 1645 Mary Burt 371 371 ~1612 Mary Burt 405 405 ~1609 Richard Burt 408 408 1684 - 1731 Sarah Burt 46 46 ~1602 Susan Burt 415 415 1660 Thomas Burt 357 357 ~1576 - 1617 Thomas Burt 41 41 ~1607 Thos Burt 410 410 1653 William Burt 363 363 ~1608 William Burt 409 409 1879 - 1943 Myra Caroline Burton 64 64 1834 - 1894 Harriet Burville 60 60

Alfred Biggs was appointed as the first head teacher at the United Methodist Free Church School in Hoddle Street Collingwood when it opened in 1858. He was assisted by his wife Harriet Biggs. The little school, funded under the auspices of the Denominational Board, consisted of a brick schoolroom measuring 38 feet by 24 feet, and a smaller timber building. It was on the southwest corner of Perry Street, and the young couple rented the conveniently nearby Clarendon Villa in Harmsworth Street. Their work would have been demanding. Most of the children would not have attended school prior to their arrival, and children of different ages would have contributed to the din in the small rooms. Moreover, Harriet, in charge of the Infants room, was also managing regular births and the sorrow of infant deaths; she had already had two children before starting at the school, the firstborn dying at the age of three months, and three more were born during her tenure, the last dying in April 1863. A month’s leave for childbirth was the norm, and Harriet’s health suffered.

Biggs would have been regarded as a good man for the post, as he was not only an experienced teacher but a strong adherent of Methodism, following in his father’s footsteps. He was born in London, and migrated to Van Diemen’s Land as a small boy, arriving with his parents in 1833. He had worked as a teacher and in banking before moving to Melbourne in 1852.

At the United Methodist Free Church Alfred was supervisor of the Sunday School as well as playing the organ and conducting the choir. Harriet, born in Surrey, was also brought up a Methodist and remained deeply religious all her life. Biggs was also a practical man with a good deal of mechanical aptitude, and became a keen amateur astronomer. He joined the Royal Microscopic Society of Victoria and at one meeting he exhibited his own high-powered microscope for which he had ground the lenses and turned the brasswork himself.

The Biggses remained at the school until 1864 when they returned to Tasmania, as VDL was by then officially called. In Tasmania Biggs continued teaching and later returned to banking, but his real claim to fame came from his scientific activities. He gained a substantial reputation as a pioneering inventor and instrument maker, is believed to have established the first telephone connection in Australia, and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Tasmania.

In the crowded primary curriculum, mainly concentrating on the three Rs, would Biggs have had time to give the noisy urchins of the Hoddle Street school some inkling of the wonders of applied science that so fascinated him? It is unlikely that we will ever know.
George G Butcher 1848 Kate Blanche Butler 169 169 ~1864 Ellen Campbell 153 153 ~1580 - 1627 Elizabeth Canon 47 47 1841 Caroline 176 176 Carter 1909 - 1999 Doris Carter 90 90 == Biography ==

Married Edward A Lipsham 1936

1938 living Mitcham, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1910, Mar qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 206
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1936,Mar qtr, district Wandsworth, County Surrey, Vol 1d, page 807

1938 Surrey England Electoral Registers 1832- 1962
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1999, Mid Surrey, Reg No MSB6, district and sub district 7561B, entry No 204
1866 Henry Carter 151 151 1868 Mary E Carter 149 149 1876 - 1957 Thomas Carter 81 81 Catherine >1850 ? Cavendish 167 167 1714 Ann Chambers 302 302 1726 Constance Chambers 290 290 1708 - 1757 Elizabeth Chambers 49 49 1660 Elizabeth Chambers 357 357 1717 Hannah Chambers 299 299 1675 - 1732 Henry Chambers 56 56 1721 Henry Chambers 295 295 ~1535 Henry Chambers 482 482 1620 Joan Chambers 396 396 1666 John Chambers 351 351 1611 John Chambers 405 405 1712 Mary Chambers 305 305 1673 Mary Chambers 344 344 1723 Rebecca Chambers 293 293 1619 Richard Chambers 397 397 1664 Robert Chambers 352 352 1635 Robert Chambers 382 382 1567 - 1623 Robert Chambers 56 56 1609 Robert Chambers 407 407 1709 Sarah Chambers 307 307 1633 - 1714 Thomas Chambers 80 80 1661 Thomas Chambers 355 355 1616 Vincent Chambers 401 401 1666 William Chambers 351 351 1668 William Chambers 348 348 1604 William Chambers 412 412 Percy Chatters 1892 Archer James Bird Cheverton 125 125 1877 Charles P Cheverton 140 140 1879 Harriet A Cheverton 138 138 1880 Leonard G Cheverton 137 137 1920 Lorna Cheverton 96 96 1872 Mary M Cheverton 145 145 1873 Richard B Cheverton 144 144 1846 Richard Bird Cheverton 171 171 Dwelling:    4 St James St
Census Place:    Newport, Hampshire, England
Source:    FHL Film 1341288     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 1175    Folio 81    Page 21
Marr    Age    Sex    Birthplace
Richard B. CHEVERTON    M    35     M    Shanklin, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Head
Occ:    Employing 18 Men & 9 Boys Coach Builder
Elizabeth S. CHEVERTON    M    31     F    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Wife
Mary M. CHEVERTON         9     F    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Dau
Occ:    Scholar
Richard B. CHEVERTON         8     M    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Son
Occ:    Scholar
William H. CHEVERTON         6     M    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Son
Occ:    Scholar
Charles P. CHEVERTON         4     M    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Son
Harriett A. CHEVERTON         2     F    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Dau
Leonard G. CHEVERTON         2 m    M    Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Son
Elizabeth WILSON    W    73     F    Newchurch, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Aunt
Occ:    Income From Interest
Florence M. FLUX    U    18     F    Ryde, Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England
Rel:    Niece
Occ:    Printers Daughter
D. 1918 Thomas Bird Cheverton CHEVERTON, THOMAS BIRD. M.C. Major.
Royal Field Artillery (Territorial Force).
Died 24 March 1918.
Born Newport, Isle of Wight.
Son of Richard B. Cheverton and Elizabeth S. Cheverton.
Husband of Mrs. Helena Cheverton (née Seamer) of Old Ferry Lodge, Wrotham,
Sevenoaks, Kent.
Commemorated on the Pozières Memorial, Somme, France. Panel 7.
Formerly Sergeant, 1356, 28th (County of London) London Regiment (Artists
Rifles). Thomas was commisioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Field
Artillery (Territorial Force) on 22 April 1915; he was posted to France on 3 July
1916. Notification of Thomas’s elevation from Lieutenant to Acting Major was
published in a Supplement of The London Gazette, dated 3 June 1918.
Thomas’s widow later resided at 13, Fosse Road, Tonbridge, Kent.
1875 William H Cheverton 142 142 1895 - 1974 Dorothy Christmas 79 79 == Biography ==

Baptised 21 June 1896 St Albans Hertfordshire

1901 livingBattersea, London
1911 living Battersea, London - scholar, Belleville Road School

== Sources ==

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Dec qtr, District Camberwell, County London, Vol 1d, page 795

England and Wales christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Registers
London England School admissions and discharges1840-1911 ;  Ref LCC/EO/DIV09/BEL/AD/005
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ;June 1974, District Wandsworth, County Greater London, Vol 15, page 1408
1894 Ethal Christmas 123 123 == Biography ==

1901 living Battersea, London
1911 living Battersea, London - Scholar

== Sources ==

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1893, Dec qtr, District Fulham, County London, Vol 1a, page 258
1869 - 1939 Walter Christmas 70 70 1893 - 1961 Winifred Christmas 68 68 == Biography ==

1901 living Battersea, London
1911 living Battersea, London : business student

== Sources ==

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; uare1892, sept qtr, district St George Hanover Square, County London, Vol 1a, page 446
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage Index 1837-1915 ; 1919,June qtr, district Wandsworth, County Surrey, Vol1d, page 1041
London England Church of England Marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1961, District Taunton, County Somerset, Vol 7c, page 180
Anonymous Chrusch ? ~1830 Clara 187 187 ~1580 - 1616 Agnes Clare 36 36 ~1578 George Clare 439 439 ~1582 Katherine Clare 435 435 Male Clare Edith Clarke 1838 Rebecca Jane Claughley 179 179 1769 Daniel Clements 247 247 1766 Elizabeth Clements 250 250 1776 Nanny Clements 241 241 1772 Sarah Clements 244 244 ~1740 Thomas Clements 277 277 1764 Thomas Clements 253 253 1801 - 1891 Eliza Coleman 90 90 Bertha Colling Charles Colling Mabel Colling ~1883 Nell Colling 134 134 Mary Cooch 1877 Alice Cook 140 140 1926 Freda M Cook 91 91 Bert Cooke 1931 Betty Cope 85 85 1781 - 1866 Elizabeth Cornford 85 85 1835 William Crandell 182 182 1905 Ellen Creasey 112 112 == Biography ==

1911 living Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1905, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 216
1908 - 1984 Elsie Creasey 76 76 == Biography ==

1911 living Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 217
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Oct 1984, Hastings and Rother, Vol 18, page 994
1907 Lillian Creasey 110 110 == Biography ==

1911 living Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry Family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 217
1874 William Creasey 143 143 1888 Ada B Crocker 129 129 Notes as a Chiliaen subject in 1891 census 1869 Ada B. Crocker 148 148 1831 - <1901 Henry Crocker 70 70 1857 - 1916 James Douglas Crocker 59 59 1901 census listed as foreign subject

Name:    Jose Juaquin Croks
Gender:    Male
Christening Date:    11 Mar 1858
Christening Place:    Santiago, Santiago, Chile
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name:    Enrriques Croks
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name:    Elisa Donglas
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:    I07716-8
System Origin:    Chile-EASy
GS Film number:    1081775
Reference ID:    192

Citing this Record:
"Chile, bautismos, 1585-1932," database, FamilySearch ( : 3 December 2014), Jose Juaquin Croks, ; citing , reference 192; FHL microfilm 1,081,775.
1920 Joan Edith Crocker 97 97 1889 - 1972 Percy Douglas Crocker 83 83 Unknown Crocker ? 1891 Violet Crocker 126 126 1789 Mary Crump 228 228 ~1793 Fanny Curd 224 224 1847 - 1941 Sarah Curtis 94 94 1829 Alexander Dalyiel 187 187 1842 Anne Dalyiel 174 174 1836 Catherine Dalyiel 180 180 ~1840 Isabella Dalyiel 177 177 1834 James Mcinroy Dalyiel 182 182 1836 Margaret Wilson Dalyiel 180 180 1825 Peter Dalyiel 191 191 1827 Robert Dalyiel 189 189 1858 - 1901 Agnes Daniels 43 43 == Biography ==

Baptised 31 Jan 1858, St John, Blindly Heath , Surrey

1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Horley, Surrey - Servant
1881 living Burstow, Surrey
1891 living Burstow, Surrey
1901 living Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1858, Mar qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 135

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 3804/1/1
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 185
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ;  1901, Dec qtr,district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 119

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937; ref 2870/1/12
1895 - 1964 Agnes Daniels 69 69 == Biography ==

1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey

Probate 9 Mar 1965 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Jun qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 145
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1964, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 772
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1924, June qtr, DistrictGodston, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 541
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Horne, St Mary, Parish Registers
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1891 - 1972 Albert Daniels 81 81 == Biography ==

1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey
1911 living Worth, Sussex - Plumbers mate

Married Margaret Olding in 1919

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1891, Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, Sussex, Vol 2b, page 155
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1919,June qtr district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 433
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1972, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 855
1883 Albert Daniels 134 134 == Biography ==

1891 living East Grinstead, Sussex
1901 living Godstone, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census
1897 - 1917 Albert Daniels 20 20 == Biography ==

1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey -

Buried June 1917 Heuvelland,West Flanders(West Vlaanderen), Belgium

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1897, June qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 143
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1916, Dec qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 303

UK soldiers died in the Great War 1914-1919 :-
Birth place - Crawley Down Sussex ;
Residence - Newchapel, Lingfield, Sussex ;
Death date - 7 June 1917 ;
Death Place - France and Flanders ;
Enlistment Place - East Grinstead Sussex ;
Rank - rifleman ;
Regiment - Royal Irish Rifles ;
Battalion - 15th Battalion ;
Regimental No - 44826 ;
Type of Casualty - died of wounds ;
Theatre of war - Western European Theatre ;
Comments - formally 5059 Royal Sussex Regiment

UK Army registers of Soldiers effects 1901- 1929 :-
Name - Albert Daniels ;
Gender - Male ;
Death Date 7 June 2917 ;
Death Place - France ;
Rank - Private ;
Regiment - Royal Irish Rifles ;
Regimental No - 15/44826

Ireland casualties of World War 1 , 1914-1922 :-
Regiment - Royal Irish Rifles ;
Regimental No - 44826 ;
Death date - 7 June 1917 ;
Death Place - France ;
Birth place - Crawley Down, Sussex ;
Other records - Albert Daniel - Royal Irish Rifles 44826

Web international find a grave index :-
Name  - Rifleman Albert Daniels ;
Burial Place - Heuvelland, West Flanders ( West Vlaanderen) , Belgium
Global find a grave index for Burials at sea and other select burial locations, 1300- current :-
Name - Rifleman Albert Daniels ;
Death date - 7 June 1917 ;
Cemetery - Westhof Farm Cemetery ;Burial or cremation place - Heuvelland, Arrondissement leper, West Flanders ( West-Vlsanderen), Belgium
1916 - 1979 Albert Daniels 63 63 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales birth index 1916-2005 ;  1917, Mar qtr, district East Grinstead, County Hampshire, Vol 2b, page 186

England And Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1979,
district Crawley, County West Sussex , Vol 18, page 1689
1876 Albert Daniels 141 141 == Biography ==

1881living Horne, Surrey
1891living Godstone, Surrey
1901 living Godstone, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1876, Jun qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol2a, page 183

UK Royal Navy Registers of Seaman's services 1853-1928 :-
Name - Albert Daniels ;
Gender - Male ;
Birth date - 1 May 1876 ;
Birth place - Godstone Surrey ;
Service No - F37445 ;
First Service date - 8 Sept 1917 ;
First Ship served on - President II ;
Last Service date - 31 Mar 1918 ;
Last ship served on - President II
1894 - 1910 Alfred Daniels 15 15 == Biography ==

Baptised 26 Aug 1894 St John, Felbridge Surrey

1901 living Horne, Surrey

Buried 19 April 1910 St John, Felbridge, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901 census
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1910, June qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 137

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 3702/1/1
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1910, Jun Qtr, district Godstone County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 137

Surrey England church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 3702/1/9
1828 - 1862 Amelia Daniels 34 34 1892 - 1976 Annie Daniels 84 84 == Biography ==

Baptised 3 July 1892 St John, Felbridge, Surrey

1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1892, Jun qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 150

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 3702/1/1
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1920, June qtr, districtEast Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 382
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1976, District Crawley,County West Sussex, Vol 18, page 2239
1873 - 1960 Charlotte Daniels 87 87 == Biography ==

Baptised 6 October 1872, St Mary, Horne, Surrey

1881 livingHorne, Surrey
1891 living Godstone, Surrey

Married William Gibb 1891

Buried 13 Jan 1960 St John, Felbridge, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891 census
England and wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1872, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 166

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 Ref 8596/1/1
England and Wales Civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1891,Sept qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 329

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 3702/1/9
1885 Ellen Daniels 132 132 == Biography ==

1891 living Worth, Sussex
1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1885, Mar qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 167
1887 Fanny Daniels 130 130 == Biography ==

1891 living East Grinstead, Sussex
1901 living Godstone, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1887, Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 1351
1866 - 1887 Fanny Daniels 21 21 == Biography ==

Baptised 28 Jan 1866 St Bartholomew Horley Surrey

1871 living Horley Surrey
1881 Burstow Surrey - Servant

Buried 3 June 1887, St Peter and St Paul , Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871,1881 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837 - 1915 ; 1866, Mar qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 155

England Select Birth's and Christenings 1538-1975 ; FHL film No 307816

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813- 1912 ; ref P30/1/7
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; bishops transcript
England Select Marriages 1538-1973 ; FHL film No 994337, Ref ID 2:3DXMZ1M
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref No 2888/1/44
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1887, June qtr, district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 86

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; ref 2399/1/23
1891 - 1956 Frank Daniels 65 65 == Biography ==

Baptised 26 April 1891 St Mary, Horne, Surrey

1891 living Horne, Surrey
1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey - General Labourer

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1891,Mar qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 200

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 8596/1/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1917,Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 335

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937; Ref 2870/1/12
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1956, Surrey South Eastern 5g page 857
1876 George Daniels 141 141 == Biography ==

1881 living Worth, Sussex
1891living Worth, Sussex
1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey
1911 living Burstow, Surrey - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1900, Sept qtr,district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 285
1900 George Daniels 117 117 == Biography ==

1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1900, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 180
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1920,June qtr District Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a page 503 line 10

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 4215/2
1881 James Daniels 136 136 == Biography ==

1881 Worth, Sussex
1891 Worth, Sussex
1901 Cropthorne,Surrey
1911 Reigate, Surrey - Insurance Agent

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
1853 - 1936 John Daniels 83 83 == Biography ==

Baptised 16 Jan 1853 St John Blindly Heath, Surrey

1861 Horley, Surrey
1871 Horley, Surrey
1881 Horne, Surrey - Farm Servant, indoors
1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey - Labourer on road

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871 ,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1853, Mar qtr district Godstone County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 112

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 3804/1/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1894,Dec qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 303
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; June 1936, Surrey North Western, Vol 2a, page 399
1850 - 1915 Josiah Daniels 65 65 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 Dec 1850 St John, Blindley Heath, Surrey

1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Horley, Surrey
1881 living Worth, Sussex - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Worth, Sussex
1901 living Cropthorne, Sussex
1911 living Worth, Sussex - General labourer

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1850, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 4, page 177

Surrey England church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; 3804/1/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1874,Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 187

England Select Marriages 1538- 1973 ; FHL film No 918476
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1915, June qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 192
1877 Josiah Daniels 140 140 == Biography ==

1881 living Worth, Sussex
1891 living Copthorne, Surrey, occupation, servant
1901 living Copthorne, Surrey
1911 living Burstow, Surrey - Labourer, general

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Dec qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 150
1889 - 1978 Lily Daniels 89 89 == Biography ==

Baptised 26 May 1889 St Mary, Horne, Surrey

1891living Horne, Surrey
1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 Horne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1889, June qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 194

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 8596/1/1
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1909, June qtr,District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 437
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Horne, St Mary, Parish Registers
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; june 1978, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 0871
1883 Mary Daniels 134 134 == Biography ==

1891 living Worth, Sussex
1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey
1911 living Worth, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882, Sept qtr district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 154
1900 - 1982 May Daniels 82 82 == Biography ==

1901living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1982, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 1187
1863 - 1955 Richard Daniels 92 92 == Biography ==

Baptised 7 June 1863 St Bartholomew, Horley Surrey

1871 living Horley, Surrey
1881 living Horne,Surrey - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Horne, Surrey
1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 living Horne, Surrey - Farm Labourer

== Sources ==

Ancsstry family trees

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1863, June qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 144

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref P30/1/7

Surrey England church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 3804/1/4
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1888,Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 321
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1955, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g page 759
1896 - 1971 Rose Daniels 75 75 == Biography ==

1901 living Cropthorne Surrey
1911 living Worth, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Dec qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 147
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1915, Dec Qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 375
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Jun 1971, district Horsham,County Sussex, Vol 5h, page 1751
1860 - 1957 Rose Daniels 97 97 == Biography ==

Baptised 1 April 1860 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Horley, Surrey
1881 living Horne, Surrey. Occupation servant
1891living Bletchingly, Surrey
1901 living Horne, Surrey
1911 livingHorne, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1860, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 151
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

England Select Birth's and Christenings 1538-1975 ; FHL film No 307816

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref P30/1/7
England and Wales free bmd Marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Sept qtr,district Godston, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 286
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref No 3925/1/15
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1937 , Surrey South Eastern, Vol 2a,page 482
1869 - 1958 Susan Daniels 89 89 == Biography ==

Baptised 11 Mar 1869 St Bartholomew Horley Surrey

1871 living Horley, Surrey
1881 living Horne, Surrey
1891 living Godstone, Surrey
1901 living Godstone, Surrey
1911 living Godstone, Surrey - Assistant

Buried 19 Feb 1958bSt John Felbridge Surrey

Probate 3 Mar 1958 ; London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1869, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 153

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref P30/1/7
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1958, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g page 588

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 3702/1/9
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1889 Thomas Daniels 128 128 == Biography ==

1891 living Worth, Sussex
1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey
1911 living Worth, Sussex -House Painter

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1889, Mar qtr district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 156
1856 Thomas Daniels 161 161 == Biography ==

Baptised 13 May 1855 St John, Blindly Heath, Surrey

1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Nutfield, Surrey
1881 living Horne, Surrey - Servant
1891 living East Grinstead, Surrey - Agricultural Labourer
1901 living Godstone, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey - Farm labourer

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 3804/1/1
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1855, June qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 121
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1885, Sept qtr,district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 299
1886 Thomas Daniels 131 131 == Biography ==

Baptised 31 Jan 1886 St John Felbridge, Surrey

1891 living East Grinstead,  Sussex
1901 living Godstone, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey - Farm Labourer

1914  Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 3702/1/1

British Army WW1Service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1886 ;
Birth Place - East Grinstead, Sussex ;
Enlistment Age - 28 ;
Document Year - 1914 ;
Regimental Number - 37964 ;
Regimental Name - Suffolk Regiment ;
Form Title - Short Service Attestation;
1826 - 1899 Thomas Daniels 73 73 1898 William Daniels 119 119 == Biography ==

1901 living Cropthorne, Surrey
1911 living Worth, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
1855 - 1939 Harriet Dark 84 84 ~1981 David 36 36 Elizabeth Davis 1866 Alice Dawes 151 151 ~1920 Rodney Deakin 97 97 Stan Deakin 1860 - 1944 Rose Dean 84 84 Louise Dorothy Dell Elizabeth Denton 1790 - 1862 Sarah Dewdney 72 72 1947 Kathleen Dickins 70 70 1864 Agnes Dickson 152 152 1869 David Dickson 148 148 Name:    David Dickson
Gender:    Male
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date:    25 Feb 1869
Birthplace:    Down, Ireland
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name:    Thomas Dickson
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name:    Rebecca Claughley
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number:    C01200-4
System Origin:    Ireland-EASy
GS Film number:    101180
Reference ID:    v 1-1 p 249

Citing this Record:
"Ireland Births and Baptisms, 1620-1881," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), David Dickson, 25 Feb 1869; citing Down, Ireland, reference v 1-1 p 249; FHL microfilm 101,180.
1863 Isaac Dickson 154 154 1882 James E. Dickson 135 135 1867 Mary Dickson 150 150 1875 Mary Jane Dickson 141 141 1877 Rebecca Dickson 140 140 1873 - <1881 Sarah Dickson 8 8 1836 Thomas Dickson 181 181 1880 - <1891 Thomas Dickson 11 11 1656 - >1702 Mary Dilly 46 46 Anonymous Dion ? 1794 - 1879 Ann Divall 85 85 1855 Jane Divall 162 162 Stephen Divall 1830 - <1911 Eliza (Elizabeth) Douglas 81 81 1880 - 1971 Sybil Mary Doult 91 91 ~1880 Herbert Walker Downs 137 137 1915 - 2001 Bert Drake 85 85 1979 Daniel Drake 37 37 1950 Leslie Drake 66 66 1866 - 1914 Ellen Duke 48 48 Barry Dunn Gavin Dunn Norman Dunn 1789 - 1870 Frances Easton 81 81 Dearing & Frances were buried at St Peters, Bexhill, this has been transcribed from their gravestone
affectionate remembrance of
Dearing Pelling
Who dies the 8th Nov 1875
In his 88th years
Also of Frances
Wife of the above
Who died the 16th March 1870
In her 81st year
Then shall the just return to the Earth
As it was and the Spirit unto God who giveth.
John Ede 1985 Andrew Edwards 32 32 1992 Ben Francis Edwards 25 25 1980 Christopher Edwards 37 37 1960 Gabrielle Suzanne Edwards 57 57 1972 Georgina Diane Edwards 45 45 1936 Irene Elizabeth Edwards 81 81 James Edwards 1988 Jesse Edwards 29 29 1899 - 1982 Kate Edwards 83 83 1934 Kenneth Reuben Edwards 83 83 Male Edwards 1968 Marcus Norman Edwards 49 49 1993 - 1993 Matt Norman Edwards 1939 Norman Francis Edwards 78 78 1964 Rebecca Jane Edwards 53 53 1994 Sam Norman Edwards 23 23 1962 Stephen Francis John Edwards 55 55 Sheila A Egan 1756 Benjamin Elderkin 260 260 1756 Eleanor Elderkin 261 261 1778 Elizabeth Elderkin 239 239 1754 Elizabeth Elderkin 263 263 1759 Elizabeth Elderkin 257 257 1747 George Elderkin 269 269 1775 - 1862 Mary Elderkin 87 87 1749 Mary Elderkin 268 268 1761 Mary Elderkin 255 255 1779 Sarah Elderkin 237 237 1751 William Elderkin 266 266 ~1720 - 1762 William Elderkin 42 42 Eleanor 1814 Eliza 203 203 D. 1671 Elizabeth Elizabeth D. 1741 Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth <1583 - >1644 Elizabeth 61 61 <1869 - 1924 Elizabeth 55 55 1849 Elizabeth 168 168 HILARY JANE ELIZABETH 1867 - 1937 Florence Ella 70 70 D. 1697 Ellen Elnor John Elsey 1716 - 1788 Mary Elsey 72 72 <1873 Charles Elstow 144 144 Emma >1886 Eva 131 131 ~1844 Ellen Evans 173 173 1743 - 1819 Hannah Evans 76 76 1888 - 1978 Charles Ewins 90 90 1920 - 2006 Hilda Ewins 86 86 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales birth index 1916-2005 ; 1920, Dec qtr, district Caine, County Dorset, Vol 5a, page 139
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ;  1944, sept Qtr, district Chippenham, County Wiltshire, Vol 5a, page 150
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 2006, district Bristol, County Gloucestershire, Reg No E30C, dist and sub district 301/1E, entry no 012
Jacqueline Ann F 1966 Rachel Fancy 50 50 Andrew Farish Archie Farish 1817 David Farish 200 200 David dissappeared after 1851 he worked on a ship so maybe he went aboard. 1822 - ~1902 Edward Farish 80 80 Illegitimate

It seems that Hannah Beattie was married before and had all the Beattie children below with Male Beattie.  Edward and Janet Farish are children of Edward Farish and Hannah Beattie who later married in 1872, so techincally they were born illegitimate.  What happened to Male Beattie, the first spouse of Hannah Beattie (nee Tait) is speculation.  It would seem he fathered several children with Hannah.  Perhaps he was a convict shipped to Australia never to return or lost at sea and Hannah could not re-marry until he was declared dead.

1861 Scotland Census
about Edward Farrish
Name: Edward Farrish
Age: 39
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Hannah
Gender: Male
Where born: Annan, Dumfrieshire
Registration Number: 812
Registration district: Annan
Civil Parish: Annan
County: Dumfriesshire
Address: Hairs Den High St
Occupation: Laberour & Tisherman
ED: 4
Household schedule number: 146
Line: 3
Roll: CSSCT1861_142
Household Members: Name Age
George Beattie 10
James Beattie 8
Mary Beattie 15
Robert Beattie 12
Edward Farrish 39
Hannah Farrish 40
Janet Farrish 1
Margert Richardon 4

1881 Scotland Census
about Edward Farish
Name: Edward Farish
Age: 60
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1821
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Hannah
Gender: Male
Where born: Annan, Dumfries
Registration Number: 812
Registration district: Annan
Civil Parish: Annan
County: Dumfriesshire
Address: Haining'S Court Lady St
Occupation: General Labourer
ED: 4
Household schedule number: 168
Line: 1
Roll: cssct1881_321
Household Members: Name Age
Annie Beattie 4
James Beattie 23
Mary Beattie 30
Edward Farish 60
Edward Farish 18
Hannah Farish 63
Janet Farish 20
1784 Edward Farish 233 233 Farish Info
1862 Edward (Ted) Farish 154 154 ~1900 George Farish 117 117 ~1899 Grace Farish 118 118 ~1896 - 1915 James Farish 19 19 1892 Janet Farish 125 125 1859 Janet Farish 157 157 1820 Mary Farish 197 197 ~1889 Thomas Farish 128 128 William Farish 1794 - 1879 Ann Faulconer 85 85 Census Transcript Family Sussex 1841
Address     Ringmer Green
Parish     Ringmer
Registration District     Eastbourne, Lewes, Ticehurst & Uckfield
Image Reference     HO107/1117/F?
Found 2 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Philip     Woolgar     50     1791         Yes     Agricultural Labourer
Ann     Woolgar     45     1796         Yes

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1871
Address     Bancks
Parish     Plumpton
Registration District     Lewes
Image Reference     RG10/1065/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
George     Backwell     53     1818     Head     Plumpton, Sussex     Grocer Master
Charlotte     Backwell     52     1819     Wife     Plumpton, Sussex
Allis     Backwell     3     1868     Grand Daughter     Cuckfield, Sussex
Ann     Woolgar     77     1794     Mother     Cuckfield, Sussex     Annuitant
Leonard     Welfare     28     1843     Lodger     East Chiltington, Sussex     Farm Labourer
Female D. 1838 Ann Fielder 1895 - 1959 Alfred Fincken 64 64 == Biography ==

1901 Lambeth, London
1911 Lambeth, London

== Sources ==

1901, 1911 census
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; sept 1959, District Hendon,County Middlesex. Vol 5e, page 378
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ;  1923, sept qtr,DistrictLambeth, County Surrey, Vol 1d, page 484
1867 - 1911 Charles Fincken 44 44 1888 - 1961 Nellie Fincken 73 73 == Biography ==

1891  Islington, London , staying with grandparents
1901 Lambeth

== Sources ==

1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Mar Qtr, District Islington, County London, Vol 1b, page 403
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1961, District Battersea, County London, Vol 5c, page 40
1616 Alice Finden 400 400 1606 Francis Finden 410 410 1603 - 1653 Helen Finden 49 49 ~1580 - 1650 Henry Finden 70 70 1619 Robert Finden 397 397 1954 Carol Fisher 62 62 1663 Elizabeth Fisher 353 353 George Fisher ~1640 - 1683 Henry Fisher 43 43 1672 Henry Fisher 344 344 1669 John Fisher 348 348 1676 Leonard Fisher 340 340 1667 William Fisher 349 349 Violet florence 1849 Elizabeth Sarah Flux 168 168 Dorothie Ford 1880 - 1938 Elizabeth Forrest 58 58 1831 - 1912 Sarah Fox 81 81 D. 1836 Frances <1835 Elizabeth French 182 182 1977 Leanne Tamar French 39 39 1854 John Gadd 163 163 Gadd     John     1855     Head     Gardener Not Domestic

Harriett     1848     Wife
Rose E     1876     Daughter     Laundress Wash
May     1883     Daughter     Laundress
Florence     1888     Daughter
Lilian     1893     Daughter
Sussex 1901     78 Coleridge Street | Steyning
1893 lillian Porter Gadd 124 124 1877 Rose Eliza Gadd 140 140 1779 - 1863 Mary Gallop 84 84 ~1807 - <1862 Ann Gardner 55 55 D. >1901 Mercy Gaskell William Gaskell 1943 Brent Reginald Gay 74 74 1947 Christine Pamela Gay 70 70 1938 Desley Gay 79 79 1910 - 1968 Reginald William John Gay 58 58 1969 Stefan John Gay 48 48 Jeff Gaywood ~1940 Mary Patricia Gaywood 77 77 1857 Georgina 160 160 1879 - 1944 Caroline Maria Gibbs 64 64 1873 - 1953 Mary Ann Gibbs 80 80 >1850 ? Gilbey 167 167 1886 Albert Edward Gillam 130 130 1874 Amelia Ann Gillam 143 143 1890 Baby Gillam ? 127 127 1892 Charles Arthur Gillam 125 125 1870 Edith Charlotte Gillam 146 146 1884 Eileen May Gillam 132 132 1879 Emma Ethal Rita Gillam 137 137 1877 Ernest Gillam 140 140 1847 Frank Gillam 170 170 1888 Frank Oswald Gillam 128 128 1886 Frederick Oswald Gillam 130 130 1881 Katte Gillam 135 135 1876 Stillborn Gillam ? 141 141 William Gillam 1871 William Frank Gillam 145 145 1782 - 1853 Amy Glasby 70 70 Arthur Gloster ~1920 Eric Gloster 97 97 ~1940 Eric Gloster 77 77 John Goble >1880 Fred Godley 137 137 Living Godley Living Godley Living Godley Denny Goodley went to New Zealand Frank E Goodley 1814 - 1878 Jane Gorringe 64 64 1656 - 1679 Grace 23 23 D. 1943 Grace 1770 - 1846 Owena Gracemark 76 76 ~1910 - 1940 Doris Elizabeth Granville 30 30 Metropolitan Borough of Camberwell, Civilian War dead register 1893 - 1988 Alan Cooper Gray 95 95 1892 Dorothy Gray 125 125 1881 - 1958 Freddy Gray 77 77 1896 Ida Beatrice Gray 120 120 1900 John Vivian Gray 117 117 1907 - 1998 Margaret Josephine Gray 91 91 1898 Roy Thomas Gray 119 119 ~1861 Thomas Gray 156 156 1609 Alice Green 408 408 1798 Ann Green 218 218 1722 Ann Green 294 294 1730 Ann Green 286 286 1617 Ann Green 399 399 1811 Benjamin Green 206 206 1801 Charles Green 215 215 1732 Edward Green 285 285 1686 Edward Green 330 330 1808 Eleanor Green 208 208 1799 - 1899 Elizabeth Green 99 99 1766 Elizabeth Green 250 250 1714 Elizabeth Green 302 302 1670 Elizabeth Green 346 346 1619 Elizabeth Green 398 398 1720 Jane Green 296 296 1878 - 1922 Jane Green 44 44 Born as "jenny"?

1881 census
Dwelling:    48 Stanley St
Census Place:    Brighton, Sussex, England
Source:    FHL Film 1341255     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 1081    Folio 33    Page 11
Marr    Age    Sex    Birthplace
George GREEN    M    30     M    Brighton, Sussex, England
Rel:    Head
Occ:    Gas Fitter
Florence F. GREEN    M    32     F    Brighton, Sussex, England
Rel:    Wife
Ellen E. GREEN         6     F    Worthing, Sussex, England
Rel:    Daur
Occ:    Scholar
Annie GREEN         4     F    Worthing, Sussex, England
Rel:    Daur
Jenny GREEN         2     F    Brighton, Sussex, England
Rel:    Daur
Frances A. GREEN         7 m    F    Brighton, Sussex, England
Rel:    Daur

3/4/22 William and Jane green lived at 25 Payne ave hove
1734 John Green 282 282 1668 John Green 348 348 1690 Leonard Green 326 326 1615 Mark Green 401 401 D. 1783 Mary Green 1774 Mary Green 243 243 1712 Mary Green 305 305 1796 Mary Ann Green 220 220 1778 - 1812 Richard Green 33 33 1737 - 1781 Richard Green 44 44 1683 - 1745 Richard Green 62 62 1717 Richard Green 300 300 1612 Richard Green 404 404 1735 Samuel Green 281 281 1727 Sarah Green 289 289 1769 Susan Green 247 247 1772 Susan Green 244 244 1770 Thomas Green 246 246 1709 - 1748 Thomas Green 38 38 1676 Thomas Green 340 340 1622 Thomas Green 395 395 1630 Thomas Green 387 387 1652 Thomas Green 364 364 1804 William Green 212 212 1739 William Green 277 277 1708 William Green 308 308 1719 William Green 297 297 ~1644 - 1705 William Green 61 61 1674 William Green 342 342 1580 William Green 437 437 1746 William Ward Green 270 270 1780 - 1834 Sarah Greenfield 54 54 1881 - 1940 Annie Olive Blanche GRIGGS 58 58 David Groves 1987 Jessica Groves 29 29 John Groves 1877 - 1920 George Gunner 43 43 1909 Irene Gunner 108 108 == Biography ==

1911 Burstow Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1909, Sept qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 222
1903 Mary Kathleen Hackworth 114 114 Alan Hale Christopher Hale Robert Hale Arthur Hall Arthur Hall Beatrice Hall 1973 Joanne Clare Hall 44 44 Liliy Hall Mike Hall Minnie Hall 1974 Robert Michael Hall 42 42 1630 - <1682 Daniel Halsey 52 52 1630 Elizabeth Halsey 387 387 1628 - 1725 Isaac Halsey 97 97 Robert Halsey 1593 - 1678 Thomas Halsey 85 85 ~1627 - ~1698 Thomas Halsey 71 71 1861 Ann Harding 156 156 George Harding 1888 - 1973 Albert Harman 85 85 == Biography ==

1891 living Burstow, Surrey
1901, living Burstow, Surrey
1911 living Burstow, Surrey - General labourer

Married Mildred E Bush 1916

Joined  Army 1915

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 177

British Army WW1 Service Records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1888 ;
Enlistment Age - 27 ;
Marriage Date - 24 June 1916 ;
Marriage Place - Bromley Kent ;
Document year - 1915
Residence Place - School Road Smallfields, Burstow ;
Regimental No - 68571 ;
Regiment Name - Royal Garrison Artillery ;
Form Title - Short Service Attestation
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1916,June Qtr district Bromley County Kent, Vol 2a, Page 1147
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1973, District Isle of Wight, County Hampshire, Vol 6b, page 2442
1877 Ellen Harman 140 140 == Biography ==

1881 living Burstow, Surrey
1891 living Burstow, Surrey
1901 living Burstow, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey. Occupation servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 186
1885 Frederick Harman 132 132 == Biography ==

1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey - Bricklayer

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census

England Select Marriages 1538-1973 ; FHL film No 1470975. Ref ID 190

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754- 1937 ; ref 2870/1/12
1909 - 1920 Harold Harman 11 11 == Biography ==

1911 living Burstow, Surrey

Buried 23 Oct 1920 St John, Felbridge, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1909, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 209
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1920, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b,page 164

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813 1987 ; Ref 3702/1/9
1881 John Harman 135 135 == Biography ==

Baptised 28 aug 1881 St Mary Horne, Surrey

1891 living Burstow, Surrey
1901 living Burstow, Surrey
1911 living Burstow, Surrey - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1891, June qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol wa, page 161

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 8596/1/1
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Mar qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 231
1855 John Harman 162 162 1864 Rachel Annie Harman 153 153 Listed as
Faedeaick Stephan Thomas for marriage
1879 Rose Harman 137 137 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 Jun 1880 St Mary Horne Surrey

1881 living Burstow, Surrey
1891 living Burstow, Surrey
1901 living West Grinstead, Sussex, occupation servant
1911 living Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1879, Sept qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 189

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 8596/1/1

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 2870/1/12
1891 Sydney Harman 126 126 == Biography ==

1891 living Burstow,Surrey
1901 living Burstow Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census
Rob Harper 1847 Harriett 170 170 ~1945 David Anthony Harris 72 72 George Anthony Harris ~1965 Natalie Harris 52 52 Mary Harrison George Haynes 1824 William Haynes 193 193 Charles Head Gail Henderson Went to South Africa John Henderson Stewart Henderson Jack Hennessy Kasten Hennessy Kenny Hennessy 1803 Henry 213 213 William Walter Hey 1906 Winifred Alderson Hey 111 111 1890 Annie Hill 127 127 1880 - 1952 Francis Hill 72 72 1676 - 1750 Sarah Hill 73 73 Mary Hillman 1878 - 1969 Elizabeth Hines 91 91 1854 Elizabeth Hoath 163 163 1841 Fanny Hoath 176 176 1844 Helen Hoath 173 173 1851 Henry Hoath 166 166 1834 Jane Hoath 183 183 1849 - >1902 Sarah Hoath 53 53 1807 - ~1886 Stephen Hoath 79 79 Census Transcript Household Kent 1861
Address     Tumbling Bay House Little Underriver
Parish     Seal
Registration District     Sevenoaks
Image Reference     RG9/0487/F? [Pages 12-13]
Found 9 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Stephen     Hoath     54     1807     Head     Seal, Kent     Wheel Wright & Carpenter Employing 3 Men
Eliza     Hoath     47     1814     Wife     Seal, Kent
Jane     Hoath     27     1834     Daughter     Seal, Kent
Fanny     Hoath     20     1841     Daughter     Seal, Kent
Helen     Hoath     17     1844     Daughter     Seal, Kent
Sarah     Hoath     12     1849     Daughter     Seal, Kent     Scholar
Henry     Hoath     10     1851     Son     Seal, Kent     Scholar
Elizabeth     Hoath     7     1854     Daughter     Seal, Kent
William     Hoath     4     1857     Son     Seal, Kent


Census Transcript Household Kent 1871
Address     Umbling Bay
Parish     Seal
Registration District     Sevenoaks
Image Reference     RG10/0921/F?
Found 7 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Stephen     Hoath     64     1807     Head     Seal, Kent     Wheelwright
Eliza     Hoath     57     1814     Wife     Seal, Kent     Wheelwright's Wife
Henry     Hoath     20     1851     Son     Seal, Kent     Carpenter
Jane     Carter     37     1834     Daughter     Seal, Kent
Elizabeth     Hoath     17     1854     Daughter     Seal, Kent
Henry     Carter     5     1866     Grand Son     Seal, Kent     Scholar
Mary E     Carter     3     1868     Grand Daughter     Seal, Kent
1857 William Hoath 160 160 1832 - 1904 Annie Hodgins 72 72 John Holcutt 1804 - 1885 Elizabeth Hollands 81 81 1833 Alfred Holloway 183 183 1821 Ann Holloway 195 195 1848 Charles Holloway 169 169 ~1755 Charles Holloway 262 262 1790 Charles Holloway 226 226 1803 Charles Holloway 213 213 1853 David Holloway 163 163 1816 Elizabeth Holloway 201 201 1806 Elizabeth Holloway 211 211 1785 Elizabeth Holloway 231 231 1838 Emily Holloway 178 178 1824 Esther Holloway 192 192 1800 Esther Holloway 216 216 1858 - 1901 Fanny Holloway 42 42 1828 Frances Holloway 188 188 1846 George Holloway 170 170 1862 Henry Holloway 154 154 1832 Joshua Holloway 185 185 1864 Kate Holloway 152 152 1781 Lucy Holloway 235 235 1826 Mary Holloway 191 191 1796 Mary Holloway 220 220 1837 Matilda Holloway 180 180 1830 Miriam Holloway 187 187 1850 Samuel Holloway 166 166 1817 Sarah Holloway 199 199 1793 Sarah Holloway 223 223 1795 - 1869 Thomas Holloway 74 74 1819 Thomas Holloway 197 197 1835 William Holloway 181 181 ~1852 John HOLMES 165 165 1877 John William HOLMES 140 140 D. 1601 Jane Holney William Holney 1993 Alexandria Emily Grace Holymon 24 24 Georgina Emma Jane Holymon Kaitlyn Isobel Jean Holymon Male Holymon 1962 Pad Homlom 55 55 George Horn Sylvia Horn 1857 Dinah G Horrell 160 160 1864 Selina Horrell 153 153 1858 - 1908 Susan Emma Horrell 50 50 1898 - 1954 Arthur Houliston 56 56 == Biography ==

1901 Coulsdon, Surrey
1911 Coulsdon, Surrey - scholar

1914 Military

== Sources ==

1901 ,1911 census
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1954, Surrey Mid eastern, Vol5g, page 254

British Army WW1 service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1896 ;
Enlistment age - 19 ;
Document year - 1915 ;
Residence Place - Oaklands Lodge Park Road, Kenley, Surrey ;
Regimental No - 61974 ;
Regiment Name - Royal Garrison artillery ;
Form Title - Short Service attestation ;

British Army WW1 medal rolls index cards 1914-1920 :-
Name - Arther W Houliston ;
Regiment or Corps - Royal Garrison Artillery :
Regimental Number - 61974
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1922 Sept qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 964
1869 - 1929 Edward Houliston 60 60 1894 - 1977 Gertrude Houliston 83 83 == Biography ==

1901 Coulsdon, Surrey
1911 Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

1901,1911 census
Richard Howell 1879 Annie Hubbard 138 138 1937 Anthony Hubbard 79 79 1873 Arthur Hubbard 144 144 Address     78 Coleridge Street, Hove, Sussex
Civil Parish     Hove
Sub District     Hove
Registration District     Steyning
Image Reference     RG14 - PN5195 RD80 SD2 ED21 SN129
Found 9 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Gender     Relation     Marriage Status     Years Married     Birth Place     Occupation
John     Gadd     57     1854     Male     Head     Married         Hove, Sussex     Gardener
Harritt     Gadd     64     1847     Female     Wife     Married     37     Hove, Sussex
Lilian Porter     Gadd     18     1893     Female     Daughter     Single         Hove, Sussex     House
Authar     Hubbard     35     1876     Male     Son In Law     Married         Hove, Sussex     Builder Labour
Rose Elizabeth     Hubbard     34     1877     Female     Daughter     Married     10     Hove, Sussex     Ironer
Evelyn May     Hubbard     9     1902     Female     Grand Child             Hove, Sussex
Ivy Rosalie     Hubbard     6     1905     Female     Grand Child             Hove, Sussex
Maud Lillian     Hubbard     5     1906     Female     Grand Child             Hove, Sussex
Authar John     Hubbard     1     1910     Male     Grand Child             Hove, Sussex
1905 Arthur Hubbard 112 112 1910 Arthur H John Hubbard 107 107 1906 Bill Hubbard 111 111 1910 Daisy Hubbard 107 107 1908 Doris Hubbard 109 109 1922 - 2006 Eileen J Hubbard 84 84 1871 Eliza Hubbard 146 146 1915 Ernest H Hubbard 102 102 1902 - 1988 Evelyn May Hubbard 86 86 1914 Frederick G Hubbard 103 103 1852 George Hubbard 165 165 1881 census

Name      Marital Status     Gender     Age     Birthplace     Occupation
George HUBBARD       M       Male       29       Brighton, Sussex, England       Carman
Eliza HUBBARD       M       Female       28       Winchester, Hampshire, England
Eliza HUBBARD              Female       10       Winchester, Hampshire, England       Scholar
William HUBBARD              Male       5       Brighton, Sussex, England       Scholar
Annie HUBBARD              Female       2       Brighton, Sussex, England
Sarah PAICE  (AUNT)     W       Female       72       Bishop Walsham, Hampshire, England
Arthur HUBBARD              Male       8       Brighton, Sussex, England       Scholar

Source Information:
Dwelling      47 London St
Census Place     Brighton, Sussex, England
Family History Library Film      1341256
Public Records Office Reference      RG11
Piece / Folio      1087 / 10
Page Number      13
1901 Ida Hubbard 116 116 1920 Ivy M Hubbard 97 97 1905 Ivy Rose Hubbard 112 112 1912 Jenny Hubbard 105 105 1906 Maud Lilliain Hubbard 111 111 1898 - 1901 Rose Elizabeth Hubbard 3 3 1932 Valerie M Hubbard 84 84 1876 William Hubbard 141 141 1911 census
1911 Census Household Transcript
Back to normal view <>
Name:    Relationship to head:    Marital Status:    Years married:    Sex:    Age in 1911:    Occupation:    Where born:
HUBBARD, DORIS    DAUGHTER            F    3        SUSSEX HOVE
HUBBARD, DAISY    DAUGHTER            F    1        SUSSEX HOVE

HUBBARD DAISY (RG14PN5195 RG78PN229 RD80 SD2 ED21 SN181)
Address    96 MONTGOMERY STREET HOVE SUSSEX    County    Sussex
District    Steyning    Subdistrict    Hove
Enumeration District    21    Parish    Hove
1879 - 1956 Elizabeth Hubble 77 77 Diane Hughes Ivy E Hulgrave 1903 - 1985 Albert Humphrey 81 81 Andy Humphrey ? 1926 - 2005 Clarence Humphrey 78 78 == Biography ==

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees
England and wales civil registration birth index 1916-2005 ; 1926, Dec qtr district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 352
US Naturalization indexes 1791-1992 ( Indexed in the world Archives Project ) ;-
Name - Clarence Roy Humphrey ;
Birth date - 10 sept 1926 ;
Age at Event - 54 ;
Court District - Connecticut ;
Date of action - 12 Dec 1980

US Social security Applications and claims index 1936-2007 ;-
Name - Clarence Roy Humphrey ;
SSN - 031428271 ;
Gender - Male ;
Race - White ;
Birth date - 10 sept 1926 ;
Birth Place - London Surrey , United Kingdom ;
Death date - 1 May 2005 ;
Type of claim - Original SSN

U,S, Social security Death Index 1935-2014 :-
Name - Clarence roy Humphrey ;
Last residence - Old Orchard Beach, 04064, York, Maine ;
Born - 10 sept 1926 ;
Died - 1 May 2005 ;
State ( Year ) SSN Issued - Massachusetts -1967-1968
George Humphrey 1901 - 1985 George Humphrey 84 84 1818 - 1902 Harriett Humphrey 84 84 1925 - 1941 John Humphrey 16 16 == Biography ==

Buried 13 Dec 1941 St Peter and St Paul , Ewehurst, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees
England and Wales Civil registration Birth Index 1916-2005 ; 1925, June qtr, Dist Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 376
England and Wales civil registration Death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1941, Surrey North Western, Vol 2a, Page 534

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; Parish Register
Kenneth George Humphrey ? Jinny Hunt 1878 - 1961 Kate Hunt 83 83 Living Illingworth Anonymous Interman ? Irene ~1806 Isabella 211 211 Harry Ives 1947 John Ives 70 70 1907 - 1991 Edith Izard 84 84 1955 Penelope J 61 61 Jack Craig Jackson Faye Jackson Gail Jackson Graham Jackson Julie Jackson 1822 George Jacob 195 195 1852 - 1901 Julia Jacob 49 49 1864 Kate Jacob 153 153 ? Jacobs ? Jacobs 1856 Albert Jacobs 161 161 1897 - 1996 Amy Jacobs 99 99 Dorothy? Jacobs 1854 Elizabeth Jacobs 163 163 1856 Harriet Jacobs 161 161 1851 Henry Jacobs 166 166 1555 - 1608 Jane 53 53 Jayne 1898 Daisy Mae Jeffery 118 118 1832 Thomas Jeffery 185 185 Keith Jenkins Mary Ann Jenkins D. 1701 Joan Joan Joanna Joanne BARRIE JOHN 1870 - 1941 Clarence Johnson 71 71 1908 - 1990 John Johnson 82 82 == Biography ==

1911 living Eltham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Sept qtr, district Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1092
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Jul 1990, District Greenwich, County London, Vol 12, page 783
1895 - 1916 Leonard Johnson 20 20 == Biography ==

1911 living Eltham, London - Tailor, learner

Uk Royal Navy and Marine War Graves Roll :-
Name - Leonard Percival Cordry Johnson ;
Rank - Sto 2nd ;
Birth Date - 25 May 1895 ;
Birth Place - New Cross, London ;
Branch of Service - Royal Navy ;
Cause of death - Died from disease ;
Official No. Port Division: K29402 (Dev) ;
Death date - 11 Jan 1916
Ship or unit - HMS Vivid ;
Location of Grave - S ( Church ground ) 3 12Name and address of cemetery - Plymouth Devonport & Stonehouse Cemetery, Plymouth , Devon
Father Clarence, 33 Dunbrick Road, Ellham, Kent

Buried Plymouth Devonport and Stonehouse Cemetery, Plymouth, Devon

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd  birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Sept qtr, district Greenwich, County London, Vol qd, page 1049

UK Royal and Royal Marine War Grave Rolls 1914-1919
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1916, district East Stonehouse, County Devon, Vol 5b, page 451
1904 Winifred Johnson 113 113 == Biography ==

1911 living Eltham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1916 ; 1904, Mar qtr, district Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1195
Calvin Jones Calvin was a departmental Manager at the Standard Chartered Bank in the City of London until 1995 when he took early retirement.

We bought a tiny two-bed-roomed cottage in Ventnor, Isle of Wight for our retirement and are extremely happy.  The address is: 34 Ocean View Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1AB. As you can guess from the name we have stunning views of the English Channel.
Male Jones Stephen Jones Stephen who is Director of Rainforest Protection at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.  He is studying for his Doctorate at the moment. Tracy Jones 1907 - 1962 Dorothy Grace Judd 55 55 maybe married to a king 1905 - 1990 Elizabeth Hilda Judd 84 84 1881 - 1963 William Charles Judd 81 81 Name:    William Judd
Event Type:    Census
Event Date:    1911
Event Place:    Northumberland West, Ontario, Canada
Gender:    Male
Marital Status:    Married
Relationship to Head of Household:    Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original):    Head
Birth Date:    Nov 1881
Birthplace:    England
Household ID:    157
GS Film Number:    002418513
Digital Folder Number:    007526767
Image Number:    00786

Household    Role    Gender    Age    Birthplace
William Judd    Head    M    30    England
Rosina Judd    Wife    F    21    England
Elizabeth Judd    Daughter    F    6    England
Dorothy Judd    Daughter    F    4    Ontario
George Wright    Boarder    M    24    England

Citing this Record:
"Canada Census, 1911", index, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : accessed 24 Aug 2014), William Judd, 1911.
1913 William Charles Judd 103 103 Judith Jukes Kelly 1847 Sarah A D Kemp 170 170 1879 Joseph Kempton 138 138 ~1925 Sheila Kempton 92 92 ~1927 Vivienne Kempton 90 90 1905 W.J.H Kempton 112 112 1817 - 1879 Abraham Kenward 62 62 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 June 1817 Lingfield, Surrey

1861 living  Horley, Surrey
1871 living Worth, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref No 2399/1/5
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1916 ; 1862, Sept Qtr,District East Grinstead County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 175
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1916 : 1879, Mar Qtr, district East Grinstead County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 94
1843 - 1907 Abraham Kenward 64 64 == Biography ==

Banns read first on 16 Dec 1866, marriage 7/1/1867

1851 living Shoreditch, Middlesex
1861 living Bethnal Green, Middlesex
1871 living  South Hackney,London
1881 living Hackney, London - Marble Mason
1891 living Camberwell, London
1901 Patient London County Lunatic Asylum, Cain Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851,1861,1871,1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1867, Mar qtr, district Lambeth, County London, Vol 1d, page 429
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Dec qtr, dist Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 150
1877 - 1955 Alan Kenward 78 78 == Biography ==

1881 living Lingfield, Surrey
1891 living Lingfild Surrey
1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 Croydon, Surrey

1916 Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1181,1891,1901, 1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 127
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1905,Sept qtr, distist Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 754

British Army WW1 Service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1877 ;
Enlistment Age - 39 ;
Marriage date - 8/7/1905 ;
Marriage Place - Croydon ;
Document Year -  1916 ;
Residence Place - 45 Lahore Road, Croydon ;
Regimental Number - 72152 ;
Regimental Name - Middx FW ;
Form Title - Record of Service ;Household members - Allan Spencer Kenwood 39 ; Ella Lillias Spalding ; Jack Alan Charles Kenwood 9 ; Irene Nora Kenwood 8 ;George Spencer Kenwood 6 ; Albert Sidney Kenwood 4 ; Arthur Robert Kenwood 1 ;

England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1955, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 5g page 99
1912 - 1993 Albert Kenward 80 80 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 : 1913, Mar Qtr District Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 526
England And Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1993, Mar qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2251C, page C64B
1892 - 1965 Albert Kenward 73 73 == Biography ==

1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey - Cowman on Farm

Married Mary Jones in 1922

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837 - 1915 ; 1891 Mar qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 185
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1922,Apr qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 485
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 : Dec 1965, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 380
1900 Alfred Kenward 117 117 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 May 1900 Burstow, Surrey

1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1901, 1911 Census

England Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975 ; FHL film No 1470975
1868 - 1950 Alice Kenward 82 82 == Biography ==

Baptised 14 June 1868 St Mary , Lambeth, London

1871 living South Hackney, London
1881 living Hackney, London
1891 living London
1911 living Eltham , London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

London England Church of England births And baptisms 1813-1906 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1916 ; 1903, Mar qtr, district Camberwell, County London, Vol 1d, page 988
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1950, dist Surrey Northern, Vol 5g, page 479
1893 Amelia Kenward 124 124 == Biography ==

1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1893, June qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 189
1834 - 1845 Anne Kenward ? 11 11 == Biography ==

Baptised 22 Dec 1833 Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

England select births and christenings 1538-1975 ; FHL film no 1470975
1859 Annie Kenward 158 158 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1858 - 1930 Annie Kenward 72 72 == Biography ==

1861 Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Lambeth, London - Bookeeper

Probate 14 Jan 1931 - London

== Sources ==

1861,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1859, Mar qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 124
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 : Dec 1930, District Hendon, County Middlesex, Vol 3a, page 425
England and Wales National Probate Calendar ( index of Wills and Administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1871 Arthur Kenward 146 146 == Biography ==

1891 living Camberwell, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891 census
1915 - 1979 Arthur Kenward 64 64 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1915, June Qtr District Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 490
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; 1979, Sept qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 11, page 1752, line 24
1875 - 1962 Arthur Kenward 86 86 == Biography ==

1881 living Lingfield, Surrey - Scholar
1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey - Hay Cutter/ Thatcher

1914 Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1873, Sept Qtr, District east Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 121
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1898,Dec qtr, District Islington, County London, Vol 1a, page 639
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 :Parish Register
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1962, district Tonbridge, County Kent, Vol 5b, page 942

British Army WW1Medal rolls, index cards 1914-1920 :-
Name - Arthur William Kenward ;
Regiment or Corps - Labour Corps ;
Regimental No - 153151
1894 - 1916 Arthur Kenward 22 22 == Biography ==

Baptised 7 Sept 1893 Burstow, Surrey

1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey - Cowman on Farm
Buried Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval Departement de la Somme, Picardie, France

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees

1901, 1911 Census

England Select births and Christenings 1538-1975 : FHL film No 1470975

UK Army Registers of Soldiers Effects 1901-1929 :-
Name - Arthur Kenward ;
Gender - Male ;
Death Date -5  Sept 1916 ;
Death Place - France ;
Rank - Private :
Regiment - East Surrey Regiment ;
Regimental No - J 4200

UK Soldiers died in the Great War 1914-1919 ;-
Birth Place - Burstow, Surrey ;
Death Date - 5 Sept 1916 ;
Death Place - France and Flanders ;
Enlistment Place - Redhill, Surrey ;
Rank - Private ;
Regiment - East Surrey Regiment ;
Battalion - 9th Battalion ;
Regimental No - 4200 ;
Type of Casualty - Killed in Action ;
Theatre of War - Western European Theatre ;

Web International Find a grave index :-
Name - Arthur James Kenward ;
Death Date - 5 Sept 1916 ;
Burial Place - Departement de la Somme, Picardie. France
Global Find a Grave index for burials at sea and other select burial locations, 1300-Current ;-
Name - Arthur James Kenward ;
Death Date - 5 sept 1916 ;
Cemetery - Delville Wood Cemetery ;Burial or Cremation Place - Longueval, Departement de la Somme, Picardie, France
1894 - 1970 Arthur Kenward 76 76 == Biography ==

1901living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley,Surrey - farm labourer

1915 Military

Married Rosella Cook 1940

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ;1894, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 181

British Army WW1 pension records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - 1894 ;
Birth Place - Surrey, England ;
Age - 21 ;
Document Year - 1915 ;
Regimental No - 36772 ;
Regiment Name - Army Service Corps ;
Form Title - Short Service Attestation ;
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1940,June qtr , district Cuckfield, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 525
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1970 Surrey Northern, Vol 5g ,page 319
1899 - 1981 Bartholomew Kenward 82 82 == Biography ==

1891 living Tottenham, London,
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1899, Jun qtr, district Godstone county Surrey, Vol 2a, page 208
England and Wales civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1919,Sept qtr, District Bethnal Green, Vol 1e, page 325
London And Surrey England Marriage Bonds and Allegations 1597-1921 ;Ref No MS 10091/307
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish register
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Jun 1981, district Cheshireand Ellesmere Port, County Cheshire, Vol 35, page 0196
1867 Beatrice Kenward 150 150 1902 - 1960 Beatrice Kenward 58 58 == Biography ==

Baptised 25 July 1902 St Bartholomew, Horley

1911 living Horley, Surrey - Scholar
1929. 1933, 1936 living Reigate, Surrey ; 1938 Living Guildford, Surrey, 1959,1960 living Kensington South, London

== Sources ==

1911 census

1929,1933,1936,1938 Surrey England Electoral Registers

1959, 1960 London England Electoral Registers
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 : 1902, Sept qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 199

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2007 ; 1924,Sept qtr, District Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 503, line 64

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales Civil Registration Death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1960, District Westminster, County London, Vol 5c, Page 324
1814 - 1888 Benjamin Kenward 74 74 == Biography ==

Baptised 14 August 1814 , St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

1841 living Horne, Surrey
1851 living Shoreditch, London

1854 6 Feb Newington Prison, Surrey

1871 living Hackney, London
1881 living Hackney, London - Mason

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841, 1851,1871,1881 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/5

England and Wales criminal registers 1791- 1892 :-
Name - Benjamim Kenwood ;
Date of Trial - 6/2/1854 ;
Trial Year - 1854 ;
Location of Trial - Surrey, England ;
Sentence - Imprisionment ;

England And Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1916 ; 1841, Sept qtr,district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2, page 133
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Sept qtr, district Hackney, County London, Vol 1b, page 250
1860 - 1942 Bertha Kenward 82 82 == Biography ==

1861 living Lingfield surrey
1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Broadwater, Sussex, occupation servant

Arrived Australia 25 Dec 1883

1901 living Coulsdon, Surrey
1911living Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1860, sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 112
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 (1883 Brighton), 1883 Sept qtr, District Brighton, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 372
New South Wales , Australia , Unassisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1826-1922 :-
Name - Bertha Surbey ;
Estimated birth Year - about 1860 ;
Age - 23 ;
Port of arrival - Sydney, New South Wales ;
Date of Arrival - 25 Dec 1883
Ship - Perricles
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 (1901 Croydon) ;1901, Mar qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 370
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1942, District Croydon,County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 920
1903 - 1993 Bertha Kenward 90 90 == Biography ==

1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census
England and wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1903, Sept qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, vol 2a, page 237
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1993, Surrey South Eastern, Reg No 5B, dist and sub dist 7602A, Entry No 104
1896 - 1919 Bertha Kenward 23 23 == Biography ==

1901living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey  - mothers domestic help

Buried 3 Feb 1919 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911  census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1896, jun qtr, dist Reigate. County Surrey, Vol2a, page 190

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 4215/3
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1919, dist Reigate, county Surrey, Vol 2a, page 385
1846 - 1872 Charles Kenward 26 26 == Biography ==

Baptised 30 August 1846 Lingfield, Surrey

1851 living Lingfield, Surrey
1861 living Lingfield, Surrey

Buried 25 feb  1872 St Peter And St Paul Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851, 1861 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1846, Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex Vol 7, page 356
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1872, Mar qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 83

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 2399/1/23
1885 - 1970 Clara Kenward 85 85 == Biography ==

1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Horley Surrey

Buried 24 Aug 1970 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1891,1901, 1911 Census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1885, June qtr, district East Grinstead. County Sussex, vol 2b, page 164
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1907,Dec qtr, district Reigate, county Surrey, vol 2a, page 374

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 4215/2

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept1970, Surrey South Eastern. Vol 5g ,page 853

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; ref 7795/1/26
1902 - 1982 Clara Kenward 80 80 == Biography ==

Baptised 29 June 1902 St Bartholomew, Horley,  Surrey

1911 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1902, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 197

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1982, district Bromley,County Surrey, Vol 11 page 1196
1905 - 1984 Clarence Kenward 79 79 == Biography ==

1911 living Horley, Surrey - scholar

Buried 6 Feb 1984 St Peter, West Molesey, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1905, June qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 215

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; REf 7795/1/6

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 7276/19
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Jan 1984, district Kingstonupon Thames, County Surrey, Vol 13, page 1995
1885 - 1965 Daisy Kenward 80 80 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 Nov 1885 St George, Crowhurst , surrey

1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey

Probate 17 Mar 1966 London

== Sources ==

1891,1901,1911 census

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2993/1
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1885, June qtr, District east Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 160a
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Dec qtr, District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 1496
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1965 Surrey South eastern, Vol 5g, page 337
England and Wales National Probate Calendar ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1908 - 1995 Doris Kenward 87 87 == Biography ==

1911 living Lewisham, London

1930, 1935, 1937 living Lewisham, London

Probate 24 July 1995 Brighton

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Dec qtr, district Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1066

1930,1935, 1937 London England Electoral Registers 1832-1965
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; district Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1760
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; May 1995,District Lewisham, County London, Reg No B68A, dist and sub dist 2421B, entry No 10
England and Wales National Probate Calender ( Index of Wills and administration's ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1857 - 1931 Edgar Kenward 74 74 == Biography ==

1861 living Lingfield, Surrey
1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield, Surrey - Hay Binder
1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey - Hay Trusser

Buried 2 April 1931 St Peter and St. Paul, Lingfield, surrey

== Sources ==

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 185, Sept qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 115
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1885, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 317
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1931, District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 421

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ;  Ref 6722/6
1886 - 1938 Edgar Kenward 52 52 == Biography ==

Baptised 15 Aug 1886 St George, Crowhurst, Surrey

1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lingfield,Surrey
1911 living Lingfield, Surrey - Hay Trusser

Buried 1 Oct 1938 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1886, Sept qtr. District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 152

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2993/1
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1917, June qtr , District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 455

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 2399/1/16
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1938, Surrey south Eastern, Vol2a, page 502

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 6722/6
England and Wales national probate calender (index of Wills and administrations) 1858-1966, 1873-1995
1906 - 1963 Edgar Kenward 57 57 == Biography ==

1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1916 ; 1908, Sept Qtr, District Godstone, county Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 237
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; dec 1963, District Tonbridge County Kent, Vol 5b, page 1009
1897 - 1911 Edith Kenward 14 14 == Biography ==

1901 Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees

1901 Census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1897, Sept qtr, Dist Reigate, Surrey, Vol 2a, page 191
England and Wales civil registration death Index 1837-1915 ; 1911, Mar Qtr, Dist Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a ,page 159
1898 Edith Kenward 119 119 == Biography ==

1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911  census
1829 - 1862 Eliza Kenward 33 33 == Biography ==

1841 Burstow Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841 census
* Source: <span id='S-483650301'>S-483650301</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  Ancestry Family Trees Publication:  Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:  Original data:  Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.   Page:  Ancestry Family Tree Data:Text: * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:
1881 - 1964 Elizabeth Kenward 83 83 == Biography ==

1881 living Burstow, surrey
1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey. Occupation servant
1911 Horley, Surrey

Buried 19 Mar 1964 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1881, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 177
1831 - 1926 Ellen Kenward 95 95 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 February 1831 Lingfield,Surrey

1841 living Burstow, Surrey
1851 living Horne, Surrey
1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Horley, Surrey
1881 living Horne, Surrey
1891 living Godstone, Surrey
1901 living Godstone,Surrey
1911 living Godstone, Surrey

Buried 1 February 1926 St John, felbridge, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; P2399/1/5
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1850, Sept qtr,district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 4, page 169
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref Parish Registers
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; Mar 1926, Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 316

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; 3702/1/9
1880 - 1971 Ellen Kenward 91 91 == Biography ==

1881living Lingfield, Surrey
1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey

Buried 26 Apr 1971 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 : 1881, Mar qtr, district East Grinstead, County sussex, Vol 2b, page 153
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1971,Surrey South eastern, Vol 5g, page 895

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 6722/7
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Mar qtr,District  Paddington, County London, Vol 1a, page 116
1858 - 1871 Ellen Kenwood 13 13 == Biography ==

1861 living Horley, Surrey
1871 living Worth, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1858, Sept Qtr district East Grinstead County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 104
England And Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1871, Dec qtr district East Grinstead County Sussex Vol 2b, page 76
1864 Emily Kenward 153 153 == Biography ==

1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1871,1881 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1864, sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 122
1882 - 1944 Emily Kenward 62 62 == Biography ==

1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Horley , Surrey - servant

1933 Living Reigate Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1891, 1901 Census
England and Wales civil Registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882 Marqtr, District Reigate, Surrey, Vol 2a, page 190

1933 Surrey England Electoral registers 1832-1962
England and Wales Civil Registration Death index 1916-2007 ; June 1944, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 2a, page 651
1910 - 1988 Enid Kenward 78 78 == Biography ==

1911 living Lewisham, London

1918 admitted to London Workhouse

Probate 29 Mar 1989 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England  and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1910, Sept qtr, district Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1078

London England Workhouse Admission and Discharge Records 1759-1930 :-
Name - Enid Lillian Kenward ;
Birth date - 19 July 1910 ;
Admission Age - 7 ;
Record type - Admission ;
Borough - Lewisham ;
Parish or poor law union - Lewisham ;
Place - London :
Title - Lewisham High Street Workhouse, 1917-1920
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Feb 1988, district Lewisham, County London, Vol 14, page 500
England and Wales National Probate Calender ( Index of Wills and administration's ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1819 - 1895 Esther Kenward 76 76 == Biography ==

Baptised 31 January 1819 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield,Surrey

1841 living East Grinstead, Sussex
1851 living Cowden, Kent
1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Cowden, Kent

Buried 24 Aug 1895 St Lawrence, Thanet, Kent

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/5
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837- 1915 ; 1843, sept qtr, district  St Saviour Southwark County London, Vol 4 page 478
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Mar Qtr district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 525
England Select deaths and Burials 1538-1991 ; FHL film No 1850282, ref ID Pg 168
1867 - 1931 Fanny Kenward 64 64 == Biography ==

1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield, Surrey - Scholar

Probate 24 Oct 1931. London

== Sources ==

1861,1871,1881 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1868, Sept qtr, East Grinstead, County Surrey, Vol 2b, page 118
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ;  sept 1931, District Bromley, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 625
England and Wales national Probate Calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1887 - 1985 Florence Kenward 98 98 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1887, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 181
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1920,Sept qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 519

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; 1985, Surrey South Eastern
1892 - 1962 Frank Kenward 70 70 == Biography ==

1901 Lewisham , London
1911 Lewisham, London - Carpenter

1914 Miliary

Probate 12 Apr 1962 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1892,Junqtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 146

British Army WW1 medal rolls index Cards 1940-1920 :-
Regiment and Corps - Royal Garrison Artillery ;
Regimental Numbers - 79050 ;
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1924,Sept qtr, district Lewisham, County Kent, Vol 1d, page 2546
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1962, District Tonbridge, County Kent, Vol 5b, page 1236
England and Wales national probate calender (index of wills and administrations) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1891 Frederick Kenward 126 126 == Biography ==

1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - Farm labourer

1914 Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census,
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1916 ; 1891, Dec Dec qtr,district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 167

British Army WW1 Service Records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1891 ;
Enlistment Age - 23 ;
Document Year - 1914 ;
Regimental Number - 2442 ;
Regimental Name - D?? of The Line GS ;
Form Title - Service Attestation ;

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 7795/1/6
1822 - 1890 George Kenward 68 68 == Biography ==

1841 Burstow,Surey

== Sources ==

Ancestry Family trees

1841 census
* Source: <span id='S-483650301'>S-483650301</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  Ancestry Family Trees Publication:  Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:  Original data:  Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.   Page:  Ancestry Family Tree Data:Text: * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:
1910 - 1989 George Kenward 78 78 == Biography ==

1911 Croydon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837- 1915 ; 1910, Dec qtr, District Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 284, line 38
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; 1989, Mar qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 11, page 1658
1894 - 1971 George Kenward 77 77 == Biography ==

1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - Milkman journeymann

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales freebmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1894, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 182
Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; 1924, Mar qtr,district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 341

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1971, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 957
1888 - 1962 Gertrude Kenward 74 74 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Sanderstead, Surrey. Occupation servant

Buried 10 Jan 1962 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 180
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1919,Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 3a page 639
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1962, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 1103

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813- 1987 ; ref 7795/1/26
1906 - 1983 Grace Kenward 76 76 == Biography ==
Grace was born in 1907 and is the daughter of [[Kenward-36|Josiah Kenward]] and [[Maynard-1177|Mary Maynard]].  She was baptized February 8, 1907 at St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey, England.  In 1911 she lived in Horley, Surrey, England.
Grace married [[Humphrey-1952|George Humphrey]] in 1927 and they remained together until she died in 1983.

== Sources ==

*1911 census*England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-15; 1907, Mar qtr, District Reigate, county Surrey, Vol 2a, page 213
*Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912; Ref 4215/1
*Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937; Ref 7795/1/6*England and Wales death index 1916-2007; Sept 1983. Surrey south Eastern, Vol17, page 0959

<references />

== Acknowledgements ==
*WikiTree profile created by [[Humphrey-2162|Andy Humphrey]] on Saturday, December 6, 2014.

<-- This comment, and everything else, can be edited or removed. -->
1865 - 1954 Hannah Kenward 89 89 == Biography ==

1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield Surrey
1891 living Bramley, Surrey.occupation servant
1901 living Battersea, London
1911 living Battersea, London

Probate 2 Feb 1955 London

== Sources ==

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1916 ; 1865, June qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 116
England and wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1891,Dec qtr, District Kensington, County London, Vol1a, page 182a
London England church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Ref Parish Register
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 : Dec 1954, District Battersea, County London, Vol 5c, page 20
England and Wales National Probate Calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966. 1973-1995
1857 Henry Kenward 160 160 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1877 Henry Kenward 140 140 == Biography ==

1881 living Hackney, London
1891 living Camberwell, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891 census
1877 - 1916 Henry Kenward 38 38 == Biography ==

1881 East Grinstead, Sussex
1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey

30 April 1910 Depart London, England
17 Dec 1910 Arrive Liverpool, England

1911 Winnipeg City , Manitoba, Canada
1914 Canada

Buried Puisieux, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1881, 1891, 1901 Census

1911 Census of Canada
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Mar qtr, District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 197

UK Incoming Passenger lists 1878-1960 ;-
Name  - Henry Kenward ;
Port of departure - St John, new Brunswick, Canada ;
Arrival date - 17 Dec 1910 ;
Port of Arrival - Liverpool, England ;
Ship Name - Victorian ;
Search Ship database - Victorian Victorian ;
Shipping Line - Allan Line ;
Official Number -121216

Canada CEF Commonwealth War Graves Registers 1914-1919 ;-
Name - H T Kenward ;
Death Date - 15 Sept 1916 ;
Unit - 20th Battalion ;
Rank - Private ;
Service Number - 141229 ;
Burial Country - France, Belgium etc
Canada, War Graves Registers ( Circumstances of Casualty ), 1914-1948:-
Name - Henry Thomas Kenward ;
Death Date - 15 Sept 1916 ;
Rank - Private ;
Unit - 20th Battalion ;
Service No - 141229

Web International find a Grave Index ;-
Name - Pvt Henry Thomas Kenward ;
Death date - 15 Sept 1916 ;Burial Place - Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord -Pas-de-Calais, France
Global, Find a Grave Index for Burials at sea and other select BurialLocations , 1300- Current :-
Name - Pvt Henry Thomas Kenward ;
Birth Date - 27 Dec 1878 ;
Death Date - 15 Sept 1916 ;
Cemetery _ Serre Road Cemetery No 1 ;Burial or Cremation Place - Puisieux, Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1908 - 2001 Irene Kenward 93 93 == Biography ==

1911 Croydon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Dec qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 278A,  line 75

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 7406/1/8

Surrey England Church of England marriage's 1754-1937 ; Ref 2856/1/13
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; May 2001, District Croydon, County London, Surrey, Reg No D87B, Dist and sub District 2251D, Entry No 148
1904 - 1989 Ivy Kenward 85 85 == Biography ==

1911living Lewisham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1904, Sept qtr, district Romford, County Essex, Vol 4a, page 606
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Jan 1989, district Brent, County Middlesex, Vol 11, page 748
1907 - 1989 Jack Kenward 82 82 == Biography ==

1911 Croydon, Surrey

Married Hylda M Sales In 1937

Probate 17 Nov 1989

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Sept qtr, district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 304, line 139

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref No 7406/1/7
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ;1937, Sept Qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 2272
England and Wales National Probate Calender ( Index of Wills and administration's  ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1906 - 1991 Jack Kenward 85 85 == Biography ==

1911 living Lewisham, London

Probate 11 Mar 1991 Winchester

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1906, Sept qtr, didtrict Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 1202
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Feb 1991, district Poole, County Dorset, Vol 23, page 1005
England and Wales National Probate Calender ( Index of Wills and administration's ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1825 - 1898 James Kenward 73 73 == Biography ==

Baptised 18 Dec 1825 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

Imprisioned in 1877 , trial date 5 Feb 1877, in Surrey

1841 living Burstow, Surrey
1861 living Lingfield, Surrey
1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield, surrey - Hay Binder
1891 living Lingfield, Surrey

Buried 16 July 1898 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1861,1871,1881, 1891 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/5

England and Wales Criminal registers 1791-1892
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1856, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 208
England And Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1898, Sept qtr, dist Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 119

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 6722/1/4
1905 - 1988 James Kenward 83 83 == Biography ==

1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1905, Dec qtr, District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 224
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; May 1988, District Tunbridge Wells, County Kent, Vol16, page 1952
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1940, Sept qtr, DistrictSevenoaks, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 3983
1877 - 1948 James Kenward 70 70 == Biography ==

1881 living Lingfield Surrey
1891 living Lingfield Surrey
1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1881 , 1891, 1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1878, Sept qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, Page 146
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1948, district Uckfield, County Sussex, Vol 5h, page 454
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1903. Mar Qtr, District Godstone, County surrey, Vol 2a, Page 322
1885 James Kenward 132 132 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - labourer with stem roller

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891, 1901,1911 census

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ;ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1971, district Horsham, county Sussex, Vol 5g,page 1698
1885 - 1970 James Kenward 85 85 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1885, Sept qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 174
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1921,Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 421

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 4215/2
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Jun 1970, District Taunton,County Somerset, Vol 7c, page 1041
1879 - 1961 John Kenward 81 81 == Biography ==

Baptised 31 Aug 1879, St Mary , Horne, Surrey

1881 East Grinstead, Sussex
1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Ifield, Sussex
1911 Horsham, Sussex - Cowman

Probate 27 Sept 1961 London

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 8596/1/1
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1903,Dec qtr, District Horsham, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 669
England and Wales Civil Registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1961, District Bromley, County Kent, Vol 5b, page 116
England and Wales National Probate calender ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1775 - 1865 Josiah Kenward 90 90 May have been called josiah......

Found this ref on web
This is what I got from Lingfield today.
Mary dau. of James + Mary KENWARD bap.Nov 9th 1828
Ann " " " " " " Oct 16th 1831
Caroline" " " " " " Jan 5th 1834
James son " " " " " Oct 18th 1835
Elizabeth dau " " " " Mar 11th 1838
Births were checked back to 1822
The occupation for the parents is shown as "farmer". The only marriage in the 1800-1830 period is George KENWARD and Mary Ann STEVENS Nov 2nd 1829.Maybe James and Mary
didn't marry in Lingfield.Also "productive" at that time,in Lingfield, were Josiah and Ann KENWARD;possibly related.
Later,in the 1851 census,we find William and Eliza KENWARD farming DORMAN'S FARM,but no Caroline.I cannot find either James and Mary,or any of their children on the 1851 census.
That's all I can relate to you.Best regards Dave
== Biography ==
Baptised 4 June 1775 Fletching Sussex Father Richard Kenward, Mother Ann Kenward

Buried 28 Oct 1865 St Peter and St Paul Lingfield, Surrey

1841 living Burstow,Surrey
1851 living Horne, Surrey
1861 living Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861 census

England and Wales Christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Register

England select marriages 1538-1973 ; FHL film No 307759, 97133
London England, Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; bishops transcript

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 3925/1/13
England Select deaths and burials 1538-1991 ; FHL film No 1040289, ref ID p187 i1491
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1865, Dec qtr, district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 70

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; ref 2399/1/22
1849 Joseph Kenward 168 168 == Biography ==

1851 living Shoreditch, Middlesex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851 census
1853 - 1919 Josiah Kenward 66 66 == Biography ==

Baptised 1 Dec 1853 St John Blindley Heath, Surrey

1861 living Burstow, Surrey
1871 living Burstow, Surrey
1881 living Burstow, surrey - Agricultural Labourer
1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - Farm Labourer

Buried 25 Oct 1919 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861, 1871, 1881,1891,1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1853, Dec qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 119

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 3804/1/1

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 2870/1/12
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1919, District Reigate,County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 245

Surrey England Church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 4215/3
1882 - 1964 Josiah Kenward 82 82 == Biography ==

1891living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - Gardener Domestic

Probate 14 Dec 1964 London

== Sources ==

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 170

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 : Ref P24/9/6
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1964, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 733
England and Wales national probate calender (index of wills and administrations) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1896 Lillian Kenward 121 121 == Biography ==

Baptised 17 Feb 1896 Burstow, Surrey

1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Horley, Surrey - servant

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees

1901,1911 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration birth index 1837-1915 - 1896, Mar qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 183

England Select Births and Christenings 1538-1975 ; FHL film No 1470975
1896 - 1984 Lizzie Kenward 88 88 == Biography ==

1901living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901, 1911 census
England and Wales freebmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1896, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 185

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2005 ; July 1984, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 811
1891 Mabel Kenward 126 126 == Biography ==

1901 living Horley. Surrey
1911 living Sanderstead, Surrey - Servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1891, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 170
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1915,June qtr district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a page 552

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref no 4215/2

British Army WW1 Service Records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Female ;
Marriage date - 24 May 1915 ;
Marriage Place - Parish Church Horley ;
Document year - 1915 ;
Residence Place - 28 Southfield Road, Wandsworth ;
Relationship to soldier - spouse ;
Form title - Descriptive report enlistment ;
1900 - 1973 Madeline Kenward 73 73 == Biography ==

Baptised 14 Oct 1900 St Peter and St Paul,  Lingfield, Surrey

1901 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Limpsfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1900, Dec qtr, District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol2a, page 186

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/7
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1924, Dec qtr, District Sevenoaks, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1835
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1973, District Tonbridge, County Kent, Vol 5f, page 2039
1821 - 1886 Mary Kenward 65 65 == Biography ==

Baptised 20 May 1821 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

1841 living Burstow, Surrey
1851 living Cuckfield, Sussex
1861 living Cuckfield, Sussex
1871 living Cuckfield, Sussex
1881 ljving Cuckfidld, Sussex

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861,1871,1881  census

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref no 2399/1/5
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ; 1886, Mar Qtr, District Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 198
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ;  1842, June Qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 4, page 363

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 Ref no 2870/1/12
1875 - 1886 Mary Kenward 11 11 == Biography ==

1881 Burstow, Surrey - Scholar

== Sources ==
<references />
* 1881 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth Index 1837-1915 : 1875 Marqtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 161
England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index 1837-1915 ; 1886, Dec Qtr, District Reigate, County surrey, Vol 2a, page 107
1861 Mary Kenward 156 156 == Biography ==

Baptised 5 May 1861 St Bartholomew Horley Surrey

1871 living Burstow, Surrey
1881 Burstow Surrey
1891 Horley Surrey
1901 Horley Surrey
1911 Horley Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1861, June qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 148

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 2870/1/6
England Select Birth's and Christenings 1538- 1975 ; FHL film No 1470975
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915; 1879, Dec qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 365

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 2870/1/12

England Select Marriages 1538-1973 ; FHL film No 1470975, ref ID 120
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1947, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 1116
1880 - 1914 Maurice Kenward 34 34 == Biography ==

1881 Lingfield, Surrey
1891 Lingfield, Surrey
1901 Lewisham, London
1911 Lewisham, London - Journeyman Carpenter

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1880, Sept qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 157

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/6
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1904,Mar qtr, district Romford, County Essex, Vol 4a page 483
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; 1914,Marqtr, district Southwark, County London, Vol 1d, page 39
1811 Milley Kenward 206 206 == Biography ==

Married Charles Head 6th Dec 1833

== Sources == family trees
England Marriages 1538-197307083 ; GS film no 307706,307707, 307708,307709,307710, 307711, 307712
1876 Miriam Kenward 141 141 == Biography ==

1881 living Lingfield, Surrey
1891 living Tandridge, Surrey - Servant
1901 living Paddington, London. Occupation servant

== Sources ==

1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1906,Sept, Qtr, district Kensington, County London, Vol 1a, page 395
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 : Parish Register
1883 - 1966 Olive Kenward 83 83 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 May 1883 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield

1891 living Lingfield, Surrey
1911 living Lewisham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1883 Junqtr,district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 150

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/7
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1905,Mar qtr, district Romford, County Essex, Vol 4a, page 497
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1966, district Worthing, County Sussex, Vol 5h, page 792
1934 - 2007 Pamela Kenward 72 72 == Biography ==

Married Michael A Thompson 1953

Depart London 16 Sept 1953

Buried Eastlawn Cemetery, Hamilton, Wentworth County . Ontario, Canada

== Sources ==
<references />* England and Wales Civil Registration birth index 1916-2005 ; 1935, Mar qtr, District Surrey South Eastern, County Kent, Vol2a, page 681
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage Index 1916-2005 ; 1953,June qtr, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 1376

UK Outward Passenger Lists 1890-1960 :-
Name - Pamela Margaret Thompson ;
Gender - Female ;
Birth Date - about 1935 ;
Departure date - 16 Sept 1953 ;
Destination Port - Melbourne, Australia ;
Ship Name - Himalaya ;
Shipping Line - P & O
Master - D G H O Baillie

US Social Security Applications and Claims Index 1936-2007 ;-
Name - Pamela Margaret Thompson ;
Gender - Female ;
Race - White ;
Birth Date - 14 Dec 1934 ;
Birth Place - Horley , Surrey, United Kingdom ;
Death Date - 12 Mar 2007 ;
Type of Claim - Original SSN

US Social Security Death Index 1935-2014 :-
Name - Pamela M Thompson ;
Last Residence - ( US Consulate ) 953, Canada ;
Born - 14 Dec 1934 ;
Died - 12 Mar 2007 ;
State ( Year ) SSN Issued - California -1961
1890 - 1970 Percival Kenward 80 80 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - Farm Labourer

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1890, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 185
England and Wales death index 1915-2007 ; Sept 1970, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 835
1723 Richard Kenward 294 294 == Biography ==
Baptised 21 Sept 1758 Fletching Sussex, Father Richard Kenward. mother Anne

== Sources ==
<references />
* Family Search records

England Births and Christenings 1538-1975 ; GS film No 1067170, Ref ID 2:2S8ZCVS

England Marriages 1538-1973 : GS film No 1067170
1827 - 1879 Robert Kenward 51 51 == Biography ==

Baptised 26 August 1827 St Peter and St Paul , Lingfield, Surrey

1841 living Burstow, Surrey
1851 living Horne, Surrey - Labourer
1861 living Burstow, Surrey
1871 living Burstow, Surrey - Thatcher and Hay binder

buried 11 April 1879, Burstow, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861,1871 census
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/5
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1850, Sept qtr,District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 4, page 169
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 : Parish Horne, St Mary
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915 ;1879, Jun qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 115

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; Parish register
1846 - 1873 Robert Kenward 27 27 == Biography==

Baptised 8 Oct 1848 St Leonard's Shoreditch, Middlesex

1851 living Shoreditch, Middlesex
1861 living Hackney, Middlesex
1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851,1861,1871 census

England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Parish registers

London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921

England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1915
1865 Robert Kenward 152 152 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1902 - 1967 Ronald Kenward 65 65 == Biography ==

1911 living Horley, Surrey - scholar

1923 Reigate, Surrey
1929 Reigate, Surrey
1932 Reigate, Surrey

== Sources ==

1911 census

1923,1929,1932 Surrey England electoral registers
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005; 1926, Dec qtr, district Horsham, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 811
England and Wales death index 1837-1915 ; Mar 1967, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 405
1888 - 1962 Rosina Kenward 74 74 == Biography ==

1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 185
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 2837-1915 ; 1908,Mar qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 272

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 4215/2
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1961, Surrey South Eastern, vol 5g, page 915
1868 Sophia Kenward 149 149 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1849 - 1937 Spencer Kenward 88 88 1881 census:

Name      Relation     Marital Status     Gender     Age     Birthplace     Occupation     Disability
Spencer KENWARD       Head       M       Male       31       Lingfield, Surrey, England       Carpenter
Lucy KENWARD       Wife       M       Female       28       Lingfield, Surrey, England
Alan KENWARD       Son              Male       4       Lingfield, Surrey, England
Maurice KENWARD       Son              Male       7 m       Lingfield, Surrey, England

Source Information:
Dwelling      Saxbys Lane
Census Place     Lingfield, Surrey, England
Family History Library Film      1341250
Public Records Office Reference      RG11
Piece / Folio      1059 / 9
Page Number      11
== Biography ==

Baptised 25 Mar 1849 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield, Surrey

1851 living Lingfield, Surrey
1861 living Lingfield, Surrey
1871 living Lingfield, Surrey
1881 living Lingfield, Surrey - Carpenter
1891 living Lingfield Surrey
1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Lewisham, London -Carpenter, builders

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851,1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1849, Mar qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 7, page 398
London England Church of England births and Baptisms 1813-1906 ; Bishops Transcript

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 2399/1/6
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1873,Dec qtr, district St Saviours, Southwark, district London, Vol 1d, page 148
London England Church of England marriages and Banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; June 1937, district Tonbridge, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1108
1871 Spencer Rowland Kenward 145 145 1815 - 1894 Stephen Kenward 79 79 In 1881 census living at french Horn,Lingfield Surrey...with harriet and grandchildren Beatrice(14) and Rowland(9)...prrhaps children of Charles who maybe deceased.

Name      Relation     Marital Status     Gender     Age     Birthplace     Occupation     Disability
Steven KENWARD       Head       M       Male       65       Lingfield, Surrey, England       Carpenter
Harriet KENWARD       Wife       M       Female       62       Oxted, Surrey, England
Beatrice KENWARD       Granddaur              Female       14       Lingfield, Surrey, England
Rowland KENWARD       Grandson              Male       9       Lingfield, Surrey, England

Source Information:
Dwelling      French Horn
Census Place     Lingfield, Surrey, England
Family History Library Film      1341250
Public Records Office Reference      RG11
Piece / Folio      1059 / 12
Page Number      18
== Biography ==

Baptised 7 Jan 1815 St Peter and St Paul, Lingfield

Buried 10 Mar 1894 St Peter and St Paul Lingfield

1851 Lingfield , Surrey
1861 Lingfield, Surrey
1871 Lingfield, Surrey
1881 Lingfield, Surrey - Carpenter
1891 Lingfield, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/5

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ;  Ref   6722/ 1/4
England and Wales free bmd Marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1846, June qtr,district Sevenoaks, County Kent, Vol 5, page 545

1851,1861 , 1871,1881,1891 census
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1894, Mar qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 103
1888 - 1966 Susannah Kenward 78 78 == Biography ==

1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey

Buried 7 February  1966 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Sept qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 169

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 4215/2

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 7795/1/26
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1966, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 461
1856 - 1942 Thomas Kenward 86 86 == Biography ==

1861 living Burstow, Surrey
1871 living Burstow, Surrey
1881 living Burstow, Surrey - Gardener
1891 living Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey
1911 living Horley, Surrey - General labourer and Hay tier

Buried 24 Dec 1942 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1856, Dec qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 121
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1883,Jun qtr, District East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 212
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1942, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 2a, page 727

Surrey England church of England burials 1813-1987 ; Ref 7795/ 1/25
1884 - 1970 Thomas Kenward 86 86 == Biography ==

1891 Horley, Surrey
1901 living Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1884, Jun qtr, district Reigate County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 176
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1970, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 1103
1852 Thos Kenward 165 165 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1870 Thos Kenward 147 147 == Biography ==

1871 living Hackney, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871 census
1888 - 1973 Violet Kenward 84 84 == Biography ==

Baptised 29 April 1888 St Peter and St Paul Lingfield, Surrey

1891 living Lingfield, surrey
1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Lewisham, London - Drappers Assistant

Probate  26 Feb 1973 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, Jun qtr, district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b,page 147
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1919,Mar qtr, district Holborn,County Middlesex, Vol 1b, page 920

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2399/1/7
London England Church of England Marriages and Banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1973, district Tonbridge, County Kent, Vol 5f, page 2312
England and Wales National Probate Calender ( Index of Wills and administration's ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1879 - 1946 Walter Kenward 67 67 == Biography ==

Baptised 10 Aug 1879 Walthamstow, Essex

1881 living Hackney, London
1891 living Camberwell, London
1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Kings Norton, Worcestershire - Stone Mason

15 Oct 1946 probate

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1879, Sept qtr, district West Ham, County Essex, Vol 4a, page 154

England and Wales christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Registers
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1902,Jun qtr, district Brentford, County Middlesex, Vol 3a, page 188
England and Wales death index 1916-2007  ; Sept 1946, district Birmingham, County Warwickshire, Vol 9c, page 221
England and Wales national probate calender (Index of Wills and administrations) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1850 - 1927 William Kenward 77 77 == Biography ==

Baptised 22 Dec 1850, St John, Blindley Heath, Surrey

1851 Horne, Surrey
1861 living Burstow, Surrey
1871 Horne, Surrey
1881 Horne, Surrey - Agricultural Labourer
1891 Burstow, Surrey
1901 Burstow, Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey -  Carter on Farm

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851.1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales Civil Registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1850, Dec qtr. District Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 4, page 180
Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; St John, Blindley Heath Ref No 3804/1/1
England and Wales civil registration Marriage index 1837-1915 ;1871 June qtr, District Godston, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 245

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1934 ; Horne, St Mary
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1927, district Reigate, County Surrey Vol 2a, page 232
1872 - 1924 William Kenward 52 52 == Biography ==

Baptised 3 Mar 1872 St Bartholomew, Burstow, Surrey

1881 East Grinstead, Sussex - Scholar
1891 Burstow. Surrey
1911 Burstow, Surrey - Farm, Labourer

Joined Military 18 Sept 1894

1898 Newhaven, Sussex

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1881, 1891,1911 census
England and Wales Civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1872, Mar qtr, District Reigate, Surrey, Vol 2a, page 178

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2870/1/6

Canada,British Regimental Registers of Service 1756-1900 :-
Name - William Thomas Kenward ;
Age - 21 ;
Birth date - about 1873 ;
Birth Place - Durston ( Burstow } Surrey ;
Military Date - 18 Sept 1894 ;
Unit - 97th Foot Soldiers ;
UK, Royal Hospital Chelsea, Pensioner Solder Service Records 1760-1920 ;
Name -  William Thomas Kenward ;
Age - 21 :
Birth date - about 1873 ;
Birth Place - Burton {Burstow) Surrey ;
Service Start Year - 1894 ;
Regiment - Royal West Kent Regiment ;
Regimental No -  4242 ;
Attestation Paper - Yes ;

UK Railway Employment Records 1833-1956 :-
Name - William Thomas Kenward ;
Age - 26 ;
Birth Date - about 1872 ;
Residence Date - May 1898 ;
Station - Newhaven ;
Company - London. Brighton and South Coast ;
Description - Traffic Staff ; register of appointments 1847-1901
England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1924, District Reigate. County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 253
1875 Winifred Mary Kenward 141 141 1910 Annie Kenwood 107 107 == Biography ==

1911 living Kings Norton, Worcestershire

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1906 Herbert Kenwood 111 111 == Biography ==

1911 living Kings Norton, Worcestershire

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1908 Walter Kenwood 109 109 == Biography ==

1911 living Kings Norton, Worcestershire

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
~1727 - 1809 John Kenworthy 82 82 1764 - 1801 Mary Kenworthy 36 36 1765 - 1820 Susannah Kenworthy 54 54 Living Keysell Jonathon King Myrtle Sylvia King Henry Kingston Win a Kitchenham Ruth Labat Eliza Ann Lacey 1839 - 1913 Miriam Laker 74 74 Living Lamond 1984 Benjamin Lanzon 33 33 Elizabeth Carmen Jane Lanzon 1979 Jonathon Lanzon 38 38 1955 Peter Lanzon 62 62 1982 Timothy Lanzon 35 35 Jane lawrence John lawrence 1971 Julie Lawrence 46 46 julie sefton Ann Lawton Robert Lawton Robert Lawton Thomas Lawton 1863 - 1935 Mary Leader 72 72 Peter Lelliott 1915 - 1991 Elsie Martha MC LEOD 75 75 1850 Eleanor Lester 167 167 ~1830 William Lester 187 187 D. 1956 William Lewis Dora Gilman or Light 1839 - 1909 Ann Lippard 70 70 1798 - 1822 Sarah Lish 24 24 ~1786 Mary Livingstone 231 231 1873 Ada Longley 144 144 == Biography ==

1881 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Canterbury, Kent

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1873, June qtr, District Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 501

Surrey England Church of England  marriages 1754-1937 ; ref 6746/1/4
1906 - 1959 Ada Longley 53 53 == Biography ==

1911 living Croydon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1906, Sept qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 357
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 :  1938, Mar Qtr, DistrictCroydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 888
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1959, district Croydon,County Surrey, Vol 5g, page 202
1864 Albert Longley 153 153 == Biography ==

1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Cowden, Kent
1911 living Cowden, Kent - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1864, Dec qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 453
England and Wales free marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1890, Mar qtr, District Bromley County Kent, Vol 2a, page 544
1901 - 1965 Albert Longley 64 64 == Biography ==

Baptised 7 Apr 1901Christ Church, Norwwod, London

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Lambeth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census

England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1901, Mar qtr, district Lambeth, County London Vol 1d, page 535
London England Church of England births and baptisms1813-1906; ParishRegisters
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1982, District Greenwich County Greater London, Vol 12, page 1115
1888 - 1958 Albert Longley 70 70 == Biography ==

1891 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - warehouse assistant

== Sources ==
<references />
* 1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1888, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 643
Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; 1914, Dec qtr,district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 647
Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref No 2269/1/11
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1958, Surrey North Eastern , Vol 5g, page 475
1875 Alice Longley 142 142 == Biography ==

1881 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881 census
1881 - 1962 Beatrice Longley 81 81 == Biography ==

1881 living Carlshalton, Surrey
1891 living Wallington, Surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 : 1881, Mar qtr, district Epsom, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 7
England and Wales death index 1916-2007  : Mar 1962, District Devices, County Wiltshire, Vol 7c, P 571
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1907, June qtr,district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 692
1872 Bertha Longley 145 145 == Biography ==

1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Norwood, London occupation servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891 census
1880 - 1966 Charles Longley 86 86 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 June 1880 Hockerill, Hertfordshire

1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Jobbing Gardener

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1880, Jun Qtr, district Bishops Stortford County Hertfordshire, Vol 3a, page 363

England and Wales christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1901, Sept qtr,district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1475
England and Wales death index 1837-1915 ; June 1966, district Sutton,County Surrey, Vol 5e, page 202
1909 - 1983 Charles Longley 74 74 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837 -1915 ; 1909, Sept qtr district Epsom County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 15
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1983, District Newcastle upon Tyne, County Tyne and Wear, Vol 2, page 0993
1857 - 1921 Charles Longley 64 64 == Biography==

Buried Bandon Hill Cemetry, Wallington, surrey

1861 living Cowden Kent
1871 living  Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent -Gardener ( domestic )
1891 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Gardener Jobbing

1921 Mitcham, Surrey

== Sources ==

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1857, Sept qtr district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 365

England and Wales marriages 1538-1940 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1879,Mar qtr, district Bishops Stortford, County Hertfordshire, Vol 3a, page 285
England select marriages 1538-1973 ; FHL film No 1040806, Ref ID 2: X4WXL0

1921 Surrey England electoral registers 1832-1945
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1921, district CroydonCounty Surrey, Vol 2a, page 368

Burial information passed on via email
1910 Clara Longley 107 107 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1899 - 1975 Daisy Longley 76 76 == Biography ==

Baptised 7 Apr 1901 Christ Church, Norwood, Surrey

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Eltham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 : 1899, Sept qtr, district Lambeth County London, Vol 1d, page 509
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 : June 1975, District Blackpool and Fylde, County Lancashire, Vol 40, Page 0600
1847 - 1928 Edgar Longley 81 81 == Biography ==

1851 living Cowden, Kent
1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Wandsworth, London
1881 living Goudhurst, Kent - Gardener
1891living St Mary, London
1901 living Chiselhurst, Kent
1911 living Bromley, Kent - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1928, district BromleyCounty Kent, Vol 2a, page 676
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1847, Dec qtr, Sevenoaks, County Kent, Vol 5, page 417
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1871,Dec qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 849
London England Church of England marriages and Banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Registers
1872 - 1964 Edgar Longley 92 92 == Biography ==

1881 living Goudhurst, Kent
1891 living St Mary, London
1901 living Mottingham, Kent

27 Aug 1964 Probate, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1872, Sept qtr, District Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 599
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1892,Jun Qtr, district Portsea Island, County Hampshire, Vol 2b, page 942
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1964, district BromleyCounty Kent, Vol 5b, page 164
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales national probate calender (index of wills and administration) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1878 - 1908 Edgar Longley 30 30 == Biography ==

1881 living Stone in Dartford, Kent
1891 living Streatham, London
1901 living Croydon, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* 1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Dec qtr, district Epsom County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 8
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1916 ; 1906, Mar qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 374
England and Wales free bmd death index 1837-1916 ; 1908, Dec qtr district Croydon, County Surrey Vol 2a, page 165
1890 Edith Longley 126 126 == Biography ==

Baptised 16 Apr 1890 St John, Malden, Surrey

1891 living Malden, Surrey
1901 living Farnham, Surrey
1911 living Brighton, Sussex occupation servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration Birth index 1837-1915 ; 1890 , Jun Qtr, District Kingston, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 329

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 2473/1/4
1897 Edith Longley 119 119 == Biography ==

Baptised 26 Sept 1897 St Peter , Croydon,Surrey

1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Lewisham, London

Started School 26 Aug 1901 Holbeach Road School, Lewisham

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1897, Sept, District Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 237

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 2912/1/3
London England School admissions and discharges 1840-1911 ; LCC/EO/DIV07/HLB/AD/005
1901 Edward Longley 116 116 == Biography ==

1911 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1901 June qtr district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 755
1857 Elizabeth Longley 160 160 == Biography ==

1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - General servant domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1861,1871,1881 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1857, Dec qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 379
1907 Elsie Longley 110 110 == Biography ==

1911 living Eltham, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1882 - 1966 Ernest Longley 84 84 == Biography ==

1891 living Wallington, surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Working in Buisness

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England And Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882, Dec qtr, District Epsom County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 6
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1916, Mar qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 700
England And Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1966, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 5g, page 288
1892 Ethal Longley 125 125 == Biography ==

1911 living Croydon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1892, Dec qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 216
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 : 1917, sept qtr, districtCroydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 828
1876 - 1957 Fanny Longley 81 81 == Biography ==

1881 living Goudhurst, Kent
1891 living St Mary, London
1901 living  Mottingham, Kent
1911 living  Bromley, Kent - Dressmaker

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1876, Dec qtr, district Cranbrook, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 69
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1957, District Bromley County Kent, Vol 5b, page 247
1869 Frances Longley 148 148 == Biography ==

1871living Wandsworth, London
1881 living Wandsworth, London
1891 living London City, London
1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1869, Jun Qtr district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 509
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
1862 Frederick Longley 155 155 == Biography ==

1871 living Cowden Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Norwood, London
1911 living Croydon, Surrey - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1871,1881,1891,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1862, Sept qtr, District Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 411
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1885,mar qtr, district Tonbridge County Kent, Vol 2a, page 743
1897 - 1987 Frederick Longley 89 89 == Biography ==

Baptised 6 mar 1898 Christ Church, Norwood, London

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Eltham, London - School

1916 enlisted Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901 , 1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1898, mar qtr, district Bromley County Kent, Vol 2a, page 442
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Parish Registers

British Army WW1 service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1898 ;
Enlistment Age - 18 ;
Document year - 1916 ;
Residence Place - 21 Pound Place , Eltham ;
Regimental Number - 085 ;Regimental Name - Royal Artillery ( Royal Horse Artillery and Royal field Artillery ) ;
Form Title - Short Service Attestation

British Army WW1 Service medal rolls index cards 1914-1920 :-
Regiment or Corps - Royal Horse Artillery ;
Regimental Number - 177085

England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1923, Sept qtr, districtLewisham County Kent, Vol 1d, page 2250
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Jan 1987, district Greenwich, County London, Vol 12, page 939
1878 - 1953 George Longley 75 75 == Biography ==

1881 living Goudhurst, Kent
1891 living St Mary, London
1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Eltham, London

1916 enlistment in Military

Probate  27 Mar 1953 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1878, Dec qtr, District Cranbrook County Kent, Vol 2a, page 704
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1897,Jun Qtr, District Lambeth County London, Vol 1d, page 858
London England Church of England marriages and Banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Registers

British Army WW1 service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1877 ;
Enlistment Age - 39 ;
Marriage Date - 20 June 1897 ;
Marriage Place - St Luke's Church, West Norwood ;
Document year - 1916 ;
Residence Place - 21 Pound Place, Eltham ;
Regimental Number - 68112 ;
Regiment Name - ??B
Form Title - Short Service Attestation ;
Household members - George E Longley 39, Lillian Eliza Bates,
Albert Edward Longley 15, Elsie Lillian Longley 10,

British Army WW1 medal rolls index cards 1914-1920 :-
Regiment or Corps - Cameronian ( Scottish Rifles ) labour corps ;
Regimental Number - 12720, 385819 ;
George E Longley
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1953, District WoolwichCounty London, Vol 5d, page 1320
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1895 - 1953 Gertrude Longley 58 58 == Biography ==

1901 living Farnham, Surrey
1911 living Farnham, Surrey

Probate 28 Aug 1953 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1901,1911 census
England And Wales free bmd births index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Sept qtr, district Farnham, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 142
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1920,Mar qtr, district Farnham County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 230

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7616/1/2
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 : Sept 1953, district Bridge,County Kent, Vol 5b, page 42
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( Index of wills and administrations) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1867 Hannah Longley 150 150 == Biography ==

1881 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837 - 1915 ; 1867, mar qtr district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 560
1834 - 1920 Henry Longley 86 86 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 Sept 1834 Cowden, Kent

1841 living Cowden, Kent
1851 living Cowden, Kent
1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Cowden,  Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Warlingham, Surrey
1901 living Croydon, Surrey
1911 living Oxted, Surrey - Not able to work

== Sources ==

1841,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census

England and Wales christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Register
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1856,Sept qtr, district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 139

England and Wales marriages 1538-1940 ; Parish Register
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1920, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 322
1882 - 1914 Henry Longley 32 32 == Biography ==

Baptised 14 May 1882 All Saints Wandsworth

1891 living Wandsworth, London
1901 living Dover, Kent
1911 living Wandsworth, London

Buried Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-pas-de-Calais, France

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1882, June qtr, District Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 705
London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906 ; Parish Registers

UK soldiers died in the Great War 1914-1919 :-
Birth Place - Wandsworth ;
Residence - Wandsworth ;
Death Date - 26 Oct 1914 ;
Death Place - France and Flanders ;
Enlistment Place - London ;
Rank - Private ;
Regiment - London Regiment ;
Battalion - 4th battalion ;
Regimental No - L/8392 ;
Type of Casualty - Killed in Action ;
Theatre of War - Western European Theatre

Web international find a grave index :-
Name - Private Henry H Longley ;
Death date - 26 October 1914 ;Burial Place - Departement du Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
1881 - 1947 Henry Longley 66 66 == Biography ==

1891 living St Mary, London
1901 living Chiselhurst, Kent
1911 living Croydon, Surrey - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1881, Sept qtr, District Cranbrook County Kent, Vol 2a, page 713
England and Wales civil registration marriage index1837-1915 ;  1901,Sept qtr, District Bromley County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1000
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1947, District Bromley County Kent, Vol 5b, page 139
1893 - 1983 Hilda Longley 90 90 == Biography ==

1901 living Mottingham, Kent
1911 living Mottingham, Kent - Dressmaker

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1893, June qtr, district Lambeth, County London, Vol 1d, page 540
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1983, district Bromley County Kent, Vol 11, page 1143
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1919, Mar qtr, District Greenwich, County Kent, Vol 1d, page 1723
1907 Hilda Longley 110 110 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1807 - 1881 John Longley 74 74 1831 - 1920 John Longley 89 89 == Biography ==
Baptised 2 Oct 1831 Cowden, Kent, Father John Longley, Mother Mary Longley

1841 living Cowden, Kent
1851 living Cowden, Kent
1861 living Wandsworth, Surrey
1871 living Wandsworth, London
1881 living Wandsworth, London - Gardener
1891 living Wandsworth, London
1901 living Wandsworth, London
1911 living Wandsworth, London - Gardener, Jobbing

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1841,1851,1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census

England and Wales christening index 1530-1980 ; Parish Register
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1864, Mar qtr district Lewisham County London, Vol 1d, Page 893
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1920, District Wandsworth County London, Vol 2d, page 486
1865 John Longley 152 152 == Biography ==

Baptised 9 April 1865 Roehampton, Surrey

1871 living Wandsworth, London
1881 living Wandsworth, London - Gardener
1891 living Wandsworth, London - Postman
1901 living Wandsworth, London Postman
1911 living Wandsworth, London - Postman, Div 2nd

Joined Postal service Aug 1888

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 : 1865, Mar qtr , district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 522

London England Church of England births and baptisms 1813-1906

British Postal service appointment books 1737-1969 :-
Name - John Longley ;
Date Appointed - Aug 1888 ;
Place Appointed - Wandsworth
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837- 1915 ; 1888, Sept qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 401
London England Church of England Marriages and Banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Dec qtr district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 1254
1889 John Longley 128 128 == Biography ==

1891 living Wandsworth, London
1901 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901 census

England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915
1878 Julia Longley 139 139 == Biography ==

1881 living wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881 census
1876 - 1942 Laura Longley 66 66 == Biography ==

1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Warlingham, Surrey
1901 living Coulsdon, Surrey
1911 living Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1876, Mar qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 598
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837- 1915 ; 1897, Dec qtr, District Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 610
England and Wales free bmd death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1942, DistrictCroydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 1336
1906 Laurence Longley 111 111 == Biography ==

1911 living Croydon,Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1851 - 1917 Leolin Longley 66 66 == Biography==

1871 living Wandsworth, London
1881 living Dartford, Kent - Gardener Servant
1891 living Streatham , London
1901 living Wallington, Surrey
1911 living Carshalton, Surrey - Jobbing Gardener

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 :  1851, Sept qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 5, page 485
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1917, District Epsom, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 63
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1877, Mar qtr district Epsom County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 10
1870 - 1953 Lewis Longley 83 83 == Biography ==

1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - Scholar
1891 living Warlingham, Surrey
1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Lewisham, London - platelayer on railway

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1871,1881,1891, 1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1870, Mar qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 568
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1953, district Lewisham County London, Vol 5d, page 5
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1895, Mar qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 348
1903 Lillian Longley 114 114 == Biography ==

1911 census Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1886 Lily Longley 131 131 == Biography ==

1891 living Norwood, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1891 census
1874 Mabel Longley 143 143 == Biography ==

1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Croydon, Surrey. Occupation servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1874, Sept qtr district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 545
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1931, Mar qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1331
1895 - 1966 Mary Longley 71 71 == Biography ==

1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895, June qtr, District Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 697
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1966, District Bristol,County Gloucestershire, Vol 7b, page 6
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1916, mar qtr District Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 664
1878 - 1906 Milicent Longley 28 28 == Biography ==

1881 living Carlshalton, Surrey
1891 living Wallington, Surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1878, Sept Qtr, district Henley, County Oxfordshire, Vol 3a, page 633
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; 1906, June qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 223
1891 - 1965 Muriel Longley 73 73 == Biography ==

Baptised 6 March 1892 St John, Malden, Surrey

1901 living Farnham, Surrey
1911 living Farnham, Surrey

Probate 25 Feb 1966 Winchester

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 : 1892, Mar qtr, district Kingston County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 325

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 : Ref 2473/1/4

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7616/1/2
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1912 , Dec qtr, district Farnham, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 276
England and and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1965, Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 5b, page 225
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973- 1995
1879 - 1955 Percy Longley 76 76 == Biography ==

1881 living Carlshalton, Surrey
1891 living Wallington, Surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Assistant Green Grocer

Probate 22 Aug 1955 London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1879, Sept qtr, District Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 262
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1955, district CroydonCounty Surrey, Vol 5g, page 94
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1907, sept qtr,district Croydon County Surrey , Vol 2a, page 724
1909 - 1914 Percy Longley 5 5 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1909, Dec qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 347
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; 1914, Dec qtr, District Shipston on Stour County Warwickshire, Vol 6d, page 983
1881 - 1882 Percy Longley 5m 5m == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales free death index 1837-1915 ; 1882,Jun Qtr district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 3410
1898 - 1986 Reginald Longley 87 87 == Biography ==

1901 living Mottingham, Kent
1911 living Mottingham, Kent

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1899, Sept qtr, district Thanet, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1010
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1922,Dec qtr, District Lewisham, County London, Vol 1d, page 2014
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1946,June qtr, District Woolwich, County Kent, Vol 1d, page 1990
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Feb 1986, District Poole, County Dorset, Vol 23, Page 964
1895 - 1967 Rose Longley 71 71 == Biography ==

Baptised 10 Nov 1895 St Mary, Oxted, Surrey

1901 living Lewisham, London
1911 living Lewisham, London

26 Aug 1901, Holbeach Road School, Lewisham, London school records

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901, 1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1895 Decqtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 208

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 6746/1/1
London England School admissions and discharges 1840-1911; ref No LCC/EO/DIV7/HLB/AD/005
England And Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1917, Jun Qtr, district Lewisham, County Kent, Vol 1d, page 1705
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1967, district Lewisham County London, Vol 5d, page 228
1868 Selina Longley 149 149 == Biography ==

1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent
1891 living Croydon, Surrey occupation servant

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

* 1871,1881,1891 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1868, sept qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 512
1855 - 1945 Spencer Longley 90 90 == Biography ==

1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Cowden , Kent
1881 living Carlshaltln, surrey - Gardener
1891 living Wallington, Surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911  living Beddington, Surrey - Fruiterer and C ?

Probate 7 June 1945 Llandudno

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1854, Dec qtr district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 320
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Registers
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 : 1876,Sept qtr, District Camber well, County London, Vol 1d, page 1125
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1927,Jun Qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 939
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1945, District Bridge County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1854
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966,2973-1995
1878 - 1919 Spencer Longley 41 41 == Biography ==

1881 living Carlshalton, Surrey
1891 living Wallington, Surrey
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Wallington, Surrey - Green Grocer and Fishmonger

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1877, June qtr, district Lambeth County London, Vol 1d, page 523
England and Wales death index 1916-2005 ; Dec 1919, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 434
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1902, Sept qtr,district Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 709
1885 - 1968 Spencer Longley 83 83 == Biography ==

1891 living Cowden, Kent
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Gardener domestic

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1886, Mar qtr, District Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 681
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1911, Dec qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 686
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1968, district Hastings, County Sussex, Vol 5g, page 374
1883 - 1951 Verney Longley 68 68 == Biography ==

1891 living Cosden, Kent
1901 living Beddington, Surrey
1911 living Beddington, Surrey - Carman

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1883, June qtr, district Sevenoaks, County Kent, Vol 2a,page 626
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1906,Jun Qtr district Epsom County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 39

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1987 ; ref 2374/1/9
1907 - 1964 Verney Longley 57 57 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

Probate 8 Dec 1964, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Sept qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 387
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ;  Dec 1964, Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 5g, page 354
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1932, Jun Qtr, district Epsom, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 25
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1898 Walter Longley 119 119 == Biography ==

1911 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 2837-1915 ; 1898, Dec qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 2d, page 701
1860 - 1943 Walter Longley 83 83 == Biography ==

1861 living Cowden, Kent
1871 living Cowden, Kent
1881 living Cowden, Kent - Agricultural labourer
1891 living Chapel Hill, Kent
1901 living Littlebourne, Kent
1911 living Littlebourne, Kent - Groom and Gardener

Probate 5 Jan 1945 Llandudno

== Sources ==
<references />
* 1861,1871,1881,1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1860, Dec qtr, district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a, page 376
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1883, sept qtr,district Sevenoaks County Kent, Vol 2a,page 954
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1943, district Bridge County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1778
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( Index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966, 1973-1995
1891 William Longley 126 126 == Biography ==

1901 living Wandsworth, London
1911 living Wandsworth, London

== Sources ==

1901, 1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 : 1891, Sept qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 733
London England Church of England marriages and banns 1754-1921 ; Parish Register
1903 - 1976 William Longley 73 73 == Biography ==

1911 living Croydon,Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales Civil registratio birth index 1837-1915 ; 1904, Marqtr, District Dartford, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 602
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 : Dec 1976, district Bromley County Kent, Vol 11, page 1148
1893 Daisy Longly 124 124 == Biography ==

1901 living Wandsworth, London

Married William J Fullwood in 1912

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 : 1893 , June qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 2d, page 716
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1912,Jun Qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 1277
Tracy Louise Anonymous Low ? Lucy Ann Lyneham 1964 Caroline M 52 52 Anonymous Mackenzie ? Anonymous Mackenzie ? Anonymous Mackenzie ? Anonymous Mackenzie ? Anonymous Mackenzie ? Connor Mackey 2000 Dane Mackey 16 16 2000 Ryan Mackey 16 16 1968 Simon Mackey 48 48 1852 Robert Maidlow 165 165 Roger Maling Ellen Mann 1852 Elizabeth Manning 165 165 D. 1839 Mary Mansell <1805 Mary Mansell 212 212 Widow Margaret D. 1620 Margeret Margeret ~1860 Catherine Marquis 157 157 Christina Marquis Cleo Marquis 1836 Donald Marquis 181 181 Dugald Marquis Elmaud Marquis Marquis ~1903 Elmer Marquis 114 114 ~1801 Finlay Marquis 216 216 1841 Census
7 Records found

Piece: SCT1841/512 Place: Glenorchy-Innishail -Argyllshire Enumeration District: 2
Civil Parish: Glenorchy Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: -
Folio: 2 Page: 12
Address: Bochoil

Surname         First name(s)         Sex         Age         Occupation         Where Born         Remarks
MARQUIS         Finlay         M         40         Agricultural Labourer          Argyllshire
MARQUIS         Isabella         F         35                   Outside Census County (1841)
MARQUIS         Mary         F         10                   Argyllshire
MARQUIS         Hugh         M         8                   Argyllshire
Page: 2/13         MARQUIS         Nicol         M         6                   Argyllshire
MARQUIS         Donald         M         5                   Argyllshire
MARQUIS         Gellis         F         1                   Argyllshire          Unsure of forename
1870 Finlay Marquis 147 147 From:,
Subject: Re: [MARQUIS] Looking for Finlay Marquis
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:42:39 -0000

This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to this mailing list.

Author: 1_Billy_Brown71
Classification: queries

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Message Board Post:

I'm also looking for relatives of Finlay Marquis. Dear Mrs. Cotter. You were right you have relatives that live in Lawton, Oklahoma. Marquerita Marquis my grandmother lives in Lawton she is 93.She had several brothers and one sister Cleo.Brothers Hugh, Elmer, Richard. According to news article I have a news article that states her father was Finley Marquis. He came to America when he was twenty one in the year 1891 on the the ship the Circassia. He was #4 on the passenger list. Grandmother stated that he had a brother who went to Canada. Please write back.


Posted by: Jerri Strombeck (ID *****8880)     Date: September 17, 2008 at 16:00:52
In Reply to: Marquis Finlay, Jessie Bristow Oklahoma by tereasa cotter     of 38922

I'm a vol, no relation

Don't know if you've seen this-

New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
about Finlay Marquis
Name: Finlay Marquis
Arrival Date: 24 Mar 1891
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1870
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Port of Departure: Glasgow, Scotland and Moville, Ireland
Place of Origin: Scotland
Ethnicity/Race­/Nationality: Scottish (Scotish)
Ship Name: Circassia
Search Ship Database: View the Circassia in the 'Passenger Ships and Images' database
Port of Arrival: New York
Line: 7
Microfilm Serial: M237
Microfilm Roll: M237_563
List Number: 360
Port Arrival State: New York
Port Arrival Country: United States

1920 census, Fort Cobb, Caddo, Oklahoma
Finley Marquis 49
Jessie Marquis 35 KS f OH m IA
Hugh Marquis 17
Elmer Marquis 10
Cleo Marquis 10
Elmand Marquis 7 6/12
Richard Marquis 4 10/12
Margreta Marquis 3/12

1900 census, Justice Precinct 2, Young, Texas
Finloy Marquis 30
Jimetta Marquis 16
Sarah Bristow 42 mo in law IL f IL m IL
Charles Bristow 29 bro in law MO f KY m IL
Versie France 21 hired hand

I had very good luck with writing a letter to the newspaper of the place that I knew I had relatives. Or you can contact the county courthouse of Comanche Cty (Google it) or the Lawton Public Library

Lawton Library
110 SW 4th Street
Lawton, OK 73501
1840 Gellis? Marquis 177 177 1835 Hugh Marquis 182 182 Hugh Marquis ~1900 Hugh Marquis 117 117 isabella Marquis 1919 - 2013 Marquerita Marquis 93 93 Ferguson Funeral Home ~ Obituaries

Marquerita L. Ousnamer, 93, was born in Ft. Cobb, Oklahoma, on November 10, 1919, the daughter of Finley Marquis and Jessie Bristow Marquis. She died Sunday, July 7, 2013 in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

Marquerita was born and grew up in the Ft. Cobb area graduating from Anadarko High School. She enjoyed reading, crossword puzzles, and loved animals.

Marquerita married Howard Ousnamer on January 30, 1941 in Wichita Falls, Texas. She worked at the Anadarko Hospital for over twenty years as a cook.

She was preceded in death by: both parents, husband; Howard Ousnamer, two sisters; Cleo Newton and Elmaud Trull, three brothers; Hugh, Richard, and Elmer Marquis.

Survivors include: daughter; Marla Davis and husband Mark of Garland, Texas, daughter; Janice Sherman of Lawton, Oklahoma, five grandchildren; Billy and Terri Brown of Chickasha, Oklahoma, Michael and Tracey Sherman of Ohio, Dana and David Lowe of Lawton, Oklahoma, Ricky Burton of Texas and Harley Willingham of Lawton, Oklahoma, nine great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.

A viewing for the family and friends will be held Monday, July 15, 2013, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with cremation to follow.

Services and cremation arrangements are under the direction of Ferguson Funeral Home.
Mary Marquis 1831 Mercy Marquis 186 186 ~1834 Nicol Marquis 183 183 Richard Marquis 1816 Martha 201 201 John Martin Mary Mary Mary Mary 1834 Mary 183 183 1800 Mary 217 217 Sarah Or Mary Male Matthews ~1920 Doreen Maude 97 97 ~1890 Fred Maude 127 127 1887 Alfred Frederick MAXFIELD 129 129 ~1901 Elvie MAXFIELD 116 116 1891 - 1987 Emily Jane MAXFIELD 96 96 ~1864 John James MAXFIELD 153 153 1889 John Percy MAXFIELD 127 127 1886 - 1944 Mary Margaret MAXFIELD 58 58 ~1862 - 1925 Millicent Mary MAXFIELD 63 63 1895 Olive MAXFIELD 121 121 1899 Rose Maud (Rosie) MAXFIELD 117 117 1897 - 1903 Ruby MAXFIELD 6 6 1893 William Henry MAXFIELD 123 123 1864 - 1947 Mary Maynard 83 83 1865 - 1942 Susannah Maynard 77 77 ~1872 Donald McColl 145 145 Male McColl Donald McCowan D. 1989 Maureen McCowan ~1790 - <1862 Mary McDonald 72 72 1862 Amellia McInnes 155 155 1895 Annie McInnes 122 122 1893 David McInnes 124 124 1871 Donald McInnes 146 146 1860 Dugald McInnes 157 157 1887 Elizabeth McInnes 130 130 1888 Hugh McInnes 129 129 1826 Hugh McInnes 191 191 1856 Isabella McInnes 161 161 1867 Jessie McInnes 150 150 1865 John McInnes 152 152 1864 Kate A McInnes 153 153 1872 Lilly McInnes 145 145 1869 Polly McInnes 148 148 ~1822 Maggie (Margaret?) McInnis 195 195 ~1800 Catherine McInroy 217 217 ~1837 - <1891 Alexander McIntosh 54 54 1864 - <1871 Alexander McIntosh 7 7 ~1790 - <1862 Alexander McIntosh 72 72 1874 Alexander McIntosh 142 142 2000 Alexander Christian McIntosh 16 16 1969 Andrew Douglas McIntosh 48 48 1862 - 1937 Annie Gardner McIntosh 75 75 2015 Ava McIntosh 1 1 1947 Craig Alexander McIntosh 69 69 2000 Daniel Andrew McIntosh 16 16 1912 - 1981 David McIntosh 69 69 1867 David McIntosh 149 149 G Grandfather David originated from the area of Fraserburgh in the last century and spent most of his adult life in the Seaforth Highlanders and saw action in the NW frontier of India, the Boer War in S. Africa and the Great War in France ~1916 - 1968 Elizabeth Mcintosh 52 52 2000 Emily Frances McIntosh 16 16 2011 Eve McIntosh 5 5 2000 Fiona Grace McIntosh 16 16 1971 Iain David McIntosh 45 45 1872 James McIntosh 144 144 1998 James David McIntosh 18 18 1997 Lauren Joan McIntosh 20 20 2009 Millie McIntosh 8 8 1976 Neil Vincent McIntosh 40 40 ~1914 - ~1980 Rebecca McIntosh 66 66 1966 Sarah-Jane (Risby) Palmer McIntosh 50 50 ~1910 - ~1920 Thomas McIntosh 10 10 1903 - 1976 Alice May MCLEOD 72 72 1908 - 1972 Andrew Henry (Jim) MCLEOD 64 64 Hannah (Nee Mcleod) MCLEOD 1902 - 1977 Lily Jane Mary (Tot) MCLEOD 75 75 1909 - 1968 Olive Clara MCLEOD 58 58 Roderick (Rory) MCLEOD 1905 - 1980 Rose Millicent (Millie) MCLEOD 75 75 1858 - 1945 Thomas Tom MCLEOD 87 87 1995 Julia McNamara 22 22 1993 Lachlan McNamara 24 24 Male McNamara 1838 - 1916 Eliza Mepham 78 78 1855 Henrietta Mepham 162 162 == Biography ==

1861 Cowden, Kent

== Sources ==

* 1861 Census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1855, Dec qtr, district East Grinstead Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 94
1972 Andrea Meyer 44 44 1971 Michele Meyer 46 46 1975 Patrick Meyer 41 41 1948 Paul Meyer 69 69 Edward Michell D. BET 1676 AND 1681 Elizabeth Miers Mike Mildred ~1836 - 1896 Sarah Ann Miles 60 60 William Millwood 1760 - 1841 Mary Mitchell 81 81 Adam Moore Richard Moore ~1940 Beryl Morrison 77 77 Bill Morrison ~1960 Iain Morrison 57 57 ~1940 Nigel Morrison 77 77 Mouawad Richard Mouse Walter Mumford 1922 - 1981 William Mumford 59 59 ~1735 - 1771 Sarah Muzzal 36 36 Thomas Barry Napier RobertThomas Nash ~1838 Alice Lydia Needham 179 179 ~1824 - 1909 Ann Needham 85 85 ~1822 - 1901 Frederick Needham 79 79 ~1833 - 1910 Jane NEEDHAM 77 77 ~1799 - 1888 Joshua NEEDHAM 89 89 ~1773 Joshua Needham 244 244 ~1801 Thomas Needham 216 216 Nellie 1999 Brendon John Nesato 18 18 Gary John Nesato D. 1725 Mary Newal Thomas Newbold Susan Newbury Patrick Newton 1882 Kate Nickolls 135 135 1926 - 1997 Eva Norman 71 71 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales birth index 1916-2005 ; 1926, Mar qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 355
England and Wales death index 1016-2007 ; Sept 1997, District Crawley, County West Sussex, Reg Number B44A, dist and sub dist 7801B, entry No 218
1899 - 1944 William Norman 44 44 1787 Rebecca Norris 230 230 1757 Susanna Norris 260 260 1903 Frederick Northeast 114 114 == Biography ==

1911 Living Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1898 Gilbert Northeast 119 119 == Biography ==

1911 living Coulsdon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1869 John Northeast 148 148 1900 - 1946 William Northeast 46 46 == Biography ==

1901 living Coulsdon, Surrey
1911 living Coulsdon, Surrey

Apr 3 1916 Residence Croydon, Surrey railway employment

1918 Military

11Oct 1946 probate London

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1900, Mar qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 294

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 3024/2

UK Railway employment records 1833-1956 :-
Name - William John Northeast ;
Age - 16 ;
Birth Date - 10 Feb 1900 ;
Residence date - 3 Apr 1916 ;
Station - Croydon ;
Company - London Brighton and South Coast ;
Description - Traffic Staff register of appointments 1866-1921

British Army WW1 service records 1914-1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Birth Date - about 1900 ;
Enlistment Age - 18 ;
Residence Place - 3 Hillside Cottages, Godstone Road Kenley ;
Regimental Number - 6
Form Title - Record of Service ;
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1923, Dec qtr, District Gravesend, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 1499
England and Wales death index 1916-2005 ; Sept 1946, District CroydonCounty Surrey, Vol 5g, page 11
England and Wales national probate calender (index of wills and administrations) 1858-1966,1973-1995
Joan Odell Thomas Odell D. 1836 John Osbourne Howard Ousnamer John Page 1605 - 1652 Mary Page 47 47 Carole Palmer 1945 Carole Anne Palmer 71 71 1881 - 1944 Henry George Palmer 63 63 1920 Henry Vincent Palmer 96 96 ~1844 Henry Vincent Palmer 173 173 Pamela 1636 - 1718 Elizabeth Pancoast 82 82 1605 - 1646 John Pancoast 41 41 1644 John Pancoast 373 373 1641 Margaret Pancoast 376 376 ~1639 - 1639 Robert Pancoast 1885 - 1933 Beatrice Parish 48 48 1884 - 1963 Eva Parish 79 79 1883 - 1979 Gertrude Parish 96 96 <1867 Joseph Parish 150 150 1889 - 1915 May Parish 26 26 Dorothy Parker 1883 Lilian Parkinson 133 133 1910 - 2003 Bessie Parris 93 93 == Biography ==

Baptised 27 Mar 1910 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

1911 Horley Surrey

1935 Living Reigate, Surrey ;
1945 Living Epsom, Surrey
Bessie married 3 times , there were no children with her first marriage, one child with her second, the source on ancestry has this as private and will not dig further, Bessie had 4 children in her 3rd marriage 3 of which are classed as private on wikitree, so they too will not be added here

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales Civil registration Birth Index 1837-1915 ; 1910, Mar qtr , District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 320

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1930,Sept Qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 671
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1935 , dec qtr, Surrey Mid Eastern , Vol 2a, page 663
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1945,sept qtr, Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 2a, Page 1115

1935,1945 Surrey England Electoral Registers 1832-1962
England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index 1916-2007 ; Aug 2003, District Torridge, County Devon, Reg No A12D, Dist and Sub dist 405/1A, Entry No 48
1908 - 1979 Cyril Parris 70 70 == Biography ==

1911 Horley, Surrey

Baptised 2 Aug 1908 St Bartholomew, Burstow, Surrey

Probate 9 May 1979 Brighton

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1908 , sept qtr, district East Grinstead, Country Sussex, Vol 2b, page 137
Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Burstow, St Bartholomew
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1929 , June qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 514
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1979, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 1294
England and Wales National Probate calendar (  index of wills and administrations )  1858-1966, 1973-1995
1915 - 1974 Doreen Parris 59 59 == Biography ==

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees
England and Wales civil Registration Birth Index 1837 1915 ; 1915, June qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 336
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage Index 1916-2005 : 1936,Surrey, Mid Eastern, Vol 2a, Page 419

Surrey England Church of England marriages 1754-1937 : Ref 6401/1/9
England and Wales civil Registration Death Index 1916-2007 ; June 1974, Dist Honiton, County Devon, Vol 21, page 1309
1921 - 1999 Dorothy Parris 77 77 == Biography ==

Married in 1948 to Donald T A  Pidgeon

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth Index 1916-2005 ; 1921, Sept Qtr, District Reigate, County surrey, Vol 2a, Page 345
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1948,June qtr, Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 5g, page 825
England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index 1916-2007 ; Feb 1999, Surrey South Eastern, Reg No 1C7F, Dist and sub Dist 7601C, Entry 18
1931 - 2009 Frederick Parris 77 77 == Biography ==

Married Elizabeth F Edwards in 1953

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth index 1916-2005 ; 1931 Decqtr, Dist Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 343
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1953,Mar qtr, Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 5g, page 439
England and Wales  death index 2007-2013 ; Death date 12 Sept 2009, Driffield, England , Postal Dist YO25
1889 - 1956 Herbert Parris 66 66 1912 - 1992 Herbet Parris 79 79 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 Sept 1912 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

Married 1939 in Surrey to Olive A Smith

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees
England and Wales civil registration Birth index 1837-1915 ; 1912, Sept Qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 427

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1
England and Wales Civil Registration Marriage Index 1916-2007 : 1939,Jun qtr, District Surrey Mid Eastern, Vol 2a, Page 594
England and Wales civil Registration Death Index 1916-2007 : Jan 1992, District Waveney, County Suffolk, Vol 10, page 3353
1855 - 1914 Mary Patmore 59 59 1867 - 1936 Caroline Pattenden 69 69 1853 - <1901 Eliza Payne 48 48 Piece: RG12/809 Place: Brighton -Sussex Enumeration District: 32
Civil Parish: Brighton Ecclesiastical Parish: St. Martin's
Folio: 48 Page: 29 Schedule: 223
Address: 30 Caledonian Rd

Surname         First name(s)         Rel         Status         Sex         Age         Occupation         Where Born         Remarks
HUBBARD         Eliza         Head         M         F         37         Charwoman (Em'ee)          Hampshire - Winchester
HUBBARD         William         Son         S         M         14         Shop Assistant (Em'ee)          Sussex - Brighton
HUBBARD         Rosie         Dau         S         F         12         Laundresses Assistant          Sussex - Brighton
HUBBARD         Daisy         Dau         S         F         5         Scholar          Sussex - Brighton
1856 Elizabeth Payne 161 161 1876 Kate Payne 141 141 1853 - 1943 Lucy Payne 90 90 Beryl Pede 1870 Alfred Pelling 147 147 Caroline Pelling 1788 - 1875 Dearing Pelling 87 87 Dearing Pelling is listed as being in Bexhill in the 1832 Poll. Looks like he has hung up his boots as such by 1851 and his son Edmund has taken over by 1851, listed in the Post Office Directory as bootmaker & Coal Merchant. Edmund is still listed in 1859 with a residence at Holliers Hill in Bexhill.

Dearing Pelling is listed as being in Bexhill in the 1832 Poll. Looks like he has hung up his boots as such by 1851 and his son Edmund has taken over by 1851
dearing is shoemaker
daughter marries woolgar
1866 Edgar Pelling 151 151 1861 Edmond Pelling 156 156 Census Transcript Household Sussex 1891
Address     43 Red Cross Street
Registration District     St. Peter, Brighton
Image Reference     RG12/0810/F?
Found 4 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Edmund     Pelling     30     1861     Head     Beschill, Sussex     Manufacturer
Georgina     Pelling     34     1857     Wife     Brighton
Elizabeth     Pelling     7     1884     Daughter     Brighton     Scholar
Isabella     Pelling     3     1888     Daughter     Brighton

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1901
Address     79 Waldegrave Road
Parish     Preston
Registration District     Steyning
Image Reference     RG13/0941/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Edmund     Pelling     40     1861     Head     Bexhill, Sussex     Cycle Maker
Georgina     Pelling     44     1857     Wife     Brighton, Sussex
Elizabeth     Pelling     17     1884     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex
Isabella     Pelling     13     1888     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex
Georgina     Pelling     5     1896     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex


Census Transcript Household Sussex 1911
Image Type     Normal Household
Address     153 Waldegrave Road, Preston, Brighton
Civil Parish     Preston
Sub District     Preston
Registration District     Steyning
Image Reference     RG14 - PN5163 RD80 SD1 ED11 SN200
Found 4 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Gender     Relation     Marriage Status     Years Married     Birth Place     Occupation
Edmund     Pelling     50     1861     Male     Head     Married         Bexhill, Sussex     Cycle Maker, Dealer & Repairer
Georgina     Pelling     54     1857     Female     Wife     Married     29     Brighton, Sussex
Isabella     Pelling     23     1888     Female     Daughter     Single         Brighton, Sussex     Dress Maker
Georgina Dorothy     Pelling     15     1896     Female     Daughter     Single         Brighton, Sussex     School
1821 Edmund Dearing Pelling 196 196 Census Transcript Household Sussex 1881
Address     5 Tidy Street
Parish     Brighton
Registration District     Brighton
Image Reference     RG11/1089/F?
Found 7 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Edmond D     Pelling     60     1821     Head     Bexhill, Sussex     Shoe Maker
Susan F     Pelling     44     1837     Wife     Brighton, Sussex
Edmond     Pelling     20     1861     Son     Bexhill, Sussex     Engine Fitter Railway
Susan     Pelling     18     1863     Daughter     Bexhill, Sussex     Domestic
Horrace     Pelling     17     1864     Son     Bexhill, Sussex     Printer & Compositor
Edgar     Pelling     15     1866     Son     Bexhill, Sussex     Errand Boy
Alfred     Pelling     11     1870     Son     Bexhill, Sussex     Scholar

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1891
Address     No 5 Tidy Street
Registration District     St. Peter, Brighton
Image Reference     RG12/0812/F?
Found 2 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Edmund     Pelling     70     1821     Head     Bexhill, Sussex     Boot & Shoe Maker
Alfred     Pelling     21     1870     Son     Bexhill, Sussex     Accountant Clerk
1884 Elizabeth Pelling 133 133 Gainey F Pelling 1896 Georgina Dorothy Pelling 121 121 1786 - 1858 Henry Pelling 72 72 1813 Henry Pelling 203 203 1864 Horrace Pelling 153 153 1888 Isabella Pelling 129 129 Jane Pelling D. 1811 John Pelling 1798 John Pelling 219 219 Lived with brother Dearing 1in 1841 and 1851

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1861
Address     Bellehill
Parish     Bexhill
Registration District     Battle
Image Reference     RG9/0563/F?
Found 2 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Harriett     Stubberfield     80     1781     Head     Hailsham, Sussex     Agricultural Labourer's Widow
John     Pelling     62     1799     Lodger     West Tarring, Sussex     Shoe Maker
1868 John W Pelling 149 149 1815 - 1896 Mary Gainey Pelling 81 81 John Woolgar born 1837 aged 4 living with Dearing pelling in 1841 census 1785 - 1870 Richard Pelling 85 85 1863 Susan Pelling 154 154 Census Transcript Household Sussex 1901
Address     55 Southover Street
Parish     Brighton
Registration District     Brighton
Image Reference     RG13/0924/F?
Found 4 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
George     Syrett     49     1852     Head     London City     Solicitor Clerk Law
Susan     Pelling     39     1862     Servant     Bexhill, Sussex     House Keeper Domestic
George S     Pelling     2     1899     Son     Brighton, Sussex
Edmund D     Pelling     82     1819     Boarder     Bexhill, Sussex     Living On Own Means
Cheryl Penfold 1738 Ann Penticost 279 279 John Perry Kristofer A E Peterson Violet Maude Phillips 1884 - 1972 Martha Philpot 88 88 Mary Pick Maise D Pipe Billy Pirie John Pirie Male Pirie Charles Playle John Poole D. <1818 Hannah Prior Possibly the daughter of Henry Pryor
Buried aged 50 (Admon 1818)
Kimberly Newton Prior William Pruden Ada Pryor 1768 - 1818 Hannah Pryor 50 50 Henry Pryor David Pudney 1972 Karen Lee Pudney 45 45 Living Pudney Living Pudney Living Pudney 1970 Megan Joanne Pudney 47 47 1891 - 1966 William Pudney 75 75 1781 Alexander Rankin 236 236 1858 Alexander Rankin 158 158 1855 Catherine Rankin 161 161 Christina Rankin ~1812 Donald Rankin 205 205 Gieve    Occ steward or estate manager 1860 John Rankin 156 156 1897 Alexander Rankine 120 120 ~1886 Bella Rankine 131 131 1929 Donald Rankine 87 87 1890 Donald Rankine 126 126 Donald Rankine 1898 Dougal (Dugald) Rankine 119 119 Private S/23263, 2nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, the Duke of Albany's). Killed in action 20th December 1917. Aged 19. Born Tayfuirst, Glencoe, enlisted Stirling. Son of Dugald and Catherine Rankin, of 11, Tayfuir St., Glencoe, Ballachulish East, Argyllshire. Formerly 1/5256, 39th Training Reserve Battalion. Buried in WINDMILL BRITISH CEMETERY, MONCHY-LE-PREUX, Pas de Calais, France. Plot I. Row H. Grave 7. ~1853 Dougald (Dugald) Rankine 164 164 1926 Elizabeth Rankine 90 90 ~1845 Female Rankine 172 172 1919 - 2015 Grace Rankine 95 95 1894 Hugh Rankine 123 123 1893 James Rankine 124 124 1921 James Farish Rankine 96 96 1924 - ~1947 Janet Rankine 23 23 1928 - 1947 Jean Rankine 19 19 1916 Kate Rankine 100 100 ~1865 Mary Rankine 152 152 1892 Nichol Rankine 125 125 ~1945 Patricia Rankine 72 72 Raymond Rankine Henry Read Adrian Reed 1982 Lyndsey Reed 34 34 1835 Harriet Reeve 182 182 Michael Reeves <1920 - 1966 George Rice 46 46 Living Rice 1940 Raymond G Rice 77 77 Dennis Richards 1916 - 2001 Elsie Ada Riddle 85 85 Alan Risby Alison Risby Alma Risby Arthur Risby 1996 Bethan Risby 20 20 Brian Risby Brian Risby Caroline Risby David Risby Dawn Risby Eric Risby 1928 - 1974 Gerald James Risby 45 45 James Risby Janet Risby Marion Risby Matthew Risby 1999 Owen James Risby 18 18 Paul Risby Peter Risby Philip Risby Rachel Risby Ross Robertson Risby 1966 Sarah Jane Risby 50 50 1964 Simon Peter Risby 52 52 Stephen Risby Thomas Risby Yvonne Risby ~1956 Donald Robertson 61 61 ~1952 Douglas Robertson 65 65 ~1954 Gillian Robertson 63 63 Hazel Robertson Ian Robertson ~1950 Margaret Robertson 67 67 ~1948 Susan Robertson 69 69 Dinah Robinson Jeannine E Rodinger Anonymous Rogerson ? Sarah Rolfe Ruby 1947 Alan James Runacres 69 69 1878 Alf Runacres 139 139 ~1916 Bert Runacres 101 101 ~1900 Doris Runacres 117 117 1941 Jean Runacres 75 75 1944 Peter Runacres 72 72 1955 Philip Albert Runacres 61 61 ~1659 Elizabeth Rusts 358 358 1822 Matilda Sandford 195 195 D. 1790 Sarah D. 1754 Sarah ~1803 - 1873 Sarah 70 70 Sarah 1817 Sarah 200 200 1854 - 1937 Ellen Sargant 83 83 1879 - 1977 Arthur Sargent 97 97 1914 - 2007 Avis Sargent 93 93 == Biography ==

== Sources ==
<references />
* US Social security applications and claims index 1936-2007 :-
Name - Avis Frances Howes ;
Gender - Female :
Race - White ;
Birth date - 18 Sept 1914 ;
Birth Place - London, United Kingdom ;
Death date - 27 Nov 2007
Type of claim - original SSNHousehold members - Avis Frances Howes, Minnie Budgen. Arthur M Sargent

US Social security death index 1935-2014 :-
Name - Avis F. Howes ;
Last residence - ( US Consulate ) London, 800, United Kingdom ;
Born - 18 Sept 1914 ;
Died - 27 Nov 2007 ;
State ( Year ) SSN issued - Pennsylvania - 1969
1907 - 1994 Iris Sargent 86 86 == Biography ==

Baptised 25 August 1907 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

1911 Wandsworth, London

Married Reginald Watkins in 1930

Probate 19 July 1994 Winchelsea

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1907, Jun qtr, district St George Hanover Square, County London, Vol 2a, page 435

Surrey England Church of England baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1930,Dec qtr, District Wandsworth, County London, Vol 1d, page 1027
England and Wales civil registration death index ; June 1994, District Sutton County Surrey, Reg No B54A, district and sub district 2541B, Entry No 100
England and Wales National Probate calendar ( index of wills and administrations ) 1858-1966,1973-1995
1912 - 2007 Wilfred Sargent 95 95 == Biography ==

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1912, Dec qtr, district Wandsworth County London, Vol 1d, page 1298
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Jan 2007, West Somerset, Vol -1, page -1, Register No 13D, district and sub district 725/1, Entry No 393
A Saunders ~1948 Alan Saunders 69 69 ~1946 Heather Saunders 71 71 Mary Sawell D. 1790 Ursula Sawell 1920 Phyllis Grace Sawyer 96 96 ~1962 Claire Sayce 55 55 Geoff A Sayce ~1960 Michael Sayce 57 57 Len Scholes Mark Scholes Martin Scholes D. 1843 Rachel Scruby Male Sefton >1870 Charles Sewell 147 147 Living Sewell Alia Shaikh Kamal Shaikh Salahuddin Shaikh Sohail Shaikh 1931 Carol Jean Shannon 86 86 Harry Percy Shannon Charlotte Sharpe 1922 - 1966 Ethel Shaw 44 44 D. 1660 Elizabeth Shelshye ~1730 James Simons 287 287 1734 Mary Simons 282 282 ~1700 - 1754 Robert Simons 54 54 1745 Samuel Simons 272 272 ~1732 Sarah Simons 285 285 1740 - 1803 Susanna Simons 62 62 Living Sims Edith May Sinfield 1826 Elizabeth Skates 190 190 ~1825 Emma Skates 192 192 1830 George Skates 186 186 ~1799 - 1870 John Skates 71 71 1839 Mary Ann Skates 177 177 1828 Sophia Skates 189 189 1827 - 1871 Cooper Smith 44 44 Diane Isobel Smith Elizabeth Smith F Smith 1929 Jean L Smith 87 87 Living Smith Living Smith Living Smith Living Smith D. 1937 Margaret Smith 1829 Philadelphia Smith 188 188 Sarah Smith 1931 Shiela R Smith 86 86 Thomas H Smith 1787 William Smith 230 230 1815 William Smith 202 202 ~1530 Margaret Smyth 487 487 1844 - 1920 Ellen Snell 76 76 Edith Mary Soans 1839 Elizabeth Sopp 178 178 1840 Jane Sopp 177 177 ~1816 John Sopp 201 201 1837 Sally Sopp 180 180 Denise Sowels ~1958 Oliver Sowels 59 59 ~1960 Thomas Sowels 57 57 1879 - 1967 Ella Spalding 88 88 1864 - 1942 Louisa Spanner 78 78 ~1762 - 1840 Daniel Spencer 78 78 Daniel Spencer 1801 - 1869 Elizabeth Spencer 68 68 Frances Spencer 1798 John Spencer 218 218 1800 Lydea Spencer 216 216 1804 Stephen Spencer 213 213 >1870 Donovan E Stanford 147 147 Living Stanford 1916 Richard M Stanford 100 100 >1850 Alice Stannard 167 167 John Stedman D. 1906 Grace Steer 1843 - 1901 Margaret Still 57 57 Aaron Stockwell Grace Stockwell Greg Stockwell 1863 Ada Emma Stokes 154 154 Place of Residence 'Clydeville' 29 Lyttleton Street Tasmania Australia
Spouses Name Albert Walter Biggs
Childrens Names Fred Harold, Bessie Winifred, Charles Clyde, Alfred Edwin, Leonard Walter, Reginald Allan, Lillie Evelyn May, Oscar Herbert, Winifred & Blanche

Mrs Ada Emma Biggs was the wife of (Albert) Walter Biggs. Born on 13 Mar 1863 in the district of Port Sorell, she was the fifth child of William Stokes (c.1828-1906) and Eliza Ann Lacey (1834-1873) who were married in 1855. Eliza, the daughter of a convict, died after the birth of her ninth child, when Ada was 10 years old. William married a widow, Ellen Leech, in 1876.

Ada Stokes married Walter Biggs on 15 Dec 1886 at the residence of her parents, 'Parkerville', Elphin Road, Launceston. They had ten children between 1888 and 1909. Their second child Bessie died of peritonitis on 7 Jun 1907 when she was only 17, but the others spread far and wide. Fred, born in 1888, moved to Sydney; Charles, 1891, went to Melbourne; Alfred, 1893, became a minister in Scottsdale; Leonard, 1896, went to Perth; Reg, 1897, was a journalist and served in the First World War; Oscar, 1904, taught at The Hutchins School; Winifred, 1907, was bursar, registrar and headmaster's secretary at The Friends' School and Blanche, 1909, was a doctor in Papua and then Brisbane. Ada died aged 93 on 12 Sep 1956 and was buried with her husband and daughter Bessie at the Carr Villa Cemetery, Launceston.

Ada's husband Walter, her father and stepmother William and Ellen Stokes, sister Martha Stokes and brother William Lacey Stokes are all in the Family Album.

John Biggs & Marion Sargent Jan 2008
1865 - 1946 Francis Henry Stokes 81 81 1899 - 1968 Margery Younah Stokes 69 69 William Stokes <1895 Johannes Stokmans 122 122 Living Stokmans Living Stokmans Living Stokmans Living Stokmans Living Stokmans ~1732 Thomas Stonebridge 285 285 1792 - 1875 Hannah Stringer 83 83 1837 George Stubbs 180 180 1861 Susan 156 156 D. 1794 Susanah <1749 - <1794 Susannah 45 45 1843 - 1872 Sarah Sutton 29 29 Charles Symonds 1932 Pauline Symonds 84 84 1926 Peter Charles Symonds 90 90 1928 - 1999 Wendy Maire Symonds 70 70 Born in1928, the second of three children, Peter, Wendy and Pauline. Their mother, Amy Symonds, loved the book "Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie and as a child had decided to name her children after the book, hence Peter, Wendy Maire and, had the third child been a boy, John or Michael.  Pauline was born but I am not sure from where that name was chosen.  Growing up in the midst of World War II, she was 17 when the war ended.  She was evacuated from London with her siblings when the war was in full swing to a farm in the countryside. The children were made to do chores and were somewhat mistreated, with Peter and Pauline having to sleep in an old bathtub.  whenever their mother would visit, the farmers would put fresh sheets on the bed and then take them off again after their mother had left.  Wendy developed TB during the war and her brother, Peter, also fell ill.  Both recovered.  Following a surprise visit by an Auntie (godmother) the children were taken back to London to take their chances with the german bombing; their mother feeling they were better off with her.  Wendy spent many a night in the underground stations of London while taking cover from the german bombing.  She had a couple of near misses, one when a bomb narrowly missed their house.  They had taken cover under the kitchen table and damage was done to the house. The second time was when she was out at a dance with friends and a couple of US servicemen.  They left the dance and some minutes later, their was an air-raid and a bomb dropped on the dance hall, killing all inside.  After the war, she started working for Anglo American Gold Corporation in London as a secretary where she met Gerald James Risby, an upcoming young executive.  Once they were engaged, she had to leave her position as secretary because romantic involvement between employees was not condoned.  They subsequently married and, during the course of Gerry's career, visited and lived in many countries including USA, Canada, Bermuda, South Africa, Rhodesia, Mozambique and other countries were there were mines.  Following her husband's death in South Africa, she moved back to Canada and then a couple of years later returned to the UK and settled in Bexhill-on-Sea, where she lived the remainder of her life.  She remarried 15 years after Gerry's death to Jack Mitchell and died of lung cancer on January 3, 1999. ~1818 Hannah Beattie nee Tait 199 199 James Tait Piece: SCT1841/817 Place: Cummertrees -Dumfries-shire Enumeration District: 6
Civil Parish: Cummertrees Ecclesiastical Parish, Village or Island: -
Folio: 6 Page: 2
Address: Trailtrow

Surname         First name(s)         Sex         Age         Occupation         Where Born         Remarks
TAIT         James         M         45         Agricultural Labourer Mostly          Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Catharine         F         40         Wife          Dumfries-shire          Occupation crossed off
TAIT         Hannah         F         22         Agricultural Labourer          Dumfries-shire
TAIT         George         M         20         Agricultural Labourer          Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Catharine         F         13         Agricultural Labourer          Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Mary         F         11                   Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Helen         F         9                   Dumfries-shire
Page: 6/3         TAIT         Margt.         F         7                   Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Jemima         F         5                   Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Rachel         F         2                   Dumfries-shire
TAIT         Elizabeth         F         9m                   Dumfries-shire
TAIT         James         M         9m                   Dumfries-shire
1665 - 1736 Mary Tapp 71 71 Marjorie L Taylor Vera Joyce Temring Emily Thomas 1864 - 1959 Faulconer Stephen Thomas 95 95 1866 - 1923 Harry Yates Thomas 57 57 1894 Sidney Albert Thomas 123 123 1833 - 1921 Stephen Thomas 88 88 Claude Reg Thompson ~1946 Elaine Thompson 71 71 1951 Jeremy P Thompson 65 65 1944 Vernon R Thompson 73 73 ~1718 - 1771 Jane Toath 53 53 1893 - 1977 Daisy Tomsett 84 84 George Alfred Townsend D. 1832 Elizabeth Trangmer 1884 - 1917 Charles Tribe 33 33 1906 - 1912 Ethal Tribe 6 6 == Biography ==

1911 Horley, Surrey

Buried 24 June 1912 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1906, June qtr, district Horsham, county Sussex, Vol 2b, page 307
England and Wales civil registration death index 1837-1915 ; 1912, June qtr, district Reigate. County Surrey, vol 2a, page 250

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; ref 4215/3
1914 - 1975 Winifred Tribe 60 60 == Biography ==

Married Clement Talbot in 1948

Buried 9 Jan 1975 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry family trees
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1914, June qtr, district Reigate, County Surrey, vol 2a, page 419
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1948,sept qtr, Surrey South Eastern, vol 5g, page 1918
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1975, Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 1186

Surrey England Church of England Burials 1813-1987 ; ref 7795/1/26
Male Trull CHARLOTTE TRUSSLER 1837 Isabella Turner 180 180 Thomas Turner 1925 Michael A. Turnnidge 91 91 1954 Stephen Turnnidge 62 62 1833 George Turpin 184 184 1831 John Turpin 186 186 Male Turpin 1827 Mary Ann Turpin 190 190 1836 Samuel Turpin 181 181 ~1902 Cyril Twine 115 115 Harry Twine ~1900 Leslie Twine 117 117 ~1904 Reggie Twine 113 113 1957 - <1999 David G Underwood 42 42 Harold G A Underwood Unknown D. 1648 Unknown Unknown 1871 - 1958 Mary Vago 86 86 1885 - 1956 Alfred Edward Vigar 70 70 == Biography ==

1891 Croydon Surrey - Scholar

=== Note ===: Note:  Bio notes: April 16, 1892 Arrived in Nova Scotiato move to Alberta

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1891 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1885, Dec qtr district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 205, line 142
1842 - 1859 Ann Vigar 17 17 == Biography ==

1851living Cuckfield, Sussex

== Sources ==

1851 census
* Source: <span id='S-483650301'>S-483650301</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  Ancestry Family Trees Publication:  Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:  Original data:  Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.   Page:  Ancestry Family Tree Data:Text: * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:
1872 - 1962 Cecil Arthur Vigar 90 90 == Biography ==

1881 Croydon Surrey - Scholar
1891 Croydon, Surrey  - Fishmonger

=== Note ===: Note:  Bio notes: April 16, 1892 Arrived in Nova Scotiato move to Alberta

=== Object ===
: Object:  :: File:
:: Format:  jpg:: Title:  Cecil Vigar, Helena Mary (Graves) Vigar andMillicent Mary (Vigar) Martin

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1881,1891 census
1868 - 1936 Charles Vigar 68 68 == Biography ==

Appears as Charles Frank And Frank Charles

1871 Standford, Kent
1881 Croydon, Surrey - Errand Boy

=== Object ===
: Object:  :: File:
:: Format:  jpg
:: Title:  Frank Vigar - 1914
: Object:  :: File:
:: Format:  jpg
:: Title:  Frank Vigar Family - 1903

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1871,1881 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index  1837-1915 ; 1868, Mar Qtr District Malling county Kent, Vol 2a, page 499, Line 341
1846 - 1928 Daniel Vigar 82 82 == Biography ==

Baptised 15 Mar 1846 Worth, Sussex

1851 living Cuckfield, Sussex
1861 St Marylebone , London Middlesex - Page boy, servant
1871 Standford, Kent - Railway Signalman
1881 Croydon, Surrey - Railway Signalman
1891 Croydon Surrey - Fish Monger

=== Note ===
: Note:  Bio notes: The Vigar Family arrived in Halifax Nova Scotia on Apr. 16, 1892.

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1851,1861,1871, 1881, 1891census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1846, Mar Qtr district East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 7, page 381, line 1
England births and Christenings 1538-1975 ; GS Film No  0919105-6,0416753
England and Wales civil registration marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1965,Mar Qtr, District Cuckfield County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 285, line 25
England Sussex Parish Registers 1538-1910 ;  GS Film No 000918468, image No 00567
1866 Florence A Vigar 151 151 == Biography ==

1871 Standford, Kent - Scholar
1881 Croydon Surrey - Nurse (D)

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1871, 1881 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1866, Mar Qtr, district Malling, county Kent, Vol 2a, page 460, Line 205
1820 - 1893 Francis Vigar 72 72 1869 - 1932 Frederick Daniel Vigar 63 63 == Biography ==

1871 Standford Kent
1881 Croydon Surrey - Scholar

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1871,1881 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1869, Dec qtr district Elham, County Kent, Vol 2a, page 897, line 218
1904 - 2003 Mabel Vigar 99 99 == Biography ==
''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Vigar-18 was created by [[Wishart-292 | David Wishart]] through the import of Wishart.ged on Jan 13, 2014. ''This comment and citation can be deletedafter the biography has been edited and primary sources are included.''</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.''

== Sources ==

<references />
* Source: <span id='S-483650301'>S-483650301</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  Ancestry Family Trees Publication:  Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:  Original data:  Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.   Page:  Ancestry Family Tree Data:Text: * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:
1876 - 1960 Maud Eva May Vigar 83 83 == Biography ==

1881 Croydon, Surrey
1891 Croydon, Surrey

=== Name ===
: Name:  Maud Eva May /Vigar/<ref>Source: [[#S-483563656]]  APID:  1,8912::57023138</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483563607]]  Page:  Class: RG11;Piece: 808; Folio: 31; Page: 56; GSU roll: 1341190 APID:  1,7572::26677107</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page: 23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990865</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170012</ref>

=== Birth ===
: Birth:
:: Date:  16 JUL 1876:: Place:  Croydon, Surrey, England<ref>Source: [[#S-483563656]]  APID:  1,8912::57023138</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483563607]]  Page:  Class: RG11; Piece: 808; Folio: 31; Page: 56; GSU roll:1341190 APID:  1,7572::26677107</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page: 23; FamilyNo: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990865</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170012</ref>

=== Residence ===: Residence:  Age: 24Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Wife
:: Date:  1901:: Place:  Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170012</ref>: Residence:  Age: 28Relation to Head of House: Wife; Marital Status: Married
:: Date:  1906:: Place:  Townships 26 to 31 inclusive in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 4th M, Calgary, Alberta, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page:23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990865</ref>
: Residence:  Age: 4Relation to Head of House: Daughter
:: Date:  1881:: Place:  Croydon, Surrey, England<ref>Source: [[#S-483563607]]  Page:  Class: RG11; Piece: 808; Folio: 31; Page: 56; GSU roll: 1341190 APID:  1,7572::26677107</ref>

=== Event ===
: Event:  Age: 16
:: Type:  Arrival:: Date:  1894<ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page: 23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990865</ref>

=== Note ===: Note:  Bio notes: April 16, 1892 Arrived in Nova Scotiato move to Alberta

== Sources ==

Family Search records

1881, 1891 Census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1876, Sept Qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 230, line 55

<references />
* Source: <span id='S-483563607'>S-483563607</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1881 England Census Author: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Publication:  Ancestry.comOperations Inc APID:  1,7572::0  * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:* Source: <span id='S-483563656'>S-483563656</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915 Author:  FreeBMD Publication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8912::0  * Source: <span id='S-483650241'>S-483650241</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1906 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Author: Publication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8827::0  * Source: <span id='S-483650298'>S-483650298</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1901 Census of Canada Author: Publication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8826::0
1880 - 1959 Ada Vowells 79 79 >1889 Ada Wade 128 128 >1889 Annie Wade 128 128 1895 Arthur Wade 122 122 1864 Arthur William Wade 153 153 1830 Charles Wade 187 187 1859 Charles Thomas Wade 158 158 >1889 Elizabeth Wade 128 128 1855 Ellen Wade 162 162 >1889 Ethel Wade 128 128 1893 - 1979 Florence Wade 86 86 1891 Frederick Wade 126 126 1791 - 1864 Hannah Wade 73 73 <1791 - 1864 Hannah Wade 73 73 1823 James Wade 194 194 >1889 Jenny Ellen Wade 128 128 1822 Lydia Wade 195 195 1826 Sarah Wade 191 191 1793 - 1869 Thomas Wade 76 76 1819 William Wade 198 198 John Wainwright Elizabeth Walder 1846 - 1898 Frances Walker 52 52 1910 Kenneth Lloyd Walkey 106 106 1970 Sarah Christine Wallis 47 47 1740 Ann Walsom 276 276 1736 Decima Walsom 280 280 1730 Esther Walsom 287 287 1727 Mary Walsom 289 289 1722 Sarah Walsom 294 294 1727 - 1795 Susannah Walsom 67 67 1666 - 1704 Thomas Walsom 38 38 1693 Thomas Walsom 324 324 1735 Twyford Walsom 281 281 1696 - 1775 William Walsom 79 79 1723 William Walsom 293 293 1731 William Walsom 285 285 D. 1738 Elizabeth Walton 1966 Joanna Wand 51 51 Lisa Wand Peter Wand James Ward Priscilla Ward 1879 Annie Warren 138 138 ~1881 Emily Warren 136 136 1885 - 1938 Grace Warren 53 53 James Warren 1850 John Cornelius Warren 167 167 Thomas Watts ~1732 - 1744 Thomas Watts 12 12 1873 - 1926 Charles Wayte 53 53 1823 Charles Wayte 194 194 1874 Edith Wayte 143 143 1895 Gladys Alma Wayte 121 121 1896 Guy G Wayte 121 121 1880 Henry Wayte 137 137 1912 - 1973 James Webber 61 61 == Biography ==

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1912, June qtr, district Croydon County Surrey, Vol 2a,  page 701
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; June 1973, district Bath County Somerset, Vol 7c, page 763
1879 - 1961 James Webber 82 82 1908 - 1998 Mabel Webber 90 90 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1908, June qtr, District Croydon, County Surrey, Vol 2a , page 411
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Dec 1998, district Chippenham, County Wiltshire, Reg No A3, District and sub district 7881A, entry No 252
England and Wales marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1933, June qtr, districtCaine, County Wiltshire, Vil5a, Page 219
1910 Phyllis Webber 107 107 == Biography ==

1911 living Beddington, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1875 Alfred Wells 142 142 1906 Beatrice Wells 111 111 == Biography ==

1911 Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees ;
Family Search Records

1911 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth index 1837-1915 ; 1906, June qtr, District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, Page 222, line 328
1903 - 1976 Florance Wells 73 73 == Biography ==

Baptised 2 Apr 1904, St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

1911 Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry. co uk

1911 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1903, Dec Qtr , District Reigate, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 214

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; Ref 4215/1

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 : Ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales civil Registration Death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1976, District Sutton, County Greater London, Vol 15, page 0596
1901 - 1978 Mary Wells 77 77 == Biography ==

Baptised 8 Dec 1901 St Bartholomew, Horley, Surrey

1911 Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family trees

1911 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1901 DecQtr, District Reigate, Surrey, Vol 2a, page 200

Surrey England Church of England Baptisms 1813-1912 ; ref 4215/1

Surrey England Church of England Marriages 1754-1937 ; Ref 7795/1/6
England and Wales civil registration death index 1916-2007 ; Mar 1978, District Crawley, County West Sussex ; Vol 18, Page 2000
1908 - 1990 Signoretta Wells 82 82 == Biography ==

Married George W Phillips 1941

All records have first name Signoretta so spelling is correct

1911 Horley, Surrey

== Sources ==
<references />
* Ancestry Family Trees

1911 Census
England and Wales Civil Registration Birth Index 1837-1915 ; 1908, Sept Qtr district Reigate, Surrey, Vol 2a, page 224
England and Wales Civil Registration marriage index 1916-2005 ; 1941 , Dec qtr, Surrey South Eastern Vol 2a, page 1634
England and Wales civil Registration death index 1916-2007 ; Aug 1990, District Lewisham, County London, Vol 14, Page 549
Alice M E West 1920 - 1972 Gladys D West 52 52 >1563 Alice Wheeler 454 454 Anonymous Wheeler ? 1599 - ~1649 Elizabeth Wheeler 50 50 >1563 George Wheeler 454 454 George Wheeler >1563 Henry Wheeler 454 454 1607 Isaac Wheeler 409 409 1609 Isabelle Wheeler 407 407 ~1563 - 1643 John Wheeler 80 80 John Wheeler ~1540 John Wheeler 477 477 >1563 Jone Wheeler 454 454 Katherine Wheeler Male Wheeler 1603 Mary Wheeler 414 414 1609 Obadiah Wheeler 407 407 Ralfe Wheeler 1612 Ruth Wheeler 404 404 ~1650 Samuel Wheeler 367 367 <1605 Sarah Wheeler 412 412 Susan Wheeler >1563 Thomas Wheeler 454 454 1607 William Wheeler 409 409 >1563 William Wheeler 454 454 1837 Susan France Whichello 180 180 1863 Albert White 154 154 >1844 - 1939 Albert White 95 95 Had 23 children!!! 1855 Amelia White 162 162 >1884 Dolly White 133 133 Duncan White Duncan White 1887 - 1974 Elizabeth White 86 86 Ian White Thomas Whittall Eric Wicks ~1950 Susan Wicks 67 67 ~1899 Doris WILCOX 118 118 1885 Elizabeth Mary WILCOX 131 131 1882 - 1898 Emily Jane (Ciss) WILCOX 16 16 1890 - >1962 Evelyn Augusta (Eva) WILCOX 72 72 ~1933 - 1990 Harold George WILCOX 57 57 1862 Henry WILCOX 154 154 1886 - 1972 Herbert Leslie (Bert) WILCOX 86 86 1888 Isabella Maud (Dolly) WILCOX 1880 James Percy WILCOX 136 136 1868 Jane WILCOX 149 149 1864 - 1946 John WILCOX 82 82 1884 - 1958 John Eden Henry (Eden) WILCOX 74 74 ~1927 - <1990 Julia Mary WILCOX 63 63 Living WILCOX 1856 Maryanne WILCOX 160 160 1895 - 1979 Millicent Olive (Milly) WILCOX 84 84 ~1931 - <1990 Noel WILCOX 59 59 ~1878 Noel Thomas WILCOX 139 139 1892 Perley Evelyn WILCOX 124 124 1897 - 1976 Ralph WILCOX 79 79 1874 - 1929 Rose WILCOX 54 54 1859 - <1928 Sophia Lydia WILCOX 69 69 D. 1908 Thomas WILCOX 1857 Thomas WILCOX 159 159 1882 Thomas Edward WILCOX 134 134 1892 - 1917 Wilfred (Fred) WILCOX 24 24 1882 - 1956 William James Thomas WILCOX 73 73 ~1876 William Joseph WILCOX 141 141 ~1856 - 1874 William Joshua WILCOX 18 18 1859 - 1933 Arthur Wilding 74 74 1910 Eva Wilding 107 107 == Biography ==

1911 living West Hartlepool, Durham

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1910,Dec qtr, district Hartlepool, County Durham, Vol 10a, page 143
1881 - 1970 Harry Wilding 89 89 == Biography ==

1891 living Bletchingly, Surrey
1901 living West Hartlepool, Durham
1911 living West Hartlepool, Durham - Dock Labourer ( lumber carrying)

Arrived Quebec, Canada  28 July 1928

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales civil registration birth index 1837-1915 ; 1881, Mar qtr, East Grinstead, County Sussex, Vol 2b, page 163

Canadian passenger lists 1865-1935 :-
Name - Harry B Wilding ;
Gender - Male;
Age - 46 ;
Birth Year - about 1882 ;
Birth Country - England ;
Date of Arrival - 28 July 1928 ;
Vessel - Andania ;
Search Ship Database - Andania ;
Port of Arrival - Quebec, Canada ;
Port of Departure - Liverpool, England ;
England and Wales free bmd marriage index 1837-1915 ; 1903, Sept qtr,district Hartlepool, County Durham, Vol 10a, page 208
1909 - 1980 Olive Wilding 71 71 == Biography ==

1911living West Hartlepool, Durham

Arrived Quebec,Canada 28 July 1928

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1909, Jan qtr, district Hartlepool, County Durham, Vol 10a, page 163

Canadian passenger lists 1865-1935 :-
Name - Olive Wilding ;
Gender - Female ;
Age - 19 ;
Birth year - about 1909 ;
Birth Country - England ;
Date of Arrival - 28 July 1928 ;
Vessel - Andania ;
Search of database - Andania ;
Port of Arrival - Quebec , Canada
Port of Departure - Liverpool, England
1889 - 1975 William Wilding 86 86 == Biography ==

1891 Bletchingly, Surrey
1901 Horne, Surrey
1911 Horne, Surrey - Bricklayer

1916 Military

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1891,1901,1911 census
England and Wales free bmd birth index 1837-1915 ; 1889, Sept qtr, district Godstone, County Surrey, Vol 2a, page 195

British Army WW1 Service Records , 1914 -1920 :-
Gender - Male ;
Enlistment Age - 17 ;
Residence Place - Ivy Cottage, Newchapel, Nr Longfield ;
Regimental Number - 204129 ;
Regimental Name - Royal Engineers ;
Form Title - Enrolment Paper ;
England and Wales death index 1916-2007 ; Sept 1975,  Surrey South Eastern, Vol 17, page 0809
Elizabeth Wilkinson 1869 Eliza Wills 148 148 1797 - >1869 David Wilson 72 72 David Wilson ~1843 - 1869 Elizabeth Wilson 26 26 1898 Albert Windust 119 119 == Biography ==

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
1892 Alfred Windust 125 125 == Biography ==

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
1868 - 1948 Alfred Windust 80 80 1895 Alice Windust 122 122 == Biography ==

1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1905 Archibald Windust 112 112 == Biography ==

1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1911 census
1894 Ernest Windust 123 123 == Biography ==

1901 living Lambeth, London
1911 living Wimbledon, Surrey

== Sources ==

Ancestry family trees

1901,1911 census
Ella Winifred John Winterflood 1844 William Winterflood 173 173 Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? Anonymous Wishart ? 1867 - 1956 David Charles Wishart 88 88 1899 - 1945 Florence Frances Wishart 46 46 == Biography ==
''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Wishart-350 was created by [[Wishart-292 | David Wishart]] through the import of Wishart.ged on Jan 13, 2014. ''This comment and citation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary sources are included.''</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.''

=== Name ===: Name:  Florence Frances /Wishart/<ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170013</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page: 23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990866</ref><ref>Source:[[#S-483650238]]  Page:  Year: 1911; Census Place: Medicine Hat, Alberta; Page: 3; Family No: 26 APID:  1,8947::2960447</ref>

=== Birth ===
: Birth:
:: Date:  14 Apr 1899:: Place:  Rosebud, Wheatland, Alberta, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud,Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170013</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page: 23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990866</ref><ref>Source: [[#S-483650238]]  Page:  Year: 1911; Census Place: Medicine Hat, Alberta; Page: 3; Family No: 26 APID:  1,8947::2960447</ref>

=== Residence ===: Residence:  Age: 12Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Daughter
:: Date:  1911:: Place:  Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650238]]  Page:  Year: 1911; Census Place: Medicine Hat, Alberta; Page: 3; Family No: 26 APID:  1,8947::2960447</ref>: Residence:  Age: 7Relation to Head of House: Daughter; Marital Status: Single
:: Date:  1906:: Place:  Townships 26 to 31 inclusive in ranges 22, 23, 24 west of the 4th M, Calgary, Alberta, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650241]]  Page:  Year: 1906; Census Place: 17, Calgary, Alberta; Page:23; Family No: 327 APID:  1,8827::2990866</ref>: Residence:  Age: 1Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Daughter
:: Date:  1901:: Place:  Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories, Canada<ref>Source: [[#S-483650298]]  Page:  Year: 1901; Census Place: Rosebud, Alberta, The Territories; Page: 1; Family No: 12 APID:  1,8826::11170013</ref>

== Sources ==

<references />
* Source: <span id='S-483650238'>S-483650238</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1911 Census of Canada Author: Publication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8947::0  * Repository: <span id='R-998425720'>R-998425720</span> Name:* Source: <span id='S-483650241'>S-483650241</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1906 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Author: Publication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8827::0  * Source: <span id='S-483650298'>S-483650298</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  1901 Census of Canada Author:  Ancestry.comPublication: Operations Inc APID:  1,8826::0  * Source:<span id='S-483650301'>S-483650301</span> Repository: [[#R-998425720]] Title:  Ancestry Family Trees Publication:  Online publication - Provo, UT, USA:  Original data:  Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.   Page:  Ancestry Family Tree Data:   Text:
Alice Wood William Wood Anonymous Woodall ? Sarah Woodell 1796 - 1853 Abraham Woolgar 57 57 Abraham Woolgar 1884 Ada Woolgar 133 133 1891 Census
5 Records found

Piece: RG12/811 Place: Brighton -Sussex Enumeration District: 46
Civil Parish: Brighton Ecclesiastical Parish: St. Nicholas
Folio: 144 Page: 26 Schedule: 195
Address: 55 North Rd

Surname         First name(s)         Rel         Status         Sex         Age         Occupation         Where Born         Remarks
WOOLGAR         Faulconer W.         Head         M         M         37         Baker (Em'er)          Sussex - Hastings
WOOLGAR         Jane         Wife         M         F         36                   Sussex - Bolney
WOOLGAR         Ethel         Dau         -         F         6         Scholar          Sussex - Brighton
WOOLGAR         Ada         Dau         -         F         3                   Sussex - Brighton
WOOLGAR         John         Brothr         M         M         34         Baker (Em'ee)          Sussex - Hastings
1888 Ada Woolgar 129 129 1868 - 1938 Ada Sarah Woolgar 70 70 1573 Agnes Woolgar 444 444 1981 Alexander Woolgar 36 36 Alice Woolgar 1634 Ann Woolgar 383 383 1811 - <1863 Ann Bayley Woolgar 52 52 Anne Woolgar 1814 - 1852 Arthur Faulconer Woolgar 38 38 1847 - 1905 Arthur Faulkner Woolgar 58 58 Dwelling:    High Street
Census Place:    Edenbridge, Kent, England
Source:    FHL Film 1341217     PRO Ref RG11    Piece 0911    Folio 26    Page 11
Marr    Age    Sex    Birthplace
Arthur F. WOOLGAR    M    34     M    Hastings, Sussex, England
Rel:    Head
Occ:    Fly Proprietor
Sarah WOOLGAR    M    32     F    Under River, Kent, England
Rel:    Wife
Ada S. WOOLGAR         13     F    Eden Bridge, Kent, England
Rel:    Daur
Occ:    Scholar
Minnie B. WOOLGAR         11     F    Eden Bridge, Kent, England
Rel:    Daur
Occ:    Scholar
Rhoda A. WOOLGAR         7     F    Eden Bridge, Kent, England
Rel:    Daur
Occ:    Scholar
Percy W. WOOLGAR         3     M    Eden Bridge, Kent, England
Rel:    Son
Thirza MOYCE    U    17     F    Under River, Kent, England
Rel:    Cousin
Occ:    Domestic Servant
1779 - 1870 Bridger Woolgar 90 90 Caroline Woolgar 1837 Caroline Elizabeth Woolgar 180 180 1813 - 1813 Caroline Faulkner Woolgar 8m 8m 1814 - <1863 Caroline Faulkner Woolgar 49 49 1863 Charles Woolgar 154 154 Charles Woolgar 1827 Charles Woolgar 189 189 1849 - 1942 Charlotte Woolgar 93 93 1819 Charlotte Augusta Woolgar 197 197 Census Transcript Household Sussex 1871
Address     Bancks
Parish     Plumpton
Registration District     Lewes
Image Reference     RG10/1065/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
George     Backwell     53     1818     Head     Plumpton, Sussex     Grocer Master
Charlotte     Backwell     52     1819     Wife     Plumpton, Sussex
Allis     Backwell     3     1868     Grand Daughter     Cuckfield, Sussex
Ann     Woolgar     77     1794     Mother     Cuckfield, Sussex     Annuitant
Leonard     Welfare     28     1843     Lodger     East Chiltington, Sussex     Farm Labourer
Daisy M Woolgar 1792 - 1860 Edward Woolgar 67 67 1601 - 1601 Edward Woolgar 2m 2m 1603 Edward Woolgar 413 413 1821 Edward Woolgar 195 195 1819 Eleanor Woolgar 198 198 1980 Elizabeth Woolgar 37 37 1843 Elizabeth Woolgar 174 174 1772 Elizabeth Woolgar 244 244 1617 - 1617 Elizabeth Woolgar 5d 5d Elizabeth Woolgar 1845 Ellen Woolgar 172 172 Ellen Woolgar 1835 Emily Woolgar 182 182 1810 Emily Woolgar 207 207 1808 Emma Woolgar 208 208 1885 Ethel Woolgar 132 132 1885 Ethel Woolgar 132 132 1853 - 1936 Faulconer William Woolgar 82 82 Residence Relation to Head of House: Brother-in-law. 1871 All Saints, Sussex, England. [25] Relation to Head of House: Head. 1891 Brighton, Sussex, England. [26] Marital Status: MarriedRelationship to Head: Head. 1881 Brighton, Sussex, England. [27] Relation to Head: Head. 1901 Brighton, Sussex, England. [28] Marital Status: MarriedRelation to Head of House: Head. 02 Apr 1911. Brighton, Sussex, England. [29] Relation to Head of House: Son. 1861 Hastings St Mary in the Castle, Sussex, England. [30] Brighton, Sussex, England. [31]

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1881
Address     55 North Road
Parish     Brighton
Registration District     Brighton
Image Reference     RG11/1090/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Falconer W     Woolgar     27     1854     Head     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
Jane     Woolgar     26     1855     Wife     Bolney, Sussex
Jane     Woolgar     3m     1881     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex
John     Woolgar     20     1861     Brother     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
Charles     Woolgar     18     1863     Brother     Hildenborough, Kent     Baker

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1891
Address     No 55 North Road
Registration District     St. Peter, Brighton
Image Reference     RG12/0811/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Janarthan     Woolgar     37     1854     Head     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
Jane     Woolgar     36     1855     Wife     Bolney, Sussex
Ethel     Woolgar     6     1885     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex     Scholar
Ada     Woolgar     3     1888     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex
John     Woolgar     34     1857     Brother     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
Gainer Woolgar 1833 - 1905 Gainey Woolgar 72 72 George Woolgar 1914 George Stephen Woolgar 102 102 1779 Grace Woolgar 238 238 1699 Grace Woolgar 317 317 Harriot Woolgar 1885 Harry Woolgar 132 132 1817 - 1818 Hoffman Woolgar 8m 8m 1787 Isaac Woolgar 229 229 1766 - 1854 James Woolgar 87 87 1841 Jane Woolgar 176 176 1607 - 1638 Jane Woolgar 30 30 Jane Woolgar 1783 Jane Woolgar 234 234 1838 - 1902 Jane Frances Woolgar 64 64 Joan Woolgar 1618 Joane Woolgar 398 398 1861 John Woolgar 156 156 Not in Census After 1891

Census Transcript Household Sussex 1891
Address     No 55 North Road
Registration District     St. Peter, Brighton
Image Reference     RG12/0811/F?
Found 5 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Janarthan     Woolgar     37     1854     Head     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
Jane     Woolgar     36     1855     Wife     Bolney, Sussex
Ethel     Woolgar     6     1885     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex     Scholar
Ada     Woolgar     3     1888     Daughter     Brighton, Sussex
John     Woolgar     34     1857     Brother     Hastings, Sussex     Baker
1740 John Woolgar 277 277 1776 John Woolgar 240 240 1812 John Woolgar 204 204 1762 - 1770 John Woolgar 7 7 1698 - 1746 John Woolgar 47 47 1672 - <1702 John Woolgar 30 30 John Woolgar John Woolgar ~1490 - 1552 John Woolgar 62 62 ~1532 John Woolgar 485 485 D. 1558 John Woolgar John Woolgar 1766 John Woolgar 250 250 John Woolgar ~1914 Joy Woolgar 103 103 1851 Kate Woolgar 166 166 1948 Keith Leslie Woolgar 69 69 1884 Lawrence Woolgar 133 133 1810 - 1863 Lawrence Faulconer Woolgar 52 52 Census Transcript Family Sussex 1841
Address     Call Bach
Parish     Battle
Registration District     Battle, Hailsham & Hastings
Image Reference     HO107/1105/F?
Found 6 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Lawrence     Woolger     30     1811         Yes     Miler Journeyman
Gainey     Woolger     25     1816         Yes
Emily     Woolger     6     1835         Yes
Caroline     Woolger     4     1837         Yes
Jane     Woolger     3     1838         Yes
Gainey     Woolger     6 M     1841         Yes
Census Transcript Household Sussex 1851
Address     Long Field
Parish     Hastings St Mary In the Castle
Registration District     Hastings
Image Reference     HO107/1635/F? [Pages 331-332]
Found 9 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Faulconlt     Woolger     40     1811     Head     Herfield, Sussex     Miller
Gomy     Woolger     36     1815     Wife     Bexhill, Sussex
Emily     Woolger     14     1837     Daughter     Battle, Sussex
Jane     Woolger     10     1841     Daughter     Battle, Sussex
Elizabeth     Woolger     8     1843     Daughter     Fairlight, Sussex
Ellen     Woolger     6     1845     Daughter     Fairlight, Sussex
Arthur     Woolger     4     1847     Son     Fairlight, Sussex
Charlotte     Woolger     2     1849     Daughter     Fairlight, Sussex
Infant     ?     Under 1m     1851     Daughter     Hastings, Sussex ____________________________________________________________________________ Census Transcript Household Sussex 1861
Address     6 St Mary's Terrace
Parish     Hastings St Mary In the Castle
Registration District     Hastings
Image Reference     RG9/0560/F?
Found 10 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Relation     Birth Place     Occupation
Lawrence F     Woolgar     50     1811     Head     Menfield, Sussex     Miller
Ginbry     Woolgar     47     1814     Wife     Bexhill, Sussex
Elizabeth     Woolgar     18     1843     Daughter     Fairlight, Sussex
Ellen     Woolgar     16     1845     Daughter     Fairlight, Sussex     Grocer's Shop
Arthur     Woolgar     14     1847     Son     Fairlight, Sussex     Scholar
Kate     Woolgar     10     1851     Daughter     Hastings, Sussex     Scholar
Faulkner     Woolgar     8     1853     Son     Hastings, Sussex
Nancy     Woolgar     2     1859     Daughter     Hastings, Sussex
John     Woolgar     3 M     1861     Son     Hastings, Sussex
James     Oliver     20     1841     Apprentice Boarder     Beckley, Sussex     Miller's Apprentice
1818 Louisa Woolgar 198 198 1881 - 1883 Louisa Jane Woolgar 2 2 1950 Malcom George Woolgar 67 67 1833 Mar Ann Woolgar 183 183 1612 - 1613 Margaret Woolgar 23d 23d 1765 Mary Woolgar 251 251 1749 Mary Woolgar 268 268 1705 Mary Woolgar 312 312 1694 - 1705 Mary Woolgar 10 10 1630 Mary Woolgar 386 386 Mary Woolgar 1811 Mary Ann Woolgar 205 205 Mary Ann married Henry Pelling by banns on 1 Febraury 1835 in Henfield, Sussex.  He was a bachelor and she a spinster and they were both of Henfield.  The witnesses to their marriage were William Pelling and Ellen Woolgar. 1811 Mary Ann Woolgar 205 205 1870 Minnie Bertha Woolgar 147 147 ~1912 - 2000 Mona Woolgar 88 88 1859 Nancy Woolgar 158 158 1949 Nicholas H Woolgar 68 68 1910 - 1993 Norah May Woolgar 82 82 1878 - 1938 Percy William Woolgar 60 60 1789 - 1863 Philip Woolgar 74 74 Name     Philip Woolgar
County     Sussex
Event Type     Census
Event Date     1861
Event Place     Plumpton, Sussex, England
Registration District     Lewes
Residence Note     Plumpton Lane
Gender     Male
Age     72
Marital Status     Married
Occupation     Gardener
Relationship to Head of Household     Head
Institution     Ditching Poor House
Birth Year (Estimated)     1789
Birthplace     Henfield, Sussex
Page Number     4
Registration Number     RG09
Piece/Folio     584 / 52
Affiliate Record Type     Household




Philip Woolgar     Head     M     72     Henfield, Sussex
Anne Woolgar     Wife     F     66     Uckfield, Sussex
1804 - 1881 Philip Woolgar 77 77 Philip Woolgar Philip Woolgar Queenie Woolgar Reginal Eric Woolgar 1874 - 1931 Rhoda Annie Woolgar 57 57 Robin James Woolgar ~1898 Rona Woolgar 119 119 1886 - 1969 Ronald Arthur Woolgar 83 83 Census Transcript Household Kent 1911
Image Type     Normal Household
Address     2 Stangrove rd, Edenbridge, Kent
Civil Parish     Edenbridge
Sub District     Penshurst
Registration District     Sevenoaks
Image Reference     RG14 - PN4029 RD49 SD3 ED2 SN118
Found 3 Results.
Forename     Surname     Age     Year Born     Gender     Relation     Marriage Status     Years Married     Birth Place     Occupation
Ronald Arthur     Woolger     24     1887     Male     Head     Married         Edenbridge, Kent     Fly Driver
Agnes Rachel     Woolger     25     1886     Female     Wife     Married     1     Braintree, Essex
Ruby     Woolger     6 M     1911     Female     Daughter             Edenbridge, Kent
1910 - 1988 Ruby Woolgar 77 77 Ruby Woolgar ? 1979 Rupert Woolgar 38 38 1774 - 1825 Samuel Woolgar 51 51 1752 - 1752 Samuel Woolgar 18d 18d 1755 - 1839 Samuel Woolgar 83 83 1702 Samuel Woolgar 314 314 1643 - 1702 Samuel Woolgar 59 59 1675 Samuel Woolgar 341 341 1762 - 1843 Samuel Woolgar 81 81 Samuel Woolgar 1697 Sarah Woolgar 319 319 1781 - 1869 Stephen Woolgar 87 87 1712 - 1791 Stephen Woolgar 79 79 1741 - 1821 Stephen Woolgar 80 80 1624 Stephen Woolgar 392 392 1569 - 1636 Stephen Woolgar 67 67 1771 Stephen Woolgar 246 246 1816 Stephen Woolgar 200 200 1815 Stephen Woolgar 201 201 Stephen Woolgar Stephen Woolgar 1875 Stephen Woolgar 142 142 1598 - 1624 Steven Woolgar 26 26 Susan Woolgar Susan Woolgar 1907 - 1941 Sylvis Eileen Woolgar 34 34 1628 Thomas Woolgar 388 388 1601 - 1610 Thomas Woolgar 9 9 1611 - 1633 Thomas Woolgar 22 22 ~1545 - 1593 Thomas Woolgar 48 48 D. 1610 Thomas Woolgar ~1530 - 1557 Thomas Woolgar 27 27 1773 - 1837 Thomas Woolgar 64 64 Thomas Woolgar Thomas Woolgar Violtet Woolgar 1784 William Woolgar 232 232 1671 - 1745 William Woolgar 74 74 1709 William Woolgar 307 307 1700 - <1708 William Woolgar 8 8 ~1595 - 1649 William Woolgar 54 54 1637 - 1644 William Woolgar 6 6 William Woolgar 1764 - 1843 William Woolgar 78 78 1813 William Woolgar 203 203 1805 William Woolgar 211 211 William Woolgar 1816 William Woolgar 200 200 1871 - 1950 Alice Elizabeth Wooster 79 79 1869 - 1927 Charles John Wooster 58 58 D. 1926 Earnest Richard Wooster 1881 Florence Wooster 136 136 1880 - 1962 Florence Mary Wooster 82 82 1845 - 1929 John Wooster 84 84 1873 - 1905 Kate Wooster 32 32 1886 - 1946 Lilian Mary Wooster 60 60 1888 - 1947 Sydney John Wooster 59 59 D. 1945 William Richard Wooster 1944 Richard Glynn Worsfold 72 72 1970 Shelley Anne Worsfold 46 46 1967 Craig Gilbert John Wright 50 50 1964 Gregory Joseph Wright 53 53 1934 Joseph Ephraim Wright 83 83 Anonymous Zimmermann ?
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